Caroline, ❤️ xoxo [Today is my last broadcast ❤️], 18 y.o.
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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Caroline, ❤️ xoxo [Today is my last broadcast ❤️]
Date: October 28, 2022
“How would you feel if I did this with one of my guy friends?” “Its telling that you don't seem to care about how I feel.”
I also choose this guy's exes tits.
As a professional man of 20 years, I would advise that you wait at least 3 years before marriage. A lot can happen between now and then, and you still have a lot to learn about one another. You're 20, he's 27. I don't mean to offend but I don't feel like he wants you in the good meaningful way. This is rushing and it is not a great idea. Marrying him isn't inevitable. Please do not marry him this soon OP. This is a recipe for disaster. Everything is colors and rainbows in the beginning but time is the true test.
I am in the USA
I'd say let it lie mate, be a good friend and don't go trying to get involved with a woman who is already in a relationship, much less the sister of a close friend. That's not fair to her or you and a really shitty way to try and start a long term relationship.
As for feelings, I WOULD suggest you find someone who is safe to talk it out with. Helps if you can get these sort of things in the open.
In the event she is single, talk it out with your buddy before or shortly after making your move.
Get a lawyer, take your evidence and sue your wife. Then divorce her. Or divorce her first, then sue her. Whichever option ends with you losing the least amount of money overall.
So you skipped out on your 3 month sperm count test?
Lol I even said what if I started posting pics of myself in a bikini or revealing clothes and he basically was like absolutely not. He doesn’t want anyone seeing me but is ok seeing every other girl very hot.
Start collecting evidence and talking to a lawyer. This isn’t normal and she can’t justify it. He is 100% cheating on you.
Came to say this. I can sew a whole outfit but unless it is very minor alteration, I won’t be able to do it. Especially men’s trousers. It is so dang very hot. It is so much better/easier to get it professionally done.
I don’t know, but neither does Op. He probably doesn’t know, either. And his wife definitely doesn’t know, which is the problem here.
She needs to know that he’s trying to sleep with randos so that she knows to go get tested and so that she can inform her healthcare provider. She will need multiple screenings for the rest of the pregnancy. And if any of those screenings are positive she may need a cesarean.
Friends sometimes grow apart. And it's even tougher than breaking up. You'll pull through.
You would've found out anyways so he should've just told you no?
Hey OP what does your husband look/dress like? Button ups and slacks with a belt 24/7 right? Always trimmed and groomed and bathed? And he absolutely makes equal or more than you correct?
If not not only is he awful but he’s a hypocrite. Honestly even if he is this is still ridiculous. Did you dress like you are now when you got together? Before you married? If yes then ask him why he didn’t mention his misogynistic standards before?
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Assuming the stats are true, it still is super yikes
I think this is where my awkwardness around it comes from, I feel like my house's dirt is my private thing hahahah it took me a while to let my now husband to touch my laundry, like it was several months of us living together until I felt ok with it. Probably something for me to work on more than anything.
Listen, if she wanted to be with you and talk to you she would. She’s definitely not your girlfriend, talking for 3 weeks is nothing. I guarantee you that you’re just one of many numbers on her phone that she’s entertaining the thought of talking to, sorry to say.
Based on your other comments, please get away from this guy. End it with him and start blocking him on everything. He’s horrible and misogynistic.
Yes I am telling you that it is gross. Once I turned 21 I could not look at teenagers in that way, they are basically still children. Now I am 23 and would never even consider dating someone under 21, there is a power imbalance that children don’t understand under they are older.
You could always create a throwaway account.
Sir, no disrespect, but you are being selfish. And you're acting with your hormones like any young guy who thinks with his dick will do. You aren't ready to commit to ONE woman. And that's ok.
What's NOT ok is to deceive the woman in your life who you can't commit too. You need to be free to go “sow your wild oats”. She needs to be free of someone who can't remain faithful to her.
If it's meant for you two to ultimately end up together, then you will. But obviously now is not that time.
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My position is that she should not be invited back into the house because one of the two partners does not want her back. So we agree.
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The “effort” you are putting forth in trying to have more sex literally amounts to shaming your husband for gaining weight and claiming that maybe you’d want to have sex more if he started caring about his weight. Even though you said yourself that these issues with sex have been the case for a much longer time, presumably when he was in better shape.
Why would your husband possibly think that him losing weight would have any impact on your desire to be intimate with him?
You also don’t actively work out yourself, you said you have a “fast metabolism” and sometimes do team sports. So about as much as your husband works out.
