Omg…that's a big no no…she's very wrong. You weren't being controlling you were being normal. Put a bra on so your brothers don't feel uncomfortable and disrespected.
But trust me I’ve been thinking that constantly that maybe if I just waited it out he’d be ready to talk three weeks later but then I think is that what I want idk stuff kinda wild in life
RED FLAGS AND SIRENS ALL OVER! Just go and donate sperm if you want a kid so desperately. Dont take any hasty decisions on a boner, masturbate and go to sleep.
Ride it out I say, living with an ex is the most miserable thing life has to offer. Stability is what you need right now starting out with university.
Try and be friendly and share some joy together, but detach yourself more and more every month. If she refuses to change after numerous talks then it’s not worth your time, just be selfish here.
I really hope she leaves you. Don't trickle truth her either. Tell her the full extent of your relationship with your mistress so she can make an informed decision.
Nope. You are just fine. You do not need to forgive a guy that broke your trust, cheat and gave you a STI. You also do not need to justify crap to these other two who seem more his friend than yours.
Your post was removed for the following reason(s):
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include details about the involved parties including ages, genders, and length of relationship, and
request advice in real situations involving two or more people
We are enforcing the two rules listed above by making all titles start with ages/genders in the following format:
[##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two at the beginning of your title. Here is an example:
Your post was removed for the following reason(s):
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Posts must:
include details about the involved parties including ages, genders, and length of relationship, and
request advice in real situations involving two or more people
We are enforcing the two rules listed above by making all titles start with ages/genders in the following format:
[##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two at the beginning of your title. Here is an example:
I would say that if a mother doesn’t want someone in their child’s life, then that should be respected.
It is a form of bodily autonomy. Until the child is weaned and independent, they are a part of the mother. A mother is especially tuned into their child’s needs on a hormonal level.
She can refuse to let your mom into her hospital room. She can refuse to let your mom see the newborn.
You will be considered an AH for forcing her to give up her child to your mother whom she vehemently opposes.
Your mom is probably just as amazing as you paint her. And your wife is reacting out of trauma (most likely stirred up by the pregnancy.). You will do significantly more harm if you force this issue.
I would be concerned about her mental state at this time though. Not just the trauma is an issue here. There are forms of psychosis that are caused by pregnancy.
She should be seen by her dr (not even a mental health specialist) and they should check to make sure all of her vitals are normal and there are no signs of eclampsia. She can also ask them what your mom’s version of “healthy” should look like.
I agree that it isn’t safe for your mom to loose 50 lbs if she still has all of her old skin. Your mom is probably VERY fit under all of that skin and doesn’t really have the weight to loose. If she needs to loose 30lbs of skin, that would mean at 5’10” she is 195 under there. That is a BMI of 28. And BMI is not a clean math. If it was, a body builder would be obese.
I don't think I could stay in this arrangement, but I understand why it's tricky for you. That gut reaction you had, that “unfair” feeling, wasn't about anything being unfair. She's able to make a boundary and communicate it to you, which is great. What you're feeling is disappointment. That's why you felt blindsided. It's an otherwise great thing that will be missing something many people are looking for. I'd listen to your gut. You're already upset by this. You're not compatible. It would be best for both of you to communicate that and move on.
I ended up going through a long labor, but then needed a c-section. They double pumped me full of fluids since I received fluids for labor and then surgery fluids. I was puffy everywhere for about 4-6 weeks. Then it just (fairly quickly) faded away.
I did breastfeed my son. We made it 9 months and I feel that helped me lose the pregnancy weight I had gained. My boobs are different, which stinks, but it’s not something me or my husband is hung up on.
Check to see if there’s a subreddit for pregnant women. You can post there and read through other posts and comments for more perspectives and advice/support.
I was indeed more focused on my son. I knew eventually my body would get back to some sort of normal, so I chose not to stress about it, and thankfully it all worked out. I know some women don’t feel that way, but that’s why ensuring you have support and making sure your mental health is good will definitely be beneficial for you in the long run.
