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BUSTYPORTIAlive sex stripping with hd cam


54 thoughts on “BUSTYPORTIAlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. What a heart warming story. You got drunk and let a bartender fuck you for a lift home.

    I'm sure he's absolutely heart broken…

  2. Buy the house without him. He helped pay the down payment, sure. But don’t waste it. Take it and move forward and find someone that knows what he wants. You and your kids deserve that!

  3. Yea but lying breaks trust. Telling her the truth doesn't. If you lie once you'll lie again. Liars can't be trusted

  4. I had to check your alias to make sure I wasn't the one who wrote this post! Everything corresponds to my own story, durations and events, and how everything unfolded! Even what you think about relationships and friendships, that's my own philosophy! Crazy!

  5. Thank you! I have thought about it but I don’t think im ready to end it yet. Im just not sure if means it or if he’s just making excuses and stringing along .. maybe i’m just being scared hahahaha

  6. You are deliberately withholding info, to make your husband look bad. You are also trying to paint your sister as a “damsel in distress” that is “misunderstood”.

    Honestly, your husband would not be wrong if he divorced you. You're dropping a timebomb in his own home, and he doesn't need to put up with this mess.

  7. Very sketchy behaviour on his part and he doesn’t appear to be showing and giving you the respect you deserve. His controlling nature will only escalate.

  8. No, I have finished all my studies and I am working full time as an engineer. We unfortunately can’t trial run living together as he isn’t financially ready yet and I wouldn’t be able to pay for everything for the two of us.

  9. I mean. She was with her friend. It's not like she went to the bar alone. I would go to a gay bar with my sister if she needed the support. Or a normal bar with my brothers or my sister just to have fun And I'd want to do with without my partner, I like hanging out with my siblings without other people,I assume other people feel the same about their close/best friends

  10. I’d find that disrespectful but not everyone would. I don’t think it makes her inherently bad or disloyal but it’s also okay if it’s a dealbreaker for you. The fact that she deleted them is a good sign that she cares about how you feel.

  11. He also didn't choose to be honest, he just got caught. He knocked someone up and you really think they're going to stop having sex?

  12. Wtf are you smoking….patients can still sue and have sued. OBGYN doctors are among the most sued in society bc of shit like this. Imagine Karen comes in and 100% sure she wanted a hysterectomy at age 28 without any other indication. She can come back 10 years later and claimed that not everything was explained to her…signed paperwork goes out the window. That's why doctors are reluctant to perform these at such an early age.

  13. Hello /u/Careless_Wish,

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  14. Talk to a therapist to voice your concerns. If your parents could afford it, consider talking to a therapist. Your bf is unsupportive on all accounts because he's in only in it for the physical intimacy and not emotional intimacy.

    Don't jump into another relationship straightaway but rather take the time to be alone to understand yourself and what'd you expect from your partner. This way you could avoid toxic relationships.

  15. I'm not sure why I can't see any of the comments. If anyone would like to dm them to me? It would be very appreciated

  16. phone a domestic abuse helpline for advice about how to leave safely

    I had a bf when i was your age who was much like this and at the age of 51 a CT scan showed the broken rib he gave me … still broken

  17. Check out Gottman's “7 principles for making marriage work.” It's got great suggestions and exercises to figure out how to handle stuff like this.

    It sounds like you could use a scheduled time to connect and talk about your lives. And literally do nothing but that. 5-15 minutes, maybe a couple times a week before bed. Not a time to be doing stuff, just literally “yo tell me about your life”. Cause it sounds like you hang out plenty but thats not the kind of connection your wife is looking for.

  18. It doesn't sound like anything inappropriate is going on between you and your ex, rather you're both doing an admirable job of co-parenting without drama. “Cutting her off” will inject drama into the situation, which may be your new wife's goal. Your youngest with the ex is 15. She'll be 18 and off to college in 3 years, at which point you and the ex will probably have little to discuss and your kids will all be adults that can figure shit out for themselves. Tough situation but you need to gently but firmly insist that the current setup is working, is completely above board, and should be maintained, and meanwhile reassure her that your ex is your ex for a reason and you only maintain peaceful contact with her for the sake of your eldest kids and she shouldn't be threated by the fact that you two are drama-free and cordial.

    tl;dr she's jelly

  19. underhand and sneaky instead of just asking him

    trusting a stranger more than you trust him

    invasion of privacy

    often, people don't want their exes to have a say in their life, exes are ex for a reason

    a little bit weird and stalkery

  20. All I’ll say is that long distance relationships are hard and require extra work for both partners to feel secure.

    You absolutely need to talk about expectations before they leave. How often will you be checking in? What are visits going to look like? Are you going to take turns driving there or meet in the middle? FaceTiming ? What about other boundaries ? Obviously expectations can change as you get used to it but it has to be talked over.

  21. What's there to tell on? You've already shown him that he can cheat on you without any repercussions, so this is the relationship you've signed up for. Accept that your partner will cheat on you forever, or get a new partner.

  22. You are not an idiot for how you feel. Change is hard, you love him and wish he has treated you how you deserve. I’d really recommend reading The State of Affairs by Esther Perel and I’d recommend counselling for you too. Good luck

  23. Unfortunately you cant date potential. Trust his actions; he has grown complacent and stopped “dating” you for the past 3 months.

  24. Your fiance is in love with someone else that he has a kid with and you think the apartment is the problem?? Leave while you still can.

