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Denisewolfe on-line webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 4, 2022

2 thoughts on “Denisewolfe on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted so hard- because it’s the truth! worrying about current partners previous partners is pretty ridiculous bc there’s literally nothing that can be done to go back in time to change it! many, many people film themselves having sex, and I’m sure OP has filmed himself with other partners in the past- the main difference are her videos are public and she made money off it

    should she have told him about it? Probably

    Would OP be this upset if he discovered his wife recorded videos with previous partners that weren’t distributed publicly? Probably

    is it that different than sending nudes or filming yourself getting it on that different than filming porn? Not really

    Is there anything that can be done about the pornos? Nope

    Is his wife the same person he married? Yup

    Worrying about previous partners is the biggest waste of energy, and my fave example of playing stupid games to win stupid prizes.

    At the end of the day, is it worth it to destroy your marriage over a few pornos your partner made? Idk that’s for you to decide

  2. I’m so sorry OP but you need to hear this as so many people have already told you: what your bf did wasn’t SA, your bf *raped you.* I’m so sorry but that is the truth. You cannot stay with him. This is the point of no return for your relationship. This behavior is going to continue because as long as he thinks he’s gotten away with it he will continue to do it.

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