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CleanHistory live sex cams for YOU!


Spank ass nude [Multi Goal]

Date: October 25, 2022

27 thoughts on “CleanHistory live sex cams for YOU!

  1. During the limited time you was “open” he started this… has he received and responded since then? OTHER than “sorry, didn't want to ghost but I'm closed for business”?

    If he's talking to other women after you closed things backup? Then he's 100% in the wrong. Either he ends or you're out the door.

    If he's not willing to end things? then things didn't get fixed… he said they were to not cause drama and decided to push boundaries and see if he wouldn't get caught – or if caught? are you going to enforce the boundaries since you already opened things up once. Why not again?

    Are you wrong? No. Other than questioning if you're good enough – and you are. If, say, you have mismatched libidos? He wants daily and you want weekly? You aren't wrong and neither is he. Mismatched libido's is a real reason to break up with someone.

    If he's looking to get the rest of his output taken care of by anyone other than you once you've “closed” the relationship again? The relationship is over at that point and it's just a matter of time and a matter of how much damage is done before it's over.

  2. do i just text her that its over? that sounds rude and cowardly

    It sure is.

    but meeting up for breaking up sounds like its not going to end well

    Yeah, breaking up with people isn’t easy, but doing it in person shows a lot more maturity.

  3. Also, don't listen to these people telling you that you're weird or odd. There's nothing weird about having boundaries and preferences. As a person with OCD, I've heard such comments for most, if not all, of my life and it never gets any less painful. It's not something that I choose to do, it's just the way I am. You're not weird or odd, you're you, and there's nothing wrong with that.

  4. That's a difficult one, because she doesn't have that much time. First of all I think you should help her with her stress, offer her your support say that you know how very hot it is recently and tell her you are there for her. Maybe that's how you generate closeness. Then in advance you try to make anything private if possible. Afterwards in a good moment you could tell her probably. Idk that's how I would do it.

  5. So he didn't talk to you, accuses you of using him for a vacation he asked you to plan, tried to get frisky in public telling you you're no fun when it makes you uncomfortable, and you think you did something wrong? No, you didn't, at all. Repay his kindness with the silent treatment that he gifted you.

  6. Yeah, just from the financial and living situation, it doesn’t sound like either of you are ready to have a baby.

  7. She is well on her way to ruining her own future unless she gets her behavior in check, now. Reporting her to her program now is far less likely to cause her lasting harm (and may do her lasting good) than letting her go out into the world, overstep boundaries with patients, lose her license, and actually hurt people.

  8. My partner has basically said the same to me. He also says he's just being polite…I'm like who tf cares about being polite to someone who is making me (& sometimes you) uncomfortable and disrespecting both of us??? Get over it! I think the reply below about him enjoying the attention is also often true in my case too. Does he truly understand that it bothers you? And he basically admits its more important to be the 'nice guy' than to push back helping to make you more comfortable? What's his demeanor like- is he neutral or flirting back? My partner isn't okay with me being uncomfortable and we've had lengthy conversations about what is inappropriate, how it makes me feel, how to handle it- from me telling him that I'm not comfortable in the moment, to concrete ideas on how he can shut the shit down. It's a work in progress and outcome remains to be seen….

  9. You married very young, she proved she can’t be trusted not once but 5 times, and you can’t even let her rent a room for a trip without feeling jealous.

    You both have maturing to do before you’re ready for a committed relationship.

  10. I’m assuming this is your first boyfriend (started dating at 15?). Move on girl. Three years is a long time for your first boyfriend. Or – assuming you are his first girlfriend, teach him what works for you, to make you finish, and both learn some valuable lessons you can take with you if you move on to other people.

  11. I think ultimately your financial partnership needs to come first. Hold off on this hobby until you are in a better place to do so. Is it really worth putting strain on your marriage?

    I'm not saying forget the hobby completely, but you need to prioritize the commitment you made to your wife first imo.

  12. Make a copy for yourself incase you decide to take this to the police, then pick up his whole ass computer and drop it in the ocean, burn it in a dumpster, have it crushed at a wrecking yard.

  13. it’s not necessarily a bad thing. And if you try and tell her who she can and can’t be friends with, she’s going to resent you.

    adults in long-term relationships usually don’t have close friends of opposite sexes… I think it would be really weird if I were to start hanging out with any of my buddies partners.

    that being said, not everybody shares my point of view. And it can be completely innocent.

  14. Your boyfriend wants 2 women in his life. You want to just be with him. He is going to continue to try to brazenly maneuver his way to having another women in your relationship. Whatever boundary or line you put up he is going to continuously chip away at it. This is what people do in relationships that don't respect their partners booudnaries. They try to wear you down and are opportunistic.

    My question would be why are you with someone who isn't listening to you and putting you in uncomfortable situations?

  15. I wouldn't even call this behaviiur childish, it's immature and he seems to just….try really very hot to be edgy and idk a nude dude? I couldn't be with someone like him, eps not someone like that being almost 40 wtf ew

  16. Your partner is being very immature with his comments. I would not accept that. He is not being very communicative or understanding and is instead lashing out at you with mean remarks. Hes an adult. He can use big boy words.

    I will offer you advice, but i must preface it with the fact i am angry at your partner for how he is treating you.

    Its understandable why he feels neglected when you are busy, i would suggest you ask him to join you while you do one of these activities, maybe you plan a meal together and cook it together one night? Maybe he comes with you to the horses? Theres no reason why if he misses time spent with you he cant tag along? Of course that is dependent on him and circumstances.

    You can talk to him about what has changed and why he feels this way, what he would like to happen for him to feel more appreciated, and together find a compromise. Maybe you have movie night and cuddles once a month?

  17. Women always know ?? I knew immediately after 5 years. He kept denying also so I had to check his phone behind his back.

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