Why didn't you look for a new place to stay at together? Doesn't sound healthy for the both of you to on-line with her mother. For me the relationship would have been over if my man moved out without me. But I don't know anything about her situation, if she can even afford to share libing costs with you. Nonetheless, I think it was a good decision for you to move out. You've got enough stress at work, wouldn't want to live with my partners parents either.
Yeah so herpes gives me yeast infection symptoms sometimes during flare up. He could know that he has something and that is why he won’t go to the doc. Sounds sus
I do feel pushed around. I think that I am a very easily manipulated person, but that makes it difficult to trust my own interpretation of things. So I appreciate the perspective, thanks
Like I said in another response, I do not nag him. I grew up with everyone in my house smoking but me and never once have I judged anyone or made them feel the need to stop. He came to me asking for my help for him to stop when we started dating. I did not tell him to stop smoking. My thing is when I believe that a person can accomplish something then I’m going to hold you to it. Even on days where he went backwards I still told him he was doing a fantastic job but only because those days were rare. Now they’re frequent and I feel as if he has given up and I think I should too but I don’t want him to think I’m quitting on his goal.
This is excellent advice. Judging from some of the responses, I would worry about the repercussions from telling him in a private setting. Definitely better to get it out in therapy.
Time to have a conversation and bring your receipts. I would lay out all the bills, what the monthly cost is and who pays what.
Some people need it in writing to understand.
I would also bring up the division of labor. It doesn't sound equitable here. If you are only paying $160 less in rent, but covering all the other items. Are you not paying more? Are you not doing more house chores?
He has to learn when to stop. And you need to learn to set boundaries so he knows he needs to stop. That's really what the problem is.
Lots of people have anxieties in the sort of situation you describe. And some self destruction is normal as well. Hating yourself is so unnecessary and unneeded. You are really fine and I'm sure a much better person than you know. Please don't hate yourself, or let your bf convince you that you should. You are a valuable and unique person just for existing.
Listen, you feel however you’re going to feel. They’re YOUR feelings and they’re valid. Of course your Mom is having serious mood swings. I think anyone would. Although I don’t know how she didn’t figure it out beforehand. He wouldn’t give her any money?
As for him not showing up, that’s not ok. It sounds like you’ve created this fairy tale Dad in your head, and that isn’t who he really is. He sounds like he’s been totally unavailable your entire life. Maybe making into this hero-like person was your coping mechanism to him being absent. By the sounds of it the majority of your life.
You, your Mom and your sister are the true family. Don’t tiptoe around her because she’s sad. It’s part of life. Talk to her. Talk to her about your feelings and talk to her about her feelings.
I’m sorry, but your father sounds like a sorry excuse of a human being and his “girlfriend” is just as bad. I know you don’t want to hear that but he hasn’t contributed ANYTHING to your life by the sounds of it.
I wish you healing and I hope everything works in yours, and your Moms favor!
& he’ll probably excuse himself out the door at this point. So I went in the kitchen to clean up after dinner & he came in there & said “why did you just try & start an argument with me..” I said I didn’t, you told me to get “unwet..” whatever the heck that means so instead of arguing I came in here…he said “I never said that.” !! I have Never heard anyone say the word “unwet,” I Know dang well I didn’t make that up.
Than I think she needs more than just counseling, but therapy.
There's something more going on that she's not sharing, and this behaviour sounds more like being in the relationship out of habit more than from enjoyment. Like as though she's wanted to break up sooner but it was never a good time to do so. (I hope you know what I mean).
Lol nail biting well I do hope you leave him man deserved someone better nail biting crazy out of all the issue in this world nail biting is the end all be all.
I just read the old post and I'm not sure the kind of evidence you're looking for. I don't think anyone should respond to you because you won't leave her. She knows you're a fool… she will soon bring another man's child for you to raise and even if the child is a spitting image of her lover, you will still need ask for more concrete evidence.
