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Cherry4choclive sex stripping with hd cam


44 thoughts on “Cherry4choclive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I totally understand how you feel and your feelings are valid. I think I would feel the same way. But there’s another part of me that feels differently. I’m not a person that is good with words. I can see myself doing this because I want my speech to be special and sometimes I’m not good at expressing myself on my own. Maybe he did this because of that reason

  2. If I’m interested in someone and we’re talking getting to know each other that may lead to us dating and being in a relationship I wouldn’t be fucking other men that’s grimy

  3. Except U.S. adoptions are already overwhelmed. If she can find a family thats great but given the current climate thats unlikely.

  4. Been there. Just keep working on yourself, don’t fall into bad habits and the heartache subsides slowly but surely.

  5. If you want to say no, you just have to say no. “That won't work for me, mum, maybe after the new year.” (IF you want her to visit after the new year – otherwise don't say that.)

    She is allowed to be sad that you don't want to be there for a while. She is allowed to feel her feelings. And you are allowed to say no.

  6. May not be what you want to hear but, I think it should be said.

    He doesn't sound like a keeper. Honestly I would recommend you take the vacation, go alone enjoy your hot earned time off.

  7. All I'll say is this: this won't stop. After Paris, it'll be some other thing or some other place, and she'll never be satisfied and you'll never be happy.

  8. u/nodopaminewhatsoever, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. 30 minutes with clear notice, good reason, and a sincere apology is forgivable now and then but even that on a regular basis, no. If your schedule doesn’t allow you to make time for punctuality on dates in the early stages then you are telling me you don’t have time for me.

  10. You lied OP- that’s the main issue I see. When you’re with the next person be honest so they know. He’s still a jerk for saying it’s “too much work” though

  11. That's not how it works. You seriously expect it to spark off after 4 years? There has been therapy and she still said she doesn't want to try.

    Also, asexual people can feel sexual attraction.

  12. Hello /u/blizz216,

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  13. Can you quote that…. by my own admission I said we should delay until its more affordable, where she keeps asking monthly. I arent expecting her to pay more bills and utilities, I am expecting her to pay towards going to see her family on christmas, instead of me paying for the whole trip. And Ive not once said she should get a second job. Again incase you cant read it a second time… I want to cut back on all non essential expenses like our honey moon, but wife keeps pressuring.

    Can you try reading before making things up.

  14. Your responses make you seem desperate as all hell. Youve only been with your current bf for 6 months. IMO that is way too soon to be pressuring him about marriage.

    As for your ex. You haven’t heard from this guy in four years and you’re willing to leave a stable relationship at the first proposal you get? Jfc.

  15. Unfortunately, German social work declined that. Because I have no physical disabilities and can still clean myself, feed myself and all of that, I am only “Level 1” when it comes to the “Level of Care” system we have, despite being considered disabled. Basically, Level 1 gives you 130 Euro a month for care services. That's not even enough for an hour a week. The higher levels usually go to people who need someone to come by every day or even multiple times a day to feed them/help them shower and so on. Mental health issues usually don't get any level at all, I'm already considered a rare instance of getting anything because of the severity of my disability. When it comes to that, the German system is pretty far behind. As such, I sadly cannot afford a professional carer. If I could, I would never even consider a care home and instead live in my apartment permanently, even after my father can't care for me anymore.

  16. This part.

    I know families that had similar arrangements, and I’m always disgusted by it.

    Every child deserves to have parents.

    Anyone who already is a parent who would stoop to asking their life partner, whom they presumably love and choosing to continue a relationship with to abandon another child is behaving selfishly.

    And it doesn’t work most of the time, anyway. As evidenced, it generally results in a secret relationship with the child.

    Everybody needs therapy, y’all.

  17. Any therapist knows that would be a conflict because he will absolutely have biased opinions on things.

    You need new eyes on your issues. He can be support. You need a real therapist with a degree. Who went to school for many many many moons to know how to help people.

    Tell him stop being sensitive because that’s really just out of the question. Therapy is private. If you wanted to just talk yo your husband you would.

  18. It's not that the dad is a scumbag rapist, it's that your bf thinks that his sister made up being molested…yikes.

  19. 25% of your annual income is the recommended amount by jewelry stores that many people followed for many years. 6-7% would be considered low for most older people. I spent 6% of mine on an engagement ring actually and was happy to do so.

