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Charlotte More live! webcams for YOU!


I want to make you a delicious anal [526 tokens remaining]

Date: December 9, 2022

53 thoughts on “Charlotte More live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I'd just say I won't take your sister with me, it was supposed to be a date for us not me to get to know your sis. There are other things and better ways for that. You don't know her and will take your buddy with you. It's sus if she will argue about that, it would be a red flag for me. But stand your ground, it's your choice who you take with you

  2. You were young at 14, 16, and 18 and you’re still young at 20. That’s why you keep hearing the same sort of thing.

    “Virtually everyone my age is gonna have years more experience than I do”

    While you are still young, you should be old enough to be beyond thinking like this. Who cares?

    “I’d like at least some time before I get started in a career to figure the whole dating thing out”

    Maybe you will, maybe you won’t ?‍♂️ again, arbitrary deadlines aren’t going to help you. Everything happens in a different order for different people. There’s no “right” method or order to life. You just keep moving forward.

    It’s not “hard for people to understand.” You want something and you haven’t been able to get it, yet. That’s life. Chill.

  3. It sounds like you're holding on to a lot of reasons instead of taking accountability for your actions. Maybe you need some time to get through what you've been through and getting the help you need before you bring another person in again.

  4. Not one time did I not accept your sexuality.

    The point that you are intentionally missing is people saying “I don’t date bi people” when you actually mean “non masculine” or whatever other stereotype you want to come up with is damaging and the literal definition of biphobia. If you don’t want to date non masculine men, then say THAT. Don’t stereotype all bisexual men into something and make blanket statements about how they are bisexual and you don’t like it, rather than the actually reason you’re not attracted to that specific person.

  5. Not true. My doctor told me to take sitz baths following delivery. They were immensely helpful with keeping my stitches clean and skin hydrated and I healed quickly with no infections.

  6. OP, you need to think carefully of your next action. Here you are thinking it’s a lot to throw away three years over and want to hear him out?

    But he’s so quick to throw away your relationship without listening to your justification. And accused you of cheating!

    Why bother giving him chance when he’s so quick to judge and leave you?

    And do you want to online your life like this? Next big issue or argument, he will discuss with his friends and break off the engagement?

    That’s crazy! You deserve better.

  7. I don’t disagree with any 4 of those jobs. I love being a dad. Any chance I get with my son is a gift. I even love getting up at night with them. The struggle for me right now is working, and my wife struggling while I am at my job/ not accepting help when I am done work. If I was 100% responsible for the baby from 5pm on so she could rest I would be down for that.

  8. My boyfriends dad is like this, even though we are Canadian. He is obsessed with Trump. It’s all he talks about. I stay away because while I’m not completely liberal, I’m not completely conservative either. We get into screaming matches because nobody else is allowed to have an opinion because if you don’t believe everything the right wing says, you’re wrong and you’re an idiot.

    At first my boyfriend would laugh and say nothing. I got pregnant and it got worse. He’s turning into his dad before my eyes and I don’t know what to do. I’m very close to leaving because I’m just tired of hearing about it and now he eggs his dad on to talk about it more at family get togethers.

    It won’t end well for me. This is something I will leave because of. Had I known it would get this bad and he’d change his views, I never would have had a baby with him. I feel like once they go down that rabbit hole, they won’t come back.

  9. It sounds like your first priority needs to be talking to a psychiatrist about your suspicions of adhd. That is the root cause of everything, including why you feel stuck and indecisive- that is a common symptom of adhd in women. As far as what you can do or say, after an apology and a hug, there shouldn't be anything left to do. The rest is internal for your partner- you aren't responsible for her moods.

  10. Roughly ten drinks in what time period? If your usual is more but this fucked you up, did you drink them in a short amount of time? Hopefully you weren’t drugged

  11. Than you so much for your help. You're right, and that's the best way to do it. Just tell the aunt I'm done and gone and hope she gets the help she needs to get better

  12. i have experienced it but my reaction to most things is temperance. control your emotions or let them control you.

  13. Break up. Block all forms of contact and involve the police if she keeps contacting you and coming to your house. She doesn’t love you. She misses having you as her emotional punching bag and source of drama. If she wanted to be better, she would do something about it like get mental health treatment. This continues because you allow it.

  14. People seem to be getting hung up on the “double standard” aspect of this. But I would never compare my girlfriend to anyone from an adult film/book- it just feels wrong to me. The people in them are, to me, like cardboard cut-outs of how people are, and I think it's fair of me to not like being compared to such a character. Also, to say it again, I do not have any problem with being compared to a gay character, it does not bother me.

  15. I’m so sorry…. My friend had the same situation except roles were reversed, she always thought she didn’t want kids and as she became older she realised she wanted to start a family. When I had met her she was heartbroken (a year after the relationship) and she thought she could never love again.. now she is with a new guy and she is very much happier and both of them share the same ideas about children. I know you love him and right now it feels like hell but it’s better to both be happy than compromising for one party.

