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DominantMistress online sex chats for YOU!


dominantmistress chat

Date: November 4, 2022

33 thoughts on “DominantMistress online sex chats for YOU!

  1. That sounds like porn addiction to me. He needs to speak to a therapist. Again, and I want to be totally clear on this , this is not your fault, nor is it because you're not sexy or Pretty. I'm sure you're very attractive, this is because he's watched so much porn that is the only way his body knows how to cum now. I doubt there is anything you can do that will help him with this.

  2. The only way you will rekindle the relationship is if your wife starts take some accountablity for her actions towards you. If she doesnt change then you will run into this problem over and over again. If they really want to move on id recommend counciling of some sort for the two of you.

  3. Okay, so a few thoughts;

    First of all, your wife needs serious therapy. To baby-trap someone into a life they didn't get to choose is a massive breach of trust, and she clearly knows it. It's the height of manipulation, and not something a healthy individual would do.

    Secondly, your wife sounds like she is very, very insecure. I'm not a therapist, and even if I was you can't diagnose someone live, but my guess is that she either believed she wasn't good enough for someone to love, or that you were far too good for her. Then she's spent the last year and a half torturing herself with the idea that your life is a lie, and that the only reason you're with her is because she forced you to be.

    Thirdly, even though what she did would be a offense beyond repair for most people, as you've said you're happy with your life and love your family. You need to take a good amount of time to yourself, away from the situation, to process the fact that you were lied to and tricked, and figure out if what you have is worth keeping. If you decide that you still want to stay together, you need to make it a condition that you both go to counselling together. Even if you feel ambivalent about it now this is a major blow to your relationship, and it's going to cause problems down the road if you don't have a professional to help you through.

  4. The kid is mine I’m 100% and I look through her phone and she’s not texting any guys in that sort of manner but I do see where you are coming from. The reason she wants to open it up is because she suspects me of cheating. She is against me going to the gym and physical activity. I will start going and I’m eating healthier than I was a year prior.

  5. Wow she’s lucky that you’ve decided to remain married to her. It sounds like she’s beginning to abuse you and projecting that onto you so she doesn’t bear the guilt of it. In my opinion she has no right to criticize what you cooked, especially if you’re the one who paid for it. Not to mention it sounds like she hasn’t really contributed much and for her to say that she feels financially strangled is her way of saying that she doesn’t appreciate that you won’t bend over backwards more than you already are to make her happy. It seems like there isn’t much OP can do in this case to make her happy or make things better, you deserve better. I would suggest couples therapy or at the very least therapy for you. This is going to be an uphill battle until everything is peachy again. Sometimes difficult times can bring the worst out of people and pull back the curtain on their true feelings so to speak. Just remember that you’re her husband, not her father and that the burden isn’t on you to baby her or to take care of her. It’s one thing to help her when she’s down on her luck, it’s another to be the only responsible one in the marriage and to act as a caretaker. I hope things work out and that my synopsis is misguided for your sake. God speed.

  6. Ask him if he can have every female in his social circle, in your neighborhood, and at his work to take paternity tests. Tel him you are worried since you heard of someone who was married and had a teenager show up and say that the husband was her real father.

    You just want to be sure! You know he wouldn’t cheat, but how can you REALLY be sure that all these women he knows are having babies and NONE of them are his?

  7. I would be up to knock on the door and/or console from the outside regularly. He needs nourishment … keep offering food and drinks. He may just need a hug and no talking. He definitely needs support.

    Everyone grieves and reacts differently.

    My sister died unexpectedly (car accident). If it weren't for that fact that I had four children to take care of (including a 2-week-old), I would not have been able to function those first few days. I was on auto-pilot, but I had my children that kept me busy.

    I am sorry that you and he are suffering.

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  9. Yeah I agree. But if she was consenting to everything before and also during drinking does that mean it’s still assault?

  10. My partner thought I was a player too and she did the psycho jealousy thing too, but it dies down to nothing over time once they learn who you are, meeting friends that can verify who you actually are helps this a lot.

    As for the texting it sounds a lot like mind games to me, 3 days in and (no offence) early 20's romance is littered with childish games, we all do it though, once she comes back to you I'd just back off your reply for a few hours and watch the scales tip

  11. so are you, it seems, as i genuinely don’t understand where the “ego” thing actually comes from. this seems more like a frightened response and trying to gauge if the guy was being malicious, rather than “oh no a MAN is stronger than me, what do i do??”

