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CuteDoriana online webcams for YOU!


CuteDoriana Public Chat Channel

Date: February 6, 2023

2 thoughts on “CuteDoriana online webcams for YOU!

  1. Nope

    The thing is you were in a first date, anything that happened before then has nothing to do with you

  2. I think this little bit of information is actually a lot more important than you think for context here. And to be clear, I’m speaking from someone who I believe had a similar experience as your boyfriend in my last relationship. So culturally, as men were sort of ingrained with the idea that we are supposed to be the sexually aggressive gender, experienced, confident, and always ready to go, always pursuing the next encounter. So for someone that isn’t all of those things, especially at the age of your bf, that creates a lot of anxiety. And that anxiety is increased exponentially when your female partner is very open and aggressive with her sexuality, as now not only do you feel pressure to on-line up to societal expectations, but you also have to surpass hers and find a way to be impressive despite her superior level of experience. So while there’s nothing wrong with your experience or openness, it does put a lot of stress on your BF, especially if he sees your relationship as very serious and is hoping to potentially be the last person you ever have sex with. And while I know you’re just being supportive trying to talk to him and reassure him or help him find treatments, just the fact that you’re even bringing it up at all is going to make it difficult for him to lose that anxiety and shame. I’d say give him a few more chances, and kind of make yourself more submissive, if he can’t get it up at first act like it’s nothing and just continue playing the part. Eventually he’ll come around. Or if not, then have the talk.

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