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Celeste6 on-line sex cams for YOU!


Golden Ticket Show In Progress. Tip 12 to join the show

Date: October 5, 2022

41 thoughts on “Celeste6 on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Explain to them you don't have money, HE DOES. He gives you gifts, but that's not the same as free reign to use his money as you please.

  2. He's from the 80's my dear …. we have a different mindset ? He probably thinks he's hit the jackpot with you and so he's got comfortable…. a little too comfy…

    Be more clear about what you want and need. Don't presume anything. Work on your communication.

  3. If you’re asking yourself if it’s cheating, you’re probably doing something wrong.

    You’re disrespecting your wife. You’re choosing working out with this woman over your wife’s feelings.

    How do you know this gym woman simply doesn’t give a flying fuck that you’re married? I know a lot of women who do not care if someone’s married.

    You should probably stop working out with her, or explain to your wife that her feelings don’t matter to you and let her decide if she wants to stay or not.

    You don’t sound like a very good hubby, sorry.

  4. He does.

    I misquoted. Sorry. I told him I was upset because it’s either the chemical imbalance or a combo of other things. He said “ So then if you know it's not real. Then it isn't”

    I guess it is similar to saying it’s in my head and still kind of dismissive. Idk. After that upset me he checked on me because I didn’t reply to him.

  5. Move on and forget him, you're clearly not his first choice and is only using you as a back up until someone else comes around.

    Find someone who will treat you better and wants to be with you.

  6. No, I didn’t think he sent me a photo with a woman cropped out of it. I thought he just had a woman’s strand of hair on him. I will address it when he does respond, and I understand why this was wrong of me to do. I just thought it was such a strange statement to say what looked like a strand of hair was a lamp, but I guess that revealed a level of mistrust

  7. I honestly don't know what to say to that, and I think you are kidding yourself if you are truly trying to convince yourself that your girlfriend forgot to delete a dating app on her phone for three whole years.

    If she had really just forgotten, she would have been apologetic and looking for ways to make it up to you and regain your trust. The fact that she gets angry and defensive instead suggests that she is just upset she got caught doing something she is not supposed to be doing while in a long-term relationship.

    Good luck!

  8. I liked him immediately, it's been a year now, and he's seeming to open up a little more. I think he might have OCD in all honesty, my mother actually said he'll probably be waiting to know me a little longer to look more respectful, like he didn't just start dating me immediately after meeting me. If he does keep meeting up and it seems like it isn't going anywhere, I'll have to speak to him, but I have a feeling after last week him telling me he liked me, we're in the right direction! 🙂

  9. Honestly, stop falling on the sword, don't say “it's no big deal” if you feel like it is. It's not helpful to either of you. There is a nice way to say, “honestly, it does bother me. If this happens again, can we do X instead of Y?” Her tears aren't an emergency stop button. You can continue the conversation, you can even do it while comforting her.

    But TBH your communication here sounds a bit passive-aggressive and resentful. If you didn't want to get the stuff, tell her– “I'm actually really tired and don't feel up for an extra hours drive, do you think you could get it?” Instead of getting it and then being salty about it. It certainly feels from reading this as though you bottle up your own feelings to a large extent. Try expressing yourself more. It may feel good to be clear and direct.

  10. . I HAVE NEVER SEEN MY WIFE THAT TURNED ON WITH ME EVER. I feel like she basically cheated on me and showed me she is a sexual person, just not with me.

    1) Yes, she cheated on you.

    2) From the look of it, your wife is more into women, than into men. I think she may be a closeted lesbian, or at least never got to investigate her bi- side, assuming she has one.

  11. It's probably a bot. If they can steal and rewrite slightly comments I'm guessing someone is trying to make a bot doing the same with posts.

  12. She's read this already. She actually told me, maybe its best that I didn't try to talk to them again, but I want to.

    I want to look them in the eyes and say this, so I can get that moment that they stole from me.

