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Connie rogers live webcams for YOU!


Strong buttocks dog style [Multi Goal]

Date: October 12, 2022

56 thoughts on “Connie rogers live webcams for YOU!

  1. Nope! I would have put that woman in her place immediately. She most definitely was throwing hints at your husband that she was interested in him. Honestly after she drank the bottle and said that I would have said well the last thing he ate other than food was me so I hope you enjoy my p****. I'm just vulgar and straight to the point kinds of person

  2. Thank you for the nice comment. I am only 20 and he is 26. I have been in therapy for over 3 years which is why I feel awful for not being able to say no and acting on what I’ve learned in the past. I will definitely look them up thank you so much!

  3. Well that's slightly different then.

    What you're describing is group friends not close one on one friendships. How often are you and your friends boyfriend getting together when your respective partners aren't there. How often are you having one on one days with him cuddling up on tne couch watching movies?

  4. Thank you for the advice, I’m grateful for all opinions 🙂 My only issue is that ever since this incident happened, we’ve had some really rough patches and there was an instance where I was questioning whether she wanted to stay with me as we live! nothing a mile from each other, but wouldn’t answer my calls, stop texting as often and didn’t want to see me for about two weeks. I’m not sure whether I was reading into it too much but on the same hand, we’ve never been that “distant”

  5. Oh, for Christ sake, just give the man what he wants :D, he probably doesn't want to do some other stuff for you, but he does them… and if you're not into it, that's fine, just tell him that. If he doesn't like it, tough luck :).

  6. That is a very tough situation OP. I can see where both sides are coming from, which is a place of care and love for the other. I think only you two can make that decision

    A close family member who was dying in his 30s was in a similar situation somewhat, minus the bankruptcy part. He wanted to stop treatment and die peacefully at home, his wide was adamant he keep going. They saw a couple's therapist that was referred to them about it, and they did manage to come to a conclusion between the two of them

    Wish you the best

  7. At the very least… this is how he runs his life. This is how he will continue to run his life. Deal-breaker for me, but you do you.

  8. Don't date people who don't make you a priority. You are obviously not his priority if he doesn't respect your time like that.

  9. At the very least… this is how he runs his life. This is how he will continue to run his life. Deal-breaker for me, but you do you.

  10. We do still have sex but it isn’t often. How do I have this conversation about how I want my sex life and if he wants to be part of it without making him feel like I’m attacking him?

  11. If you are married, do not the earnings in that time become joint property? What he is proposing is having you as a baby maker without any status nor the means to make your own money. That is ridiculous! Get yourself your own lawyer who specialises in this. Although you may stay with children, it does not have to be a very long period. Five years might cover two children. I would look into studying some specialism during those years, so that your brain is still full of your subject. Women who have had time off often lose confidence returning to work. I would charge him for rental of womb, (joking) loss of earnings, damages for loss of experience, loss of clients, erosion of business. Why bother getting married?

  12. And I know this I just feel like I need to know what this means to me. But I understand that’s selfish I’m just confused

  13. This is actually a service that some of the commercial dna testing companies (like Ancestry or 23andMe) offer, especially the smaller ones, either included with your ancestry results or as add-ons. (I haven't had it done, just watched a YouTube video comparison review and that was one of the categories they rated the companies on.)

  14. So agree! It's fine if both parties are OK with it but my partner and I agreed we are not OK with strip clubs. Establish boundaries!

  15. It's within the realm of possibility that OP has given her reason to doubt before. In which case, they should be in couple's therapy like, yesterday.

  16. I had a friend in college years ago tell me that he once put bleach in his moms coffee, just to see if she would drink. Luckily he stopped her before drinking. This told me everything I’d ever need to know about certain types of people. Some people just fantasize hurting others, some take little steps and do it. But if a person told me they already had a plan… that’s a massive red flag. You are in danger.

  17. It’s not realistic to try to prevent your partner from working with coworkers or customers of the opposite sex. Whatever these “past things” are, it sounds like they are the problem, not your partner’s job.

  18. You need to leave him. I’m sorry but that’s the only truth. He will kill you. Please leave him before it’s too late.

  19. Girl…the signs were there. This is why I will never put my money let alone all of it into a joint account for NO MAN. Make a plan and gtfo. Your fiancé is abusive.

  20. Shame on you, OP! You should be happy for these two people you love, not upset! They have been together longer than you. You have kept them mostly in the dark about your relationship. What did you expect from them? That they would just freeze in time and not live! their lives? That their falling in love and committing to each other has anything at all to do with you or your BF? Unbelievable.

    I've read some pretty selfish posts on reddit, but this one is right up there at the top of the heap. I'm just gobsmacked.

    My advice is to grow the fuck up. Yeesh.

  21. You knew he was going out to celebrate a friends party.

    So you knew he was going to be late, why should he tell you something that you already knew?

  22. The thing is is he lost his ring right after we got married and I can't tell you how much he asked me about getting him a new one.