It sounds like you could stand do to a little self reflection yourself. You sound like a really shitty partner.
Abrupt changes of plans can throw people off. Leave it where it stands right now (he's not coming) but when you next see him, be warm, apologetic, and open-hearted.
Or, you can be more right than happy, and blame him for everything. Personally, I prefer to be more happy than right.
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Would you let your son date a man in his 30’s when he’s an 18 year old?
Because he’s a pedophile and preyed on a young teen with self esteem issues.
Omg. I'm imagining the awkward look on his face when the find my phone app zooms into some random chick's house.
Colloquially, no one uses hebephile or ephebophile, or any of the other terms that have been made up to basically say “I’m not attracted to toddlers/children! I really just want to fuck teens! It’s not that bad!”.
If you said it to someone who isn’t a psychologist/in mental health, I highly doubt they’d understand wtf you’re talking about. Pedophile covers anyone underage.
If this post is true, literally let her read this post. Idk how this hadn't come up in two years of dating?I would feel extremely weird if my SO was able to see my body /massage me but never told me why we haven't been intimate/ him undressed. Yes, you have trauma.
Bro…… come on bro, you are smarter than this.
Don't be nieve.
I understand the impulse, but it wasn’t your place to do that. Your sister’s relationship is none of your business, whether she’s trying to turn over a new leaf or not. It’s not really about loyalty to your sister or her bf, but simply the fact that it’s her life and her relationship, not yours .
In 20 years you're going to be so glad your chest is small. I never made it past an A cup; I'm 43 now and don't have any of the back problems my big-chested friends do. I hope you learn to love your small chest and that you find a partner who loves you as you are.
I didn’t say that.
Also know that depending on where you on-line if you give her regular alone time with the child it opens up the door for her to claim grandparents rights if you decide to cut off contact later.
He cheated, you chased him back, he cheated again. He is a guy who cheats. Not so sure this should surprise you.
Oh fuck off
Yikes. How come boob jobs don’t do this? And why can’t they use the same method they use for boob jobs?
You should ask the hospital social worker or police to connect you to a local domestic abuse program. They will help in instances like this– it doesn't just have to be physical abuse.
An advocate can help you with safety planning, knowing your rights and other resources.
Cheating on her was definitely not the way.
I know, I was a dumb guy when I started university, coming clean would also mean everyone I'm friends with knowing that I lied to all of them for the last 4 years. I really fucked it. Do you think she will ever forgive me? I've never lied to her about anything else.
I agree with this. Part of what’s nice about a spa day is working towards it knowing you’ll have it to look forward to at the end of a week.
A spa is luxury relaxation- we value relaxation so much more after we’ve worked very hot and tired ourselves out. It’s not a fun thing to do in the middle of a work day. It’s like being in the middle of a good work flow and someone forcing you to take a bath and slow down.
I dated a guy who was going to surprise me with a float tank once.. I figured it out based on some directions he’d given me in advance. It was a very nice thought but I was only there for the weekend, my hair had just been washed, and I told him I would rather just connect with him in a setting where we could be together.
I agree with this. Part of what’s nice about a spa day is working towards it knowing you’ll have it to look forward to at the end of a week.
A spa is luxury relaxation- we value relaxation so much more after we’ve worked very hot and tired ourselves out. It’s not a fun thing to do in the middle of a work day. It’s like being in the middle of a good work flow and someone forcing you to take a bath and slow down.
I dated a guy who was going to surprise me with a float tank once.. I figured it out based on some directions he’d given me in advance. It was a very nice thought but I was only there for the weekend, my hair had just been washed, and I told him I would rather just connect with him in a setting where we could be together.
Thank you for sharing this. Its very hot to see perspective when surrounded by emotion.
I hear you. In all honesty, I would be ok with it if the situation were reversed. Obviously it would hurt, but it’s not a dealbreaker for me and we could work through it if that’s what we decided. We have different views/feelings on things like that.
Any amount of swearing and yelling during a disagreement is unhealthy.
It can also seriously impact how your children view you, and choose the level of closeness they maintain as adults.
I've walked away from relationships for less. Your wife deserves better.
Is he in therapy? My therapist had me write notes or lists and that’s just the type of note I would expect her to have me write. That said, I usually toss them afterwords.
He's treating the ex like a child rather than a former partner.
She is exactly that; an adult. And normally functioning adults should be able to pay their bills and manage their finances not have someone else do it for them.