  20. You can have your “bachelorette party” in Bahamas after you're able to leave the baby with the dad. It might take a year or more until you're comfortable with that but hey what's the rush? At least you have time to plan.

  21. also we have met in person, been on dates, and hung out this is not a virtual thing only. we’re “exclusively” talking bc i turned down being his gf bc it was to fast in my eyes at the time. Just for clarification!

  22. I mean I understand both perspectives.

    I spent 6 month travelling in a gap year I took after dropping out of my course in Uni with some friends, I was getting fairly serious with someone prior to it but I decided to end it and go. One of the best experience of my life. I don't think a 2 month relationship is worth giving up that kind of experience

  23. I sat down and cried when I heard my ex-fiancé, who cancelled our wedding 10 weeks beforehand because he wasn’t ready, got married to a woman he met not long after me. It hurt! Of course it fucking hurt. It made me feel like I wasn’t good enough.

    I didn’t want to be married to him anymore, I really disliked him at that point and had no respect for him, but it still hurt.

    I didn’t have a boyfriend at the time, but I might’ve ended our relationship if he turned my very valid feelings into a big accusatory to-do that was somehow all about his feelings instead of mine.

  24. I know it’s bad. Why do you think I’m looking for a solution instead of acting on it and pursuing him?

  25. You seem more concerned with the fact that he kept evidence then the act itself. He asked you to search his phone because he wanted you to find the videos and photos … just like you did. He set you up. How do you confront him without falling apart? Get mad. Get really really mad. You don't live together so that is a blessing.

  26. At least for me, this read of the situation makes it even worse. This is the kind of thing that would make me never want to have sex with him again. She has just gone through something mentally and physically painful, she’s in constant pain, and he is looking at her and thinking what if we don’t have sex again? If that is truly what he’s thinking about in that moment there is zero hope for this relationship because the lack of empathy there is horrifying.

  27. You can advocate for children, consider them human beings, and also not want to be responsible for one. Foster care isn't a death sentence.

  28. I swear I've typed this same thing out into like 20 posts, but let me tell you about one of my best friends (for the past 20 years) named Mandy.

    Mandy was with her boyfriend for like 6 years – all through high school and into college. He lived in Texas (14 hours away) so he only ever got to come up and see her like once every month or two, sometimes longer when money was tighter. Any time they'd see each other, they'd (understandably) do the deed like rabbits… until it was time for him to leave again and go home. Well, long story short, she finished college and he moved up from Texas to live with her and start their lives together. She was STOKED. Everything that had been YEARS in the making had finally fallen into place. She was happy.

    …for about a week. The boyfriend never worked/never tried to work, so she was out busting her butt to provide for the both of them while he stayed at their house all day, playing on the computer (“filling out job applications” lmao yea right). They stopped having sex; he didn't want her. He was always “too tired” or just “soooo worn out” to even mess around. She stayed up after he fell asleep one night and had a gander through his (her) laptop… and friend, let me tell you… if you thought your boyfriend had a problem, try a *10 HOUR PER DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK* porn problem. She found his search history (no incognito mode in 2007, lol) and found HOURS and HOURS and DAAAAAAYS worth of his marathon porn sessions. He beat off all day long and never had any energy left for her. She begged him to stop. She tried to initiate it only to be constantly rejected. Thus started the cycle of she asks him to change/he doesnt/she kicks him out/she takes him back that played out about 10 times over the next few months. I very clearly remember sitting at a bar with her and her (being pretty drunk) says “I love him… but f*** this shit. This sucks.” and that was it. She kicked him out for the final time and he ran back down to Texas. He tried to beg her to change her mind, but he would never follow through on his promises to change… so they never got back together. She's married now (not to the same guy) and is happy as heck. But she had to stand up for herself in order to stop her life from becoming a perpetual hell of rejection. They might have had a TON in common/similar personalities and tastes in music/TV/food, but sexual compatibility (or lack thereof) will 100% make or break a relationship – even when said relationship was seemingly healthy (or long-term). You have to choose where you want to go from this point… do you want to keep waiting around for him to change? What if he doesn't EVER change, will you leave? Have you given him an ultimatum? Or are you just kinda hoping he changes on his own accord? Life's too short to waste on people who would rather fuck their fist than their living, breathing HUMAN partner.

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