    Hmmm… Did he buy himself the new ring on his own?

  23. Thank you for your answer. That is another thing that was on my mind a lot latey. I'm not the girl I was when we met. Of course, it's been a long time and I've grown up. I am different now. And he is, too.

  24. It depends.

    If this is a serious matter that needs discussion and you keep deflecting forever, then he is right, that's not how adults operate. If he raises valid concerns and your response is having a panic attack, that is not sustainable.

    If he's just being a dick and arguing for the sake of arguing then then I guess it's an insult.

  25. Only you can truly answer this.

    Most people can not deal with long distance.

    It truly all depends on what you both want and need out of a relationship.

    Do you need to be touching and held and see each other? Does she? Well, you do not get any of that from long distance. This means you would have to change your whole mindset on what you want from a relationship.

    I will say that long distance doesn't work. They are not real relationships. But yes. You will get people who say it's the best relationship.

    So you have to think for yourself here. Can you go days or weeks without touching or kissing or sex or seeing her in person?

    Good luck.

  26. Not everyone had bad experiences with threesomes while in a relationship. We just don't talk about it because there is no need. Me and a former boyfriend had two, MMF and FFM, we had a lot of fun, we talked beforehand and knew what to expect, and in the end we decided we would rather have just the two of us because that locking-eyes-with-the-one-you-love gave us more pleasure than anything else. He moved to another country, I had to stay so we aren't together anymore, but why would I make posts about it on reddit?

    I am not saying that things can't go wrong, and I would never have done it with a best friend, so this particular case it's a terrible idea. It shouldn't be a birthday gift either, imo.

    But I agree with the person you responded – things probably look worse than what it is on reddit because you will have way more people talking about it when things go bad than otherwise.

  27. This is a bad idea. It would also make me start to gently question whether this present was even suggested with my pleasure in mind, or if my spouse was actually trying to avoid telling me that they were curious about exploring their sexuality with their friend, by “giving” me something that I’ve never asked for.

  28. My room is practically empty. The mattress is on the floor because of the back problems that I have, and the only other furniture is a desk near the bed, and ottomans right next to the bed. The Ottomans can be easily picked up and moved around… I checked under and around couldn’t find it. In front of my bed is the TV stand. I checked everywhere under the desk, under the TV stand, around my bed… Even moved the mattress. It’s literally nowhere. Like I said, I don’t typically misplace blunts like this.

  29. Way to throw oil on the dumpster fire that already was your marriage, and completely disregard every single bit of advice on your last post. You now deserve whatever happens in your marriage after this, you asked for it, you got it. Congratulations, you played yourself.

  30. Run. Or at least flatly say no about the deed. That’s a major gold digger ask. If she moves in, will she split bills and house payments? Just 50/50 house expenses and she’s still way ahead with no rent.

  31. Again, you know nothing about me or my family. Heck we could be sharing parenting while working opposite shifts and ensuring that everyone is always taken care of. Maybe part time work during the time they are at school. Maybe working from home.

    I also have plenty of SAHM in my friends and they love it. It’s what was discussed with their spouse when they decided to have kids. It’s what was best for them.

    Im not a third wave feminist, I’m just not a firm believer in putting people in boxes due to their gender. I’m also a great mom who is there for my kids.

    But yes, it’s ok because I will respect choice. Which you seem to lack a lot of, respect!

  32. If a man were to spit into his GF’s face I’d tell her to run and save herself. I give you the same advice, bro. Run, bro. Run.

  33. Don’t go looking at her deleted posts for aita… it’ll break your heart for her. Asshole (hopefully soon to be EX) boyfriend is absolutely controlling and abusive, and she can’t seem to get out.

  34. Because they say they won’t take their own games back and want advice on how “to talk to him.” But literally everyone in the comments has made the same argument she should use over and over, that they are her property that she uses on a weekly basis, and it’s messed up he’s just trying to steal them from her to be “charitable”. But then she says she doesn’t want to start an argument. So what other advice does she want?? What does she mean by “how to talk to him”??

  35. I already failed a year in college and I'm not sure if I can handle a break up with my studies. Because of earthquake most of my friends aren't here and he's my only source of socialisation. I know it seems really selfish but I'm not sure if it's worse to wait till summer or end it now.

  36. OP’s never reached out either. People play both sides ALL the time because they don’t want to hurt the feelings of the people they love. It’s highly probable he’s telling OP one thing and his mom another.

    She could very well be extending the invitation to the boyfriend and he says OP can’t make it or is too tired or some sort of excuse.

  37. You are wasting this guys time in your prime years. Just break up. It's better to call it quits there instead of drag it out until you get older. Let him find someone that actually loves him and finds him attractive.

  38. Ah ah okay yeah, Sorry I guess I have like a negative association to that when people say honeymoon phase as the last person who told me this was in a unhappy marriage and kind of told me in a (goodluck) type of way. But yes eventually things settle and one gets comfortable with one another im ready for that.

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