I feel like I’m the odd one out with the following comment but: It sounds like she’s working through the very normal thoughts and feelings of someone in a long term committed relationship with the same person since they were teenagers in a private way (journal and therapy). I would cut her some slack.
Teenagers do dumb shit (all the blurred lines with the ex at the start of your relationship). Typically most people gain some dating experience and get all that shady shit out of their system before getting married. You two didn’t. She’s had to grow up and turn into an adult IN your relationship. All that comes with a load of thoughts and emotions, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, waxing and waning attraction. All of this seems normal to me.
Forgive me for skimming the end, but it seems clear that she’s not acting on any of these thoughts or emotions and has stood by you for two decades. If you think most women don’t experience similar thoughts and emotions during 20 years with the same person you’d be wrong. Everything you read in her journal is normal and not anything you should shame her for. Use this as a chance to be open to hearing her truths and encourage better communication.
Can't say for certain but I don't think that's the case.
When it comes to sex, men may be more inclined to think “are we going to have sex?” as validity for a relationship but that's more down to dealing with the hangovers (and still prevalance sadly) of a society where women's sexual freedom is frowned upon. ie: the man pursues the sex, the woman allows the sex. It's not really healthy.
I've been with someone where the sex was almost non-existant, and for me it was a massive problem, but it didn't make me love them any less, or feel less close. Just unfulfilled. And woman are just as capable to write the book of “Unfulfillment” as men are.
It's not abnormal. I think I was low-key in love with my best friend in high school. And she was straight. We're still close. I never made any kind of move. I was not doing move making with girls back then. Or out until several years later. (Same-sex love was highly stigmatized when I was in high school. By nearly everyone.) My besties dramatic on-again off-again hallway theatre with her boyfriends completely baffled and annoyed me. (Because I had never been in love!)But it's a dynamic that arises. And it might be more likely these many years later that someone like your friend would feel emboldened to express and act on their feelings.
As for you! Your friend probably has a crush on you. You seem to have a terrific boundaries and a great sense of yourself and a high regard for her. So the question is: do you want to talk to her about it?
I think you should bring it up. Because the longer it goes on the more she could be letting herself think there's something happening here that is not happening. In my mind the main thing you need to communicate to her is that it's nevah gonna happen. Not because you don't love and admire her? But because you only have romantic and sexual feelings for men.
Feel free to let her know if the combination of your hunch she has a crush on you her initiation of newish physical closeness and banter makes you uncomfortable. It might not. But if it does, tell her.
For what it's worth? I have excellent Spidey sense for people who are even slightly icked out by gays. I'm not feeling any of that coming from your letter. I don't think if you're uncomfortable about this because you're homophobic. But because you really don't want to lead on a good friend you care about. So if you need to reestablish conversational or physical boundaries for a time? I don't think there's any reason your friendship can't stay strong.
She might need some space or be embarrassed. But you will have done her a big favor. I hope it goes well.
What info did you share? A password? If so, why not just change it? It doesn't sound like you need to worry but it's okay to be cautious if it's bothering you.
Or Señor Ño Dk
A wise man by the name of Bill Burr once said “if you’re thinking about breaking up, it’s time to break up”
Coke is a HOT NO! Should be for anyone IMO. Especially if your partner is doing every week
Omg…that's a big no no…she's very wrong. You weren't being controlling you were being normal. Put a bra on so your brothers don't feel uncomfortable and disrespected.
But trust me I’ve been thinking that constantly that maybe if I just waited it out he’d be ready to talk three weeks later but then I think is that what I want idk stuff kinda wild in life
RED FLAGS AND SIRENS ALL OVER! Just go and donate sperm if you want a kid so desperately. Dont take any hasty decisions on a boner, masturbate and go to sleep.
Ride it out I say, living with an ex is the most miserable thing life has to offer. Stability is what you need right now starting out with university.
Try and be friendly and share some joy together, but detach yourself more and more every month. If she refuses to change after numerous talks then it’s not worth your time, just be selfish here.
