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Dulce-zeus on-line sex cams for YOU!


dulce-zeus Public Chat Channel

Date: January 18, 2023

55 thoughts on “Dulce-zeus on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. sorry for that assumption then! i'm literally fighting for an ASD diagnosis instead of BPD now but my Drs aren't listening. i'm nearly 21 and it's so draining. anyway, good luck. 🙂

  2. Eyyy boss, don't feel bad about being conflicted on this. A lot of people are being pretty harsh as if cutting out someone who you view as your brother is easy.

    Find some time to mull this over, but yeah. He needs to get lost if you want to keep this girl, and I KNOW I would if she was noble enough to tell me about my friend trying to pull some shit over my head behind my back like that.

    I'm sorry, but this guy doesn't respect you.

    Hope you find peace.

  3. Hey OP, just to address some of the questions you were asking- having open relationships is a thing, but it’s definitely not super common, meaning like, when you’re in a relationship the assumption is it’s closed and monogamous unless you as a couple discuss otherwise.

    This is just an incompatibility issue at this point. If your both not on board, then it shouldn’t happen. Even if you don’t think she would cheat, the fact that she’s abroad after asking you to open the relationship means you would just have so much extra stress you don’t need.

  4. In a lot of cultures, they'd find it far more “wild” that you can permanently end the life of some dumb 14 year old who's stealing pennies out of your change bowl. They'd say that retributive justice is a far more wild, “law of the jungle” approach than the criminology traditions of Enlightenment thinkers like Bemtham or Voltaire. (These are the same thinkers who laid the foundations of modern democracy, based on the same humanist ideas of natural rights, and the like.)

    The beauty of the democracy that these thinkers created is that local laws reflect different cultural norms of different places.

  5. Think about how many couples you see where one is clearly “inferior” to the other. It can be height, weight, salary, fashion, etc

    He's willing to meet you, so try not to be negative. Maybe you both have really strong chemistry, and he can look past slightly worse looks(if what you're saying really is true).

    It is better to be with an average looking person but great chemistry than a good-looking person with low chemistry.

  6. If this is a hookup relationship, you could just enjoy the ride until you're ready to look for “the one”.

    If you're not into hookup relationships, drop this one like a hard rock. Sounds like you both have different relationship values.

  7. It sounds like he has an addictive personality which has carried over into his fetishes. I feel like you should be more focused on him getting help rather than coming to terms with his behavior.

  8. I understand what you’re saying, but it does sound like “oh think of the poor men who want nothing more than to fuck their female friends, whatever shall we do to protect those men”

  9. My heart breaks for you…please get into therapy and start to value yourself. Her first problem that needs addressing is her alcohol addiction. Please talk to her about going to AA. Once she is getting help and sober then you can address other issues and work on your relationship. This will take time and a lot of hard work on both of your parts. If she doesn't agree to get help then you need to leave this toxic relationship.

  10. Assuming your description is reliable it seems her exes were indeed more satisfying in bed. Of course simply being a good fuck is not material for love and happy relationship. She in all likelyhood loves you more despite the aforementioned things.

    Keep on mind she can still be content with your sex life, it is not a 0 or 1 type of situation.

    Whether you can get over thus is up to you. Couple counselling with someone Competent could help.

  11. But you can’t force someone into be faithful. In reality I probably shouldn’t care regardless of if she was/wasn’t living with him. I feel like the fact I do is a massive problem.

  12. Also the main person they are celebrating is uncomfortable. OP's Mom was uncomfortable yet they persisted and this was her birthday celebration. It doesn't matter if the aunt and uncle were okay with it, this dinner was not about them. Clearly a conversation does need to be had but those three don't get to disrupt another person's celebration dinner because they were okay with the conversation topic.

  13. Also the main person they are celebrating is uncomfortable. OP's Mom was uncomfortable yet they persisted and this was her birthday celebration. It doesn't matter if the aunt and uncle were okay with it, this dinner was not about them. Clearly a conversation does need to be had but those three don't get to disrupt another person's celebration dinner because they were okay with the conversation topic.

  14. You are not conservative or unreasonable. Your wife is gaslighting you. Tell her to act like a grown woman for once and stop this charade. Will she do this with any man who hives her attention. Its clear that man wants to get in your wife’s pants.

  15. Thank you! I thought it was a bit odd. I just like when people are original and it kinda rubbed me the wrong way

  16. your worried about her feeling when she does not care about yours?

