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Bunny_June online sex chats for YOU!


spoil me(, ❁´◡`❁) [981 tokens remaining]

Date: October 16, 2022

48 thoughts on “Bunny_June online sex chats for YOU!

  1. That's the thing. I don't know what to do with what I'm currently feeling. Like am I just supposed to suck it up? Why the heck would a guy search for their lady friends porn when the lady friend is someone he actually knows? is his girlfriend not enough???

  2. Wow. Your a terrible person. I don’t care how pretty you are…you are fucking ugly. Good luck finding a long term relationship with a guy who actually loves you for you. If this is the type of person you actually are…stick to the clubs and bars. Because you will never have a genuine relationship. Any nice, attractive, genuine guy, will never make you his girlfriend. You’re gonna have to “date down” because you have the personality of a fucking cigarette.

  3. Yea I just would like to know a general idea of when he’s going to come home before he leaves. I feel like that’s not wrong

  4. Maybe I was wrong here. But still she just got what she deserves imo. 2 wrongs don't make a right but still it was satisfying.

  5. Or don't date people so much older than you that they're in a totally different stage of life and looking for different things (in her case, long term commitment, in his case, not fucking that) and also consider the fact if someone in a totally different phase of their life wants to date you, a much younger person, why aren't they dating someone their own age who actually fucking wants the same things in that stage of life?

  6. Hello /u/SignificanceUsual659,

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  7. Ditch him. That isn't love. Nobody should ever treat their partner like that, especially when their partner has just lost a loved one and is grieving. Dude is selfish and guaranteed if you stay, he'll get weird and controlling about other things too. Or cheat himself since he's so obsessed with sex whenever he wants.

  8. Don’t continue the relationship. You’re 30 and she’s 28. Y’all are young, it won’t get better. And maybe she’s just not that into you or it’s a problem with her.

  9. All I’m seeing is you telling us what’s wrong with him. Other than you being a “depressed person” If we can see you’re not taking responsibility, I’m sure he can as well. Much more. Don’t pre diagnose people with bipolar. It’s much more complex than you’re making it seem.

  10. I have worked in multiple michelin star restaurants, is this a troll thread¿? Like WHAT do you think these restaurants are??? Your entire perspective comes across like a deranged person. You should spare this man the embarrassment of having to go out with such a downer weirdo.

  11. It’ll be 100% because of your own actions. You can prevent it happening for this reason by telling the truth prior to having sex.

  12. The urine can still (and very likely is) be caused by sexuaal trauma at any age. The physical body is highly connected to the mental and emotional. Something may have triggered your bf at some point before or during sex that caused him to urinate. He definitely should be seeking treatment for his trauma. I would suggest even attending some sessions with him to help you process and cope moving forward as a couple.

  13. The urine can still (and very likely is) be caused by sexuaal trauma at any age. The physical body is highly connected to the mental and emotional. Something may have triggered your bf at some point before or during sex that caused him to urinate. He definitely should be seeking treatment for his trauma. I would suggest even attending some sessions with him to help you process and cope moving forward as a couple.

  14. I personally think she’s been irrational and is failing to see that we both have to compromise in order to have a wedding where both our families can attend.

    All I’ve been asking is she just accepts doing it in July.

    Here's the thing… If she “just accepts doing it in July”, I am clear on how she is compromising & what she is giving up. But I am not clear on what YOU are giving up, or compromising on here.

    It will be too hard for her, which means that she is likely going to spend her day super uncomfortable. Do you have any idea what goes into a bride getting ready? She will probably won't sleep much, then she will have to be up at the crack of dawn for hair & makeup. If she is lucky, she might get a coffee & snack for breakfast. She will then be stuck in the heat in a dress that is made from super thick fabric that doesn't breathe, and is super heavy, so tiring to wear. She is probably going to spend a small fortune on hair & makeup (MUAs/Hairdressers charge hundreds of dollars) – in the heat her hair will fall & her makeup will start to slide off. Most brides don't get to eat a proper meal until dinner (if at all), so they end up dehydrated, hungry, lightheaded & with a headache.

    She told you that July is too expensive for her family and friends, so that means if she “just accepts doing it in July” like you want her to, then many of her family & friends won't be able to make it (which is the same reason you have used to rule out all of 2025).

    She has also told you that she doesn't want July because it will be too busy with tourists. So that is going to impact her ability to enjoy herself.

    She agreed to move it to June 2026 which is a compromise on her part, since she is delaying it by a year which she didn't want, and it allows both families & friends time to save, and maximises how many people can come, but YOU vetoed it, because one week isn't long enough for YOUR family, ignoring the fact that it means her family & friends can afford it.

    She agreed to move it forward to 2024, a compromise that would have increased her stress as she goes from having 2 years to plan the wedding to 1 year, but YOU shot it down as being too soon.

    She is right OP – she has offered several compromises here but you have shot them all down because they don't suit your family.