I really hope she leaves you. Don't trickle truth her either. Tell her the full extent of your relationship with your mistress so she can make an informed decision.
Nope. You are just fine. You do not need to forgive a guy that broke your trust, cheat and gave you a STI. You also do not need to justify crap to these other two who seem more his friend than yours.
Why does everyone keep repeating that she is impoverished!? Are you all having a shared fantasy?
Hello /u/throw-away_711,
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[##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two at the beginning of your title. Here is an example:
[34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post
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I've never dated a guy that prefers certain body type. I just want to ask if this relationship has a solid futute given the situation..
Hello /u/Brampton2730,
Your post was removed for the following reason(s):
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request advice in real situations involving two or more people
We are enforcing the two rules listed above by making all titles start with ages/genders in the following format:
[##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two at the beginning of your title. Here is an example:
[34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post
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People these days are cowards and have no honor.
I’m on the fence.
I would say that if a mother doesn’t want someone in their child’s life, then that should be respected.
It is a form of bodily autonomy. Until the child is weaned and independent, they are a part of the mother. A mother is especially tuned into their child’s needs on a hormonal level.
She can refuse to let your mom into her hospital room. She can refuse to let your mom see the newborn.
You will be considered an AH for forcing her to give up her child to your mother whom she vehemently opposes.
Your mom is probably just as amazing as you paint her. And your wife is reacting out of trauma (most likely stirred up by the pregnancy.). You will do significantly more harm if you force this issue.
I would be concerned about her mental state at this time though. Not just the trauma is an issue here. There are forms of psychosis that are caused by pregnancy.
She should be seen by her dr (not even a mental health specialist) and they should check to make sure all of her vitals are normal and there are no signs of eclampsia. She can also ask them what your mom’s version of “healthy” should look like.
I agree that it isn’t safe for your mom to loose 50 lbs if she still has all of her old skin. Your mom is probably VERY fit under all of that skin and doesn’t really have the weight to loose. If she needs to loose 30lbs of skin, that would mean at 5’10” she is 195 under there. That is a BMI of 28. And BMI is not a clean math. If it was, a body builder would be obese.
No. Bring a pack.
Either it's going to go smoothly, and they're going to want to do it more than once, or
It's going to be awkward and will take a few attempts to get right.
I think he lied when he said he didn’t have the money. Just read his comments. He sounds resentful of her??♀️
I don't think I could stay in this arrangement, but I understand why it's tricky for you. That gut reaction you had, that “unfair” feeling, wasn't about anything being unfair. She's able to make a boundary and communicate it to you, which is great. What you're feeling is disappointment. That's why you felt blindsided. It's an otherwise great thing that will be missing something many people are looking for. I'd listen to your gut. You're already upset by this. You're not compatible. It would be best for both of you to communicate that and move on.
It really isn’t. People too often want to use it as a substitute for admitting hot realities to themselves.
Like I said, every woman is different.
I ended up going through a long labor, but then needed a c-section. They double pumped me full of fluids since I received fluids for labor and then surgery fluids. I was puffy everywhere for about 4-6 weeks. Then it just (fairly quickly) faded away.
I did breastfeed my son. We made it 9 months and I feel that helped me lose the pregnancy weight I had gained. My boobs are different, which stinks, but it’s not something me or my husband is hung up on.
Check to see if there’s a subreddit for pregnant women. You can post there and read through other posts and comments for more perspectives and advice/support.
I was indeed more focused on my son. I knew eventually my body would get back to some sort of normal, so I chose not to stress about it, and thankfully it all worked out. I know some women don’t feel that way, but that’s why ensuring you have support and making sure your mental health is good will definitely be beneficial for you in the long run.
I wish you the best!
Why didn't you look for a new place to stay at together? Doesn't sound healthy for the both of you to on-line with her mother. For me the relationship would have been over if my man moved out without me. But I don't know anything about her situation, if she can even afford to share libing costs with you. Nonetheless, I think it was a good decision for you to move out. You've got enough stress at work, wouldn't want to live with my partners parents either.