The ex is upset about paying some of the bills because she has a sweet, sweet deal right now that she clearly doesn't want to give up.
Now OP has to choose if he wants to move on or stay in a relationship with his ex wife.
You didnt get embarrassed, you mightve felt embarrassed but its not something that was done to you. If anything you embarrassed yourself by the way you asked her. She turned you down, which is her right. Just leave it and move on.
You can't. If they are sharing accommodations, wish him the best and end the relationship on good terms. If they aren't sharing, then tell him to have a good time and that you better get a fantastic gift or three upon his return. Good luck!!
YES! I wish I could give this more upvotes because it needs to be seen!
OP, you say you have “date night” at home but what does that really mean to you? What does it mean to her? It sounds like you should get out there and develop your own social life – it’s more attractive to your partner and it’s healthy for you to have your own separate interests. Try to hang out with her doing the things she enjoys, but don’t go with the mindset that you want to make sure she’s not cheating on you or whatever – go to actually have fun. If she doesn’t want you to tag along it may just be that she can’t have fun when she’s worried about you having fun or if she’s trying to help you get along with her friends
Sweet! Shoot your shot.
I've tried moving on, i really did. But I'm not able to get her out of my mind. I know I've been a jerk to her, but I'd do better this time, given a chance. Other than that, i don't have a leg to stand on and tell that it'll be good for both us. But yeah, I'll do my best and do right by her. I'll not let her down this time.
Go on a craigslist and find someone who will give you a ride to Jacksonville. It's in the community section under rideshare
So he essentially didn't take ownership of any of what he did. He blamed external events. Well, external stressful events happen, it's called life.
If he had actually changed, the explanation would not be to blame his job for beating up his girlfriend repeatedly. It would involve anger management training, therapy, things that involve self-reflection and admittance that he was a horrible person. And even if he had done all of that, you wouldn't need to stay.
Have you talked to her about this?
Lmfao thats hilariously ironic
Yes, it's that irrational part of your brain that you need to get through to. Talk to friends and talk to yourself in the mirror! You will come through this better than before, you will grow emotionally and it will be for the better. Good luck.
Couldn't even finish reading the whole post. Dude she sounds like an entitled and inconsiderate asshole. What redeeming qualities does she have, if any?
I think you can't be friends when it is still that recent. Sounds like he is having a very hot time
I’ve been very vocal with him about how fucked all of this is and I haven’t been putting up with his shit over the past few months. My bf has severe depression and probably bipolar disorder, it’s not an excuse to treat someone like shit and I told him that. He can’t justify treating me badly and use mental illness as an excuse. He threatened to kill himself a few times when I tried to leave. I know it made it seem like I don’t love myself enough but I do, I have been choosing myself over him more and more and it has been making him mad to see himself losing me slowly. Anyone who’s been in an abusive relationship would understand the feeling of being pulled back into something you don’t want. Im at a point where I’m not sad about leaving him anymore, I feel unburdened and want to be carefree and happy again. I’m not someone that ‘needs’ to be loved by someone else, I can love and take care of myself very well. I probably do need counselling though because of the amount of trauma I’ve experienced in this relationship. I actually told him I only read such things about relationships like ours on-line and never thought I’d go through it myself. I’ve kept this to myself out of embarrassment for putting up with all this bs knowing I deserve better.
I blocked him as soon as I said I’m leaving.
Seriously lol. “Babe, you knocked the armrest right into my balls again”
Compare them fairly, he’s not looking at very hot girls. Just models and girls probably in swimsuits, etc.
Plenty of girls look at male models and their boyfriends don’t care.
I think your husband is reminding you of why you wanted to separate in the first place. I am sure there was plenty of other nice restaurants in town he could have taken this friend out to besides the one you picked out that you specifically wanted to be a first time special moment and memory with him. Your husband is a fucking idiot, and he knew better than this, that’s why he tried to silence his friend. Since your husband did not want being with you as his first experience there, find a friend of your own to go to that restaurant with.
Wow, that is one heavy shackle.
Honestly, at this point, you did the math. Maybe do it again by creating a pros and cons list of what it means to be in this relationship and see if all the pros are worth all the cons, including the debt.
You know how much. Now try to see if it's all worth it. Nobody can figure that out better than you can.
hey… threatening to kill yourself to keep your partner in line is manipulation and abuse. you need to get out of this, his toxic cycle is hurting you and I'd suggest therapy to figure out how to have better boundaries yourself. you deserve so much better!