  16. Honestly tell her you won't begin any process of reconciliation until she had the guts to be honest with you

  17. She is the best girl I have ever met, without doubt. We are talking #1 of like 100 girls.

    But yea, I sadly think you are right. I need to think less about her. Should I say how I feel and that I need to break it up because I have more feelings for her? Or how should I do it? Like, I wouldn't mind her knowing how I feel so she can contact me if she changes her mind… but idk. It is a very new situation for me. Usually, I am the one setting boundaries with girls, now it is opposite.

  18. Girl, go online your life. You don't want to be settled down before you are ready, or you'll always wonder about the life experiences you didn't have.

  19. I feel like you could just copy and paste this on every post on this sub and you’d be on target most of the time.

  20. I have PMDD and depression. I have never said any of these things to my husband. Sorry, but there’s no excuse for abuse, hormones or whatever.

  21. You haven’t been together long enough to impose charges on her livelihood. Maybe come up with a tactful way to present opportunities in her field but it could backfire.

    You could put your cards on the table and tell her she doesn’t have enough time for you and you’re lonely/miss her. Not really an ultimatum if it’s the truth about your needs in a relationship.

  22. Good point but I'm not sure she is going to get fed up. Nor do I feel I am sulking. Not being fond of the idea of marriage is not sulking and I don't see how trying to insult me is any help.

  23. He's screwing with you. Just stop. Walk away. 5 mins of being nice v. a few days of being an arse. Stop. Get your life back. Find help or keep talking here while you get your stuff together and find yourself again.

  24. OK she’s lying to you and you need to set some sort of boundary or just break up with her. She’s cheating and you’re just sitting there as innocent as like you believe everything she’s saying. Set a boundary of break up with her.

  25. A lady I was very interested in did something similar to me a couple of weeks back. Thankfully, she didn't leave me on read. She was kind enough to let me know that she respected my feelings but she wasn't interested. Was SO depressed for the next few days – became a hardcore misanthropist.

    Starting to become whole again. Life moves on…

  26. He's gaslighting you so bad. Put an end to this misery. His toxic ass needs to see its way out of your life. Get a new job or at least let HR know what's happening if he's going to have authority over you at work. So many red flags here. What a creep. You deserve better. Fuck his sob stories he treats you like shit. Can't even act like a damn adult smh.

  27. You married under false pretences, ie you were lied to. That's grounds in some legal systems for an annulment. That's what I'd be doing.

  28. Many people use their social media as a way to vent or express fleeting thoughts. Its part of who they are and can even be part of a way they cope with things. You do not have to agree with what she posts and no, its not a reflection of you.

    Allow her to use it as a canvas, like painting. If it bothers you but you love her as she is, than dont follow or look. I dont agree with all that my wife posts but its “her” thing to use as she feels she want to. Allow her to express herself and keep some of her individuality.

  29. Both my sisters divorced angry and abusive alcoholics

    Your first line shows he's at addiction levels now, as the mood is the result of the lack of alcohol he's intaking at that time, guy needs his fix like any other drug, his body is dependent on the high, so the lows are bigger.

    Both my sisters will tell you the same things

    They will not stop (correct, one now full blown 24/7 tom hanks in Philadelphia looking, the other literally drank himself to death) Once you divorce, you will hate how long you stayed Once you divorce, you will never look back and think you made a mistake leaving.

    They got out soon enough that 3 of their 4 kids didn't grow up in that environment, the one that did, now an alcoholic with no work skills, destined to online with his mom for a long time

  30. I really really appreciate your input. Thanks for your kind words. Your perspective gives me so much to think about

  31. I too have a similar situation to the above. We navigate it about the same way and have very open communication. Boundaries are strict. Etc. It can work but you have to proceed with caution and good communication.

  32. She wants to have her cake and eat it too. She likes sex with you, she just doesn’t want a relationship. Tip: Ball is in your court on deciding and sticking with what YOU want to do.

  33. The last time they met, she point blank asked “do you realize you deflect all my questions?”. He is on the more reserved side

    Ohhhh my god this got under my skin. I would have made it my personal goal to embarrass them the rest of that night for thinking they had the right to be a dick like that to me.

    “do you realize you deflect all my questions?”

    “Do you think before you open your mouth?”

  34. So you've basically brought another abusive man into your childrens' lives. You need to take some time for just you and your children.

  35. When women say “size doesn’t matter”, this is a perfect example of why they are lying lmao

  36. Yes, he does do this often. If I tell him he hurt my feelings about things he said that I shouldn’t feel that way. And he usually has a really harsh tone with me and I have never seen him using that tone with others

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