  15. Your gf wants to sleep with the other guy, and threesome is the way she can do it without “cheating”.

  16. No, you should not. They're your ex.

    I’m stable and happy in my current relationship (M23)

    And yet you want to self-sabotage the relationship. You should spend more time thinking about that then your ex's life.

  17. No I don’t think you should tell him. If he’s a co worker it could get out to others and if it ends in a messy way he will use the info against you.

    I’m always more on the side that you don’t have to disclose your history to anyone, even if you are dating them (unless it has the ability to impact them in some way, like an sti). It baffles me when ppl think they are entitled to know how many partners you have had previously etc etc. That is your business and they have no right to the info. If they get pissy about you not disclosing, they have the option to leave

  18. If you aren't ready, you aren't ready. He can take that or leave it.

    I agreed to get engaged to my partner this year and am desperate not to lose them, but it still doesn’t feel like the right thing for us or me. We’ve tried to find other solutions that don’t involve an engagement this soon but it appears to be the only option to make it clear that I am committed to this relationship.

    My boyfriend wanted to be engaged as soon as possible, ideally last year (which obviously didn’t happen) in order to have a tangible commitment from me to him.

    You live together. Is that not tangible?

  19. First of all, chill. How tf does any body think its cancer before thinking it might be from a deodorant, a mosquito bite or, the most probable, a swollen lymph node. Second, yeah no its not selfish at all. Especially if you are only 2 years together. But even if you were married and its an actual late stage cancer with a high chance of death, then your partner can choose to do whatever they want to do. On the verge of death your partner making it harder gor you to deal with the situation is awful.

  20. There was nothing wrong with your message. Bob is being a little bitch and trying to play victim.

  21. My friends don’t drive me drunk and then strand me places

    You need higher standards for friends.

  22. Your dad is a grown adult following other adults on social media, and as you said it, he is doing it publicly so he is not hiding anything. You really have no business stirring up issues with your parents over it. I'm sorry to tell you but majority of men especially your dad's age are looking at “almost naked young females” on social media. And I promise you if you look through your mum's eyes, she could very well be watching content involving young attractive men. It's not illegal or disgusting, and it's honestly none of your business. Leave him tf alone.

  23. This is like a field of red flags 😀

    and she assured me to trust her

    whenever a person says “trust me”, DO NOT TRUST THAT PERSON

    and that there’s nothing to worry about

    literally every time a man/woman says that, the opposite is true

    Do not associate with that girl.

  24. That's really unfortunate, I'm sorry. Most marriages do not need to begin with therapy, it's good that you're trying to make things work. But for your own wellbeing, you'll need to be able to recognise when enough is enough. Set boundaries and if they're crossed, don't ignore it or move the boundaries. It's easy to give up freedoms but an absolute slog to try and get them back later. He can't talk to you like that, he needs to treat you like an equal, not like a ward.

  25. I mean, teenagers on Reddit probably don’t get it.

    If you are 17, dating 14 year olds is out of question. Obviously.

    But If you are 35, dating 30 or 28 year old is normal.

    And if you are 45, dating a 35 year old isn’t a problem at all.

  26. I had to step away and calm down before I could type a comment that wouldn't get me banned. OP, you were raped. And your husband set you up for it. He acted as a pimp for his brother and farmed you out. He should never ever sire children. I won't say what I think should be done to a certain useless part of his anatomy. As much as I think charges should be filed, you may just want to walk away. You do what you need to do for your mental health.

  27. There is no reason to yell indeed. You're right. That's why, if I notice an arguement is getting to me, I step out.

    I don't want to lose her, but the revelation feels like it took the ground from under me. It feels like she rocked the fundation of our relationship. I recognize it took huge balls to tell me this, probably bigger than mine, but it really blindsided me and got me paniced.

  28. I think he's genuinely sweet and very awkward, but this just felt like a red flag to me. I'm still learning about him and vice/versa. I mean how can you know you love someone until you See them at their worst?

    I think I might try to tell him that I'm not there yet and see how he handles it.

  29. I just want to be clear about the turn of events (and you should discuss these with her).

    She is meeting random guys in a bar and having deep conversations with them. She then, against your wishes, invites them to her house, alone, without telling you. Lets him sleep over and doesn't tell you until the next day.

    Honestly there are only 2 possible scenarios I can think of here.

    She is incredibly naïve and is incapable of a proper risk assessment, sure she didn't end up dead this time, but what about the next. She cheated and is trickle-truthing you.

    Further to this, “She doesnt understand why i am mad. Asking me things like if i am jealous.” really makes me think that she doesn't value you at all as a partner so I would question the whole relationship on that alone. While yes I get that she can have male friends and stuff like that and you need to be ok with that because it's her life, but getting drunk with a stranger and inviting them back to your place is hookup culture and I think the odds of her not having cheated is slim, but even if she didn't she sent a clear signal to him that she wanted to sleep with him (why else allow him to go home with her alone, drunk) and so she risked a lot with that move.

    I honestly don't know how some people function.

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