I don't understand his train of thought that being married to someone comes w conditions. I say you lean into this w him and just be direct. Not mad. Ok if this is marriage ending then let him leave and see what he does. If he actually would put conditions on someone who has a severe anxiety disorder, than he's the type of person whose way of thinking is selfish and about himself. My concern for you, if you were my spouse, is that you are comfortable and secure while you stabilize. Why would I ever stress my spouse with anxiety huh?
“You sit with your discomfort” is pedantic and condescending and completely ignores that this is a physiological stress response. Nowhere in that response was it even asked if OP could be practicing unhealthy behaviors related to conflict.
Well when you put it like that..
I said to her that I truly apologise for doing that to her and I won't make that mistake next time. But she's mad that I made that mistake in the first place. I understand her because I kept on doing things that shouldn't have happened and hurt her a lot. I hurt her so so much that she feels like this. But I don't wanna lose herr. I want to mske things betterr
That is literally still cheating. Just because he stopped before things got physical, it doesn't take away how much of a shit person he clearly is. Hell, who is to say he didn't actually get physical with her? Or that he has cheated with others? People will admit to something smaller in order to keep a larger lie out of focus.
Thank you! We've tried a lot of those suggestions, but he keeps getting phone calls or if we plan a day, people call out and he has to go in.
20 pounds isn't 50 pounds or 75 or 100. If someone is overweight and it impacts their physical health, mental health, and mobility it is absolutely a health issue. I'm 5'0, when I was 19 I could squat 250 pounds, bench 180, and deadlift 275 pounds. I weighed 180 and could give a grown man a piggy back ride. But my doctor told me the BMI said I was 90 pounds overweight. I was the strongest girl in my high school when I was a freshman, and i was never thin even when I lifted weights for an hour and had 4 hours of sports practice a day combined. Weight is not an indicator of health. I'm disabled now, so I'm definitely not that strong anymore but you can't tell how much someone weighs by looking at them, everyone looks different at different weights, being morbidly obese is unhealthy, being overweight isn't.
Sounds like he’s playing games. Good thing you on-line separately and don’t have to put up with this again. Get some sleep and then order in.
I look like a potato. When i put on a teddy, I look like a lace potato. When I show my bf he absolutely loses his mind. My point, life is too short to be with someone who doesn't think you hung the moon.
I planned to talk to him tonight but according to my mom my aunt needed a number ASAP.
I knew what it was. I saw the label. I didn’t know what he was giving it to me for. They were vitamins in all honestly. I just didn’t see the larger vitamin treatment protocol Im under. I’m not just blindly taking pills I swear.
What’s your end goal here? When do you plan to move out? She seems like the type that it doesn’t matter what you say or do she’ll always invade your privacy, especially if it’s been a year and a half already and she’s still barging in your room.
I think you should tell your dad. But you should be sure to protect anything you have in the house before you do so. And also make sure that your mom can’t take action that would harm your education.
Yea my original comment I specifically said what I’d do.
Walk away. This sounds too much like a chore and honestly at 3 months he has already concocted a litany of reasons not to see it through.
I don't know, it's my mom that told me about this.
But my sister and I thought she did cheat when we were young because my sister saw an email from a man sent to my mom and when my sister asked her about this she said “It's from an old friend your father doesn't want to hear about, so don't talk about it.” But she was young so she may remember some things wrong. And it might not necessarily be cheating in this case.
I think you like the idea of helping her. If she would only take your advice to heart, make schedules, and plan ahead, everything would be fine! Her whole life would be better! But she doesn’t listen. She won’t plan ahead, ironically making BOTH of you MORE anxious. You seem to be missing the bit that all of your efforts are in vain, and that her changing will likely require a personality transplant, and those are very hot to come by.
Of course you don’t want her to spend her life skidding along rock bottom, but there’s nothing you can do to help her. She doesn’t want to do things differently. This is who she is.
He's a predator. She's only 19 FFS! He's giving her the classic my wife cheated, is abusive, we have a dead bedroom, (any or all of the above), and we're getting divorced line that all men in a committed relationship give the woman they want to bang. He's not leaving his wife.
She's gonna destroy her career and reputation. She's not smart. If she was, she would steer clear of him. She's just like every other woman who has been lied to and manipulated by these cheaters. He's gonna use her and when he done, he'll dump her, and take up with the next very hot, young woman.
I’ll try to learn it as much as I can. I haven’t been able to do stuff for myself for a while now. Depression has been kicking me in the butt
I am a woman and this is exactly what I would do – with glee!