He cheated bye
Right.. because men never over share ?
Yeah so herpes gives me yeast infection symptoms sometimes during flare up. He could know that he has something and that is why he won’t go to the doc. Sounds sus
It would hurt me to know that my partner was salivating over another's genitals. It's disrespectful and would definitely make me feel uncomfortable
Go home now, return to the store tomorrow and pay for the fruit.
If he has app notifications coming through then he has the app installed. Please don't let him gaslight you like this, he's lying to you.
I do feel pushed around. I think that I am a very easily manipulated person, but that makes it difficult to trust my own interpretation of things. So I appreciate the perspective, thanks
Like I said in another response, I do not nag him. I grew up with everyone in my house smoking but me and never once have I judged anyone or made them feel the need to stop. He came to me asking for my help for him to stop when we started dating. I did not tell him to stop smoking. My thing is when I believe that a person can accomplish something then I’m going to hold you to it. Even on days where he went backwards I still told him he was doing a fantastic job but only because those days were rare. Now they’re frequent and I feel as if he has given up and I think I should too but I don’t want him to think I’m quitting on his goal.
Better to celebrate alone than deal with your family dumping on you all day long at your brother's wedding.
Telling him to wait repeatedly is nagging. This won't work as long as it is more important to you than to him…the actual smoker.
This is excellent advice. Judging from some of the responses, I would worry about the repercussions from telling him in a private setting. Definitely better to get it out in therapy.
Make her take a pregnancy test. If you’re having sex with her without using a condom, you’re a fool.
Honestly it sounds like you don't have a fiancé anymore
It feels quite shallow and primordial driven to leave someone for a reason as such, but I will keep this in mind. Thank you
Time to have a conversation and bring your receipts. I would lay out all the bills, what the monthly cost is and who pays what.
Some people need it in writing to understand.
I would also bring up the division of labor. It doesn't sound equitable here. If you are only paying $160 less in rent, but covering all the other items. Are you not paying more? Are you not doing more house chores?
Maybe this will be eye opening for him…and you.
He has to learn when to stop. And you need to learn to set boundaries so he knows he needs to stop. That's really what the problem is.
Lots of people have anxieties in the sort of situation you describe. And some self destruction is normal as well. Hating yourself is so unnecessary and unneeded. You are really fine and I'm sure a much better person than you know. Please don't hate yourself, or let your bf convince you that you should. You are a valuable and unique person just for existing.
Sending lots of hugs to you.
Listen, you feel however you’re going to feel. They’re YOUR feelings and they’re valid. Of course your Mom is having serious mood swings. I think anyone would. Although I don’t know how she didn’t figure it out beforehand. He wouldn’t give her any money?
As for him not showing up, that’s not ok. It sounds like you’ve created this fairy tale Dad in your head, and that isn’t who he really is. He sounds like he’s been totally unavailable your entire life. Maybe making into this hero-like person was your coping mechanism to him being absent. By the sounds of it the majority of your life.
You, your Mom and your sister are the true family. Don’t tiptoe around her because she’s sad. It’s part of life. Talk to her. Talk to her about your feelings and talk to her about her feelings.
I’m sorry, but your father sounds like a sorry excuse of a human being and his “girlfriend” is just as bad. I know you don’t want to hear that but he hasn’t contributed ANYTHING to your life by the sounds of it.
I wish you healing and I hope everything works in yours, and your Moms favor!
Don’t go back someone doesn’t have a genuine change of heart that quick.
I understood that reference
(Ran out of space ) pt 2:
& he’ll probably excuse himself out the door at this point. So I went in the kitchen to clean up after dinner & he came in there & said “why did you just try & start an argument with me..” I said I didn’t, you told me to get “unwet..” whatever the heck that means so instead of arguing I came in here…he said “I never said that.” !! I have Never heard anyone say the word “unwet,” I Know dang well I didn’t make that up.
