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DiggyKarter live sex cams for YOU!


4 thoughts on “DiggyKarter live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Are you and your boyfriend willing to try to manage the allergy? If so, here are some things you can try:

    De-shed the dog.

    You don’t mention what kind of dog you have, but I’m going to guess it’s a double-coated breed. Both long and shorthaired dogs can be double-coated, and unless you specifically go looking for a single-coated dog (like a poodle), you probably have a double-coated dog. What this means is that the dog has both an undercoat and a topcoat. The undercoat is the part that causes allergy issues for most people. It sheds out more frequently than the top coat, and because of the texture, it traps allergens more easily.

    To de-shed a dog, the best thing is to take the dog to a groomer that knows how to de-shed. (Not all groomers do.) This is a process that involves blowing the dog’s undercoat out with a high velocity blowdryer. If you go this route, your dog needs to go every three weeks or so. This is due to the growth cycle of dog hair.

    If this isn’t an option for you, the next best thing depends on whether your dog is long or shorthaired. For a longhaired dog, get an undercoat rake and brush the dog out with it twice a week. There are many, many undercoat rakes on the market, but my personal favorite is called the Mars Coat King. Do not use a Furminator. It cuts the coat rather than removing the undercoat.

    For a shorthaired dog, you can use a grooming/shed stone or shed blade. Furminator is a shed blade and is okay to use in shorthaired dogs. You’ll still need to brush twice a week.

    Change your dog’s food.

    This one is a bit complicated because it’s very much dependent on the individual dog and person, so I can’t just tell you to feed X food. I’d suggest starting with a food without the most common allergens (wheat, corn) and with an added probiotic or fish oil. The easiest way is to get something like salmon or whitefish as the primary protein. But like I said, this is very individual. In my household, we had to find a food without gluten or sunflower oil.

    If you do this, give it at least four weeks before trying a different brand. This is once again due to the dog hair growth cycle.

    Use a dander removal shampoo and spray.

    The only brand I’m aware of that actually works is called Allerpet. Use the shampoo whenever you bath the dog, which can be as often as every week — which is what my allergist recommends. Allerpet is a very gentle shampoo, so there’s no concern with over-bathing your dog. That said, you might find that bathing less frequently is sufficient, but you probably won’t want to do it less often than every three weeks (hair growth cycle).

    The spray can be used 2-3 times a week, as per the manufacturer’s suggestions. That said, I’d probably use it every day while visiting your boyfriend until you find something else that helps.

    Get air purifiers for your boyfriend’s house.

    You’ll want a HEPA filter. There’s some recommendation for one purifier for however many square feet, but I don’t know it off the top of my head. Your boyfriend should keep them going even when you aren’t there.

    Get your boyfriend to a doctor.

    This is assuming he doesn’t already have an allergist. An allergist can help with desensitization treatments (like allergy shots), medications, and other treatments.


    This should be in conjunction with seeing an allergist, especially since the best medication would likely be prescription, but I know that isn’t an option available to everyone. There are over-the-counter medications that are available that could really help your boyfriend. Zyrtec and Claritin are probably the most common, but there are newer generation allergy medications that supposedly work better and have less side effects. Personally, I have had the best luck with Zyrtec, a neti pot, and the occasional Mucinex, but everyone will react differently.

  2. I feel like it's pretty relationship standard to have the same or similar foundational beliefs as your partner.

    I'm quoting you here to point out that voting R currently is a difference in foundational beliefs.

    Even going off your stated beliefs that economic prosperity is more important to you than reproductive rights, Republicans have a terrible track record economically.

    The last 30 years of data are clear that Republican economic policy does not work. Republicans have never reduced the country's deficit and R run states on average have worse economies and get more federal funding than they collect.

    In addition, Republicans are actively harming the buying power of anyone who isn't rich because they only cut taxes for the wealthy and hurt unions.

    I agree that we shouldn't debate because the evidence is clear that not only are Republicans not on your side for civil rights, they don't accomplish what you want economically either.

  3. I get it, you were upset and didn't know how to handle the situation, but damn you could not have handled it any worse if you'd tried. Obviously she was going to break up with you for that. What other option did you give her?

    What you did was manipulative. It is absurd that you are 33 and handling social interactions this way. You're an adult, boy a teenager. Is someone is bullying you, just remove yourself from the situation. Don't goad them into bullying you more so you can show your gf. That's juvenile behavior.

    Your gf was in the wrong by allowing her friend to treat you this way. But that pales in comparison to the song and dance you put up in response. Next time, don't date someone with a friend like that, esp if they don't address it.

  4. Obviously he is cheating or almost flirting with girls on-line, he is keeping the cattle available. As soon as you just checked his Snapchat you don’t know if he has also another WhatsApp account, there are more apps you can double.

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