    It doesn't matter what they say back. I have a new home now, its with my fiance and you know what I'm gonna love our kids more than I love my flesh. I'm gonna go to their games, I'll drive them back from school, I'm gonna make every birthday a celebration. I'm gonna teach them how to ride a bike, how to change a tire, how to shave, how to drive. I'm gonna love them more than I love anything and I'm gonna be a better parent than they ever were. I swear by god I swear it.

  13. Exactly and he wasn't trying to “pat” her cheek, he slapped her! The fact she is finding an excuse for him already, it's sad really

  14. Tbh I feel like you're one of the only ones who saw it how I've seen it so far. I mean, I am interested and it is something I want long term. But we had a conversation recently that made it seem like it might happen sooner than I had planned.

  15. You telling him that you are hurt will not change a thing. He will not explain himself to a letter.

    If he wanted to explain himself, he would have.

    I don't understand why you didn't ring his doorbell that night you went over?

    Write the letter if you have to. Get all those feelings out. But don't send it to him. Have a good old-fashioned burn all his crap party. Have your friend over. Grab some wine. And burn all the pictures and stuff your way to send back to him and that letter. Then move on.

  16. The problem with “giving her a chance to change” is that that’s coercive, even if you don’t mean to be.

    Yeah, that's the exact fear I have.

    I definitely don't want coercion involved, but I get for pretty much any other issue, you'd talk it through beforehand.

  17. Her needs are trumping and trampling yours.

    You obviously feel uncomfortable. Listen to your gut.

    Also, go through reddit.. most threesoms where all parties were “comfortable” led to the end of the relationship, much less your situation

  18. This made me laugh. ? she's high key trying to seduce this dude. Ur gf should be ur ex OP. Call her out on it!

  19. She will just make excuses for her behaviour, or start crying, or somehow try and blame you, or try and manipulate you into staying with her. She broke a boundary and lied to you, that’s all you need to know.

  20. Lemme guess, you're a guy. You're going to have your mind blown when you hear about how many women hide trauma from their loved ones out of shame and guilt and the belief that they are responsible for what happened to them.

    I'm just stating a possibility. Everyone on reddit has already decided she is a cheater when it's still also only just a possibility (a more likely possibility, sure, but it's not the only one). I'm not trying to excuse anything.

  21. Thanks for the tip! I am actually changing my medication now (that experience phase), bc the previous one wasn't working properly, so I guess this can be one reason.

    I think he's worried I don't feel turned on by him anymore because I won't start things or respond to his “advances” like I used to. When we finally do it, he feels like I'm only trying to please him and not really enjoying the whole thing. I do, however, enjoy it when we do it. I just don't have the energy to start it. Once it's started I'm 100% committed.

  22. Thank you, this is something I can try. It would have been easier years ago, but after my dad had his heart attacks, he’s “snapped” if you will.. he’s unpredictable and difficult to rely on emotionally. I was explaining to him yesterday in the car about some serious health issues I’m having that often result in cervical cancer, and how afraid I am, and he cut me off to point out a homeless camp on the side of the highway. Thanks to Biden of course. No contact would be too very hot for me, but distance I can do if I need to.

  23. have no idea why this would make you feel comfortable with this. that can still do whatever. read some of the stories on here. dude that was a bonehead move

  24. Genuine question, why is this different?

    The only difference I see is your current gf thinks she can buy your love and loyalty. It might not be intentional, she might not believe she's doing that. But that's what is going on.

    It's really up to you, though. Do you think you can trust her from here on out? Do you think she'll trust herself?

  25. Hell, OP's own daughter wants nothing to do with her according to her comments on the other post.

    It's funny (funny as in “hmmm… interesting”, not funny “haha”) that she's so obsessed with getting her son's children but not her daughter's children despite the fact that she's not allowed access to them anymore either…

  26. This isn't normal, I had to send my wife and kids away for Easter bc I was burnt out. Not really send them away I guess, bc we had plans for the kids to egg hunt at the in laws but we all need alone time, and no, your commute is not it.

  27. He switched to watching YouTube stuff. That's why it wasn't good. He went around doing it anyway

  28. Well with that logic, so was the “than” comment. It was just the truth if you boil it down.

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