Colton, y.o.
Location: Connecticut
Room subject: aussie Colton
To Start online video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms Colton
Date: October 17, 2022
Colton, y.o.
Location: Connecticut
Room subject: aussie Colton
To Start online video press there
I usually start with me saying I was trying to raise my concern and if that’s how he truly feels can he tell me on his own accord rather than in the situations when I’m speaking about my concerns. Hell often reply with how can you think I do nothing for you and starts listing the things he already does for me and how can it not be enough when he does so much (usually referring to making us food every now and then) but i cook dinners and stuff (only example I can think off rn) I would say we’re pretty equal on most chores.
Also when he says things he does but I don’t do as much in these situations I agree with him and say I’ll start working on that area more and actively try.