  25. You would be livid if someone accidentally dozed off and their head touched your shoulder? Livid? Seriously? You're so dramatic. It's not like she cuddled up cozy with him to get to sleep.

  26. I would talk to a lawyer asap

    You don't need a lawyer for this, the terms of breaking a lease should be laid out in the lease or just by calling the landlord if not, and then look up the legality of that with your local rental laws or tenant rights website, which will tell you what's needed, in plain language. Who gets a lawyer for room mate issues?

    cc: u/locus-of-control-

  27. Bro if you’re even on the fence about this then you got like no self respect , this person did this to hurt you . Get her out your like asap

  28. Your husband is 42 years old?! I would not be with a man that gave me the silent treatment as a “punishment” wtf is that?!? He needs to grow up and you need to remove you and your son from that toxic environment

  29. You mentioned your bf going out of town for two weeks but posted this same thing 3 weeks ago. So this has been going on since at least then. You don’t want to be in this relationship if you allow another man to make advances on you for this amount of time. You both should probably move on.

  30. You think she respects or cares about you? (FFS)

    Fact: She had a full blown love/sexual affair for MONTHS as a newlywed.

    … And then came back and lied to you every day for 2.5 years! And still kept in contact with him the entire time! (You know, in case she ever has a trip back to Costa Rica)

    The biggest question you will never get answered is why she came back and stayed with you afterwards.

    She has shown you exactly who and what she is and NOW you know what she is capable of… who or what circumstances in the future will trigger her next affair? (And there will be a next).

    True sunk cost is having 2+ kids, in the future. You will never get out cleaner than you can right this minute.

  31. Seriously, do not tolerate this. The fact that he disregarded your boundary the first time should have been a dealbreaker. That he did it a second time is unforgivable. If he didn’t respect you saying no please don’t, what makes you think he’s honouring you in leaving those photos/videos deleted.

    Expect better. You deserve better. Don’t tolerate this kind of gross disrespect from a partner.

  32. If you online in America you CAN get the police involved to subdue him if he won’t let you get your stuff

  33. This is such a weird question. Get to know him? You already know him.

    He's the guy who verbally abused you.

    He's the guy who physically abused you, including kicking you to try and make you have a miscarriage.

    He's the guy who cheated on you and lied to you.

    He's the guy who abandoned you and his daughter.

    No amount of putt putt golf is going to change who he is.

    I think you need to seek therapy to try and figure out why you would even consider letting this horrible and dangerous person back into your life.

  34. If you and bf are sexually active and he ejaculates inside of you, and the next day you want him to give you oral, chances are, especially if you haven't washed, that you have a fishy odor. His semen and your vaginal secretions might make a rather pungent mixture.

    In addition, you may have odor from urination and defecation that wiping just doesn't address.

    But I wouldn't want to do oral on someone unwashed. I wouldn't be offended if someone declined my next day funk.

  35. Yes, no one knows what you are going through. Not your partner and not the people here. So I can only tell you what I read here.

    Because you, on one hand, write that you are in serious need of help. You pass out at work! You're scared of injuring yourself!

    And then, on the other hand, you think that you can train a dog. These dogs need to be trained from a young age, meaning they are puppies.

    And puppies are energetic, little animals. Dogs also need to go on walks. A lot. Walks in which you will be out at nature, where you might get dizziness, nausea, confusion and dissociation in the middle of the woods. Which means that, if work is already dangerous for you, then taking care of a dog is even more dangerous – no matter if the animal is trained or not. Dogs cause people to be physically more active, after all.

    So, are you sure that you can train and take care of the dog? That none of it would fall on your partner? Not the walking, training, playing, cleaning up accidents or rushing to the vet in case of emergencies, no matter how you're feeling?

    What you are saying doesn't add up. You can't give us a list of such debilitating and dangerous conditions you can suddenly develop and then confidently say that you can train a dog yourself. To me, this doesn't add up. You also never spoke a word about if your partner even likes dogs or living with them.

    To me, this sounds like some farfetched idea that is zero percent rooted in reality and what's possible.

  36. Update not to long after posting: he handed me his phone so I can check my Snapchat messages to try and finish some sales but he seemed(has been) tense and he had told me to not read a message not to long b4 this cuz it was “important” to be clear we have given each other full permission to look through each other's phones and know each others passwords. The likeability of him seeing this pair and being either pissed or just really fucking disappointed is high and likely but Im hoping to find help b4 then. But I had decided to look through what open tabs he had to see if it was anything I can maybe help with seeing as he doesn't voice when he needs help or is doing something stressful. I am definitely not happy to see him asking a pornstar on Instagram for a video and had texted 2 other girls about the same thing. I just want him to see me and just me, is that controlling or toxic of me? Am I holding him back from a better life or happiness?

  37. Again not passing judgement but rather learned lessons from my own similar experience where I carried toxicity from the past into new relationships causing even more hurt and them to fail too. Wasted a lot of time and lost a lot of good people before realizing I was actually creating the problems I found.

  38. I didn’t edit or change my original post, not sure why you’re saying that. Like I stated in another comment to you, I reiterated at the end that my wife is a woman and in my post I said I wonder if this would’ve sounded worse if she was a man. At the time I wrote it I was second guessing myself and expecting a bunch of comments telling me I’m irrational. I wanted people to think twice before giving her a pass for being a woman, because in reality, women do get passes too often.

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