Than I think she needs more than just counseling, but therapy.
There's something more going on that she's not sharing, and this behaviour sounds more like being in the relationship out of habit more than from enjoyment. Like as though she's wanted to break up sooner but it was never a good time to do so. (I hope you know what I mean).
IDK, just a thought.
Lol nail biting well I do hope you leave him man deserved someone better nail biting crazy out of all the issue in this world nail biting is the end all be all.
Since youre both adults, unless there are some major red flags, maturity and compatibility trumps all.
I saw on Google there are things that make your period worse and I think she has mentioned this before. She gets bad cramps.
Explain to her that it actually does bother you, then see what happens. You need to put your foot down.
I just read the old post and I'm not sure the kind of evidence you're looking for. I don't think anyone should respond to you because you won't leave her. She knows you're a fool… she will soon bring another man's child for you to raise and even if the child is a spitting image of her lover, you will still need ask for more concrete evidence.
I feel like I’m the odd one out with the following comment but: It sounds like she’s working through the very normal thoughts and feelings of someone in a long term committed relationship with the same person since they were teenagers in a private way (journal and therapy). I would cut her some slack.
Teenagers do dumb shit (all the blurred lines with the ex at the start of your relationship). Typically most people gain some dating experience and get all that shady shit out of their system before getting married. You two didn’t. She’s had to grow up and turn into an adult IN your relationship. All that comes with a load of thoughts and emotions, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, waxing and waning attraction. All of this seems normal to me.
Forgive me for skimming the end, but it seems clear that she’s not acting on any of these thoughts or emotions and has stood by you for two decades. If you think most women don’t experience similar thoughts and emotions during 20 years with the same person you’d be wrong. Everything you read in her journal is normal and not anything you should shame her for. Use this as a chance to be open to hearing her truths and encourage better communication.
Can't say for certain but I don't think that's the case.
When it comes to sex, men may be more inclined to think “are we going to have sex?” as validity for a relationship but that's more down to dealing with the hangovers (and still prevalance sadly) of a society where women's sexual freedom is frowned upon. ie: the man pursues the sex, the woman allows the sex. It's not really healthy.
I've been with someone where the sex was almost non-existant, and for me it was a massive problem, but it didn't make me love them any less, or feel less close. Just unfulfilled. And woman are just as capable to write the book of “Unfulfillment” as men are.
It's not abnormal. I think I was low-key in love with my best friend in high school. And she was straight. We're still close. I never made any kind of move. I was not doing move making with girls back then. Or out until several years later. (Same-sex love was highly stigmatized when I was in high school. By nearly everyone.) My besties dramatic on-again off-again hallway theatre with her boyfriends completely baffled and annoyed me. (Because I had never been in love!)But it's a dynamic that arises. And it might be more likely these many years later that someone like your friend would feel emboldened to express and act on their feelings.
As for you! Your friend probably has a crush on you. You seem to have a terrific boundaries and a great sense of yourself and a high regard for her. So the question is: do you want to talk to her about it?
I think you should bring it up. Because the longer it goes on the more she could be letting herself think there's something happening here that is not happening. In my mind the main thing you need to communicate to her is that it's nevah gonna happen. Not because you don't love and admire her? But because you only have romantic and sexual feelings for men.
Feel free to let her know if the combination of your hunch she has a crush on you her initiation of newish physical closeness and banter makes you uncomfortable. It might not. But if it does, tell her.
For what it's worth? I have excellent Spidey sense for people who are even slightly icked out by gays. I'm not feeling any of that coming from your letter. I don't think if you're uncomfortable about this because you're homophobic. But because you really don't want to lead on a good friend you care about. So if you need to reestablish conversational or physical boundaries for a time? I don't think there's any reason your friendship can't stay strong.
She might need some space or be embarrassed. But you will have done her a big favor. I hope it goes well.
What info did you share? A password? If so, why not just change it? It doesn't sound like you need to worry but it's okay to be cautious if it's bothering you.
Who slipped you the drug?