    Part of a relationship is supporting each other emotionally and I can say my wife is one of my biggest supporters in my life.

    You are young and have too many years ahead to settle on this. Address it with her and see if it helps and if nothing changes than move on and do not wast your years to come.

  17. She might not actually want him, just his attention in front of you. It's a power play/fucked up ego boost. In another world she might have shit in your hat

  18. No I totally get it, the drowsiness can affect some more than others. I've never been particularly sensitive to medications

  19. You said over a year so I assumed that meant you moved in together less than a year in. If it was at the year mark, yes that’s normal.

  20. If he starts to act mean and snappy with you when he is stressed, that's not ok. You need to tell him “It is okay to feel stressed some times, but it is NOT okay for you to take your stress out on me. You need to treat me with respect all the time, not just when you are in a good mood!”

    It may also help by setting emotional boundaries for yourself. By this, I mean understanding that you are not responsible for his emotions, you can't control his emotions, and it isn't your job to fix all his problems.

  21. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I'm willing to try, but I've made it clear that it's not for me and that I won't hold him back, and will let him know what's too much for me. The issue is that I'm already introverted and talk to a very small group of people. He wants me to be apart of all of his engagements and be interactive like him, and that he won't be able to live out his fantasy unless I'm apart of it all of the way. He's uncomfortable because he swears he won't leave me for anyone else, and is upset that I've made it clear that if someone comes along offering what I've been looking for, then we may split paths. He really doesn't even want me talking to guys, and after hearing that I may leave him for someone else made him change his preferences to us having to give permission to see the people we want to see. He's been going through my phone and information for a solid week now, and it's getting irritating because he's been refusing to get his own phone. He's even been going through my journal where I do my shawdow work, and it's been making me feel really icky. To the point of not wanting intimacy. I want to believe he's sincere, but he's been accusing me of “talking to someone” for 2 years now, and I feel like I'm losing it.

  22. Sounds like it might be trimethylaminuria. Is it a fishy smell? If it is the case, it's genetic and there's nothing she can do to fix it.

  23. This is the first reasonable response on here. This isn't such a big deal that it's a threat or that anyone has a huge issue. Yeesh.

  24. this whole thing is gross and sad. there's a reason why a man child goes after younger women. it's just unfortunate you found after getting married. run while you can, take out the trash, let him be another person's problem.

  25. Try working with a veterinary behaviorist. They can he a bit expensive, but are well worth the money. These kind of interactions need to be carefully managed, and the humans require as much training/management as the pets.

  26. LOL right? I am just picturing him calling to try and file a police report about a girl (truthfully) telling everyone that he cheated on his girlfriend. Can you imagine how annoyed they'd be? It'd end up on a tiktok somewhere.

    She should call his bluff.

  27. Therapy, and I got a referral for couples counseling for me with the door open for her to join

  28. She didn't reply to him. She didnt know what to say. Which wouldn't have bothered me if it was some random guy. This guy works with both of us and knows we have been dating exclusively. This guy's is also a known sleaze at my work and she hates him. So going out with him in the first place surprised me..

  29. I feel like that could be putting the coworker unfairly in the line of fire. Even though she won't be there, who knows what this guy is capable of and might go after her for being complicit. I think the best course of action is for the coworker to unmatch with him and leave everything else to the wife and friend.

  30. Please tell her! I'd like to know, if I were her. But yeah, she might be too delusional and protective of her hubby so you may end up being in the wrong. still tell her.

  31. Basically on Tuesday i was upset and I told her what made me upset, which imho are all manipulation tactics. She seemed to reason with me and then on Friday night after she went out with her friends she came to my house, wound me up, and she argued with me right before bed which she does a lot.

    Yesterday everything was good, but then didn’t want to have sex which is weird because she hinted before that she wanted to.

    Then today she woke me up asking me if I love her I told her I do and asked her don’t I show you enough? And I tried to hug her and she pushed me away and told me I’m messy and I don’t tidy up (which is not true, I work most of the day so sometimes I don’t stay home much and I don’t have time to tidy up/clean but it’s cleaner than most places).

  32. No criminal acts honestly, but you could say they weren't really like a family cause both of his parents are kind of separated… his mom and dad just do not get along… But I've been with them at some family events or birthdays. they seem fine.. but yeah will take note of this, Thank you!

  33. kinda like something a troll would say huh? have you fixed out that most of the posts in here are fake yet?

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