  12. I would find a way to make her aware of it anonymously.

    Take lots of screenshots of his dating profile (date and time visible if possible), and send them to her with a text like “Hey, I thought maybe you'd want to know about this. I know I would.”

  13. If you don’t want people to think this idiocy is representative of you, don’t throw in how you’re certain you got an STD from a toilet seat ?

  14. Seems a lot of women here are fine when they are allowed to body shame men. But if it was reversed on them about their weight or how they look without makeup Reddit would have very different opinion on body shaming

  15. Your sisters are right. She isn’t your friend. Your real friends wouldn’t put you down like that. Also very concerning your other friends didn’t stick up for you. Just because Jessica has been allowed to be a jerk since forever doesn’t mean you have to take it. She insulted you multiple times! Also is Jessica white? She doesn’t understand your culture and has decided it’s wrong. She also was the aggressor and attacked you, your husband and your culture and then played the victim when you reacted. You deserve better than Jessica. She is punishing you with ignoring you so next time you don’t stand up for yourself. That this as an opportunity to cut her friendship and tell her it’s because clearly your growing apart.

  16. wow, how considerate! /s

    think of how she'll feel when her bff texts her a link to her pics on some porn site asking when she started publicly posting her body. or god forbid her family finds out about it first.

    she'll likely find out sooner or later, and she'll have every right to feel however she feels about it. it gets exponentially worse each time you lie to her or evade coming clean.

    you're being selfish because it's not really her feelings you're worried about – it's being single. which you evidently really need to be for a while.

  17. OP, what was your first reaction when you saw the card from your parents, how did you feel?

    Did you feel panic, fear, dread or did you feel anger?

    Your first gut feel when you realised who the card was from should be what lets you know which option to take, if it was panic, fear or dread – stay away, they still have the ability to affect your peace of mind if it was anger, it might be time to confront them & vent if it was indifference, again another reason to stay away

    Dont cash the check, we all know that comes with strings, just return to sender it you dont have to add anything to the envelope if you don't want to – the returned check will speak volumes

    Most importantly dont let the thought of them damage your self esteem, look at your life now, how happy & free you are

  18. Ummm ? this would not be a deal breaker with a self assured man. You are a woman, and willing to flash yourself. He’s the issue.

  19. You realize that he did this because he doesn't consider the effects of his actions on you, right? Frankly, assuming it's available in your area, you should be telling him outright that he's financially SCREWED you both, and he needs to download gig delivery/rideshare apps, sign up immediately, and do that at night while spending ALL DAY applying for jobs, and any time he's not spending applying for jobs, he needs to be doing uber/lyft/doordash/grubhub/etc., because he's REALLY screwed up big time. Anything other than “yes dear” should be met with divorce papers because he has REALLY screwed up. This is nearly as bad of a betrayal as cheating would have been.

  20. Zero relevance, they both work 8 hours a day. He could make 7 billion dollars a day and still be bale to do the fuckin dishes.

  21. True. I decide to let go of the fact that he will keep nagging me until I can show him I can drive safely.

    I am not dumb and I am not the best in a lot of things either. Driving is something I am not most confident in. I accept the criticism. Because I don't want to put myself and other people on the road in danger.

    So I will have to listen to whatever he tells me that I am not doing well in. Even if it seems like micromanagement, it's better to listen to some advice than to get in a car accident.

    Thanks for helping me.

  22. Your boyfriend and his friends suck, I would have been mortified too. If he was a grown up he would have guarded the door while you were in there, not join in with the others humiliating you. Then he didn't even have any sympathy when he knew you were upset, what a dick.

  23. He didn't go no contact, you still talk to him. Leave the poor man alone, he's living his life.

  24. He didn't go no contact, you still talk to him. Leave the poor man alone, he's living his life.

  25. Friend, you can do better. This guy isn't into you and I don't know how more clear he can be? You are playing yourself here.

  26. Right. You don’t garner trust mindlessly putting yourself in positions that look bad from the outside looking in.

  27. If you REALLY like her keep your mouth shut. The guilt will fade, but the regret of telling her and losing her will never fade if you really that into her trust me. You’re 23 and it’s been a month. Never do it again but keep that mouth shut.

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