Also, more than half the boohoo comments replying to my comment are missing the entire point of the post.
Here's the skinny:
OP: Is my gf Culturally Appropriating by cosplaying a canonically Dark Skinned character even though she herself is not but can make it work because she goes tanning?
–details response received from a perspective of a Black Woman who happens to interpret the selected Visage as one of the few comfortable representations of Black people/person in Anime culture and their opinion of why it could be taken wrong. Gonna hurt some feelings right quick, Black people are allowed to be in Anime as well as into Anime. ALSO, there are certain depictions that will most certainly come our way before they come your way *Can and will provide multi examples
Me, random internet stranger: as someone who shares the same ethnic designation as K, piggy backing off why she said what she did and how she got that conclusion. Will add, it's probably going to be an epic look since it's being planned out and not thrown together, but I can honestly see the entire view K is coming from.
More than 1/3 of the responses to me, not even OP: stfu! I can go tanning if I want! –> that's your $, don't know you nor care what you do with it. white people tan sometimes! –> that's to be expected if you have enough sun exposure (hopefully safely). tanning is allowed you know! –> at what point did I say “BAN TANNING”? *Asian people are brown too! –> we know. Literally everyone knows at this point I hope. I can go out in the sun if I want! — I hope you do. It helps cure depression.
Coming back to the main point, How does any of that pertain to OP situtation?
Y'all are literally bypassing OP's legit question to “rage 1, Palmetto Power!” at me.
I mean geez, could you at least try to be helpful to OP?
3.5% of people identify as LGB, the other 96.5% identify as straight. So as a bisexual woman, your odds are better at finding a guy than a woman, they just are. As evidenced that your bisexual wife married a man(baby). And I can't imagine many queer women looking at this situation and being like, yeah, I want to get in the middle of this.
It sounds like you are busy and she is convenient right now while you get your life on track. She wants to settle down, you don’t want to settle down with her, so the relationship has run its course.
If you wanted to marry her you would already be engaged. I was thrilled to propose to and marry my wife, and I am still excited to be married to her some years and grey hairs later. If you aren’t pumped up at the prospect of a wife at this woman’s side then go do better for yourself elsewhere and let her go find her husband.
Ah, but he “won't raise his kids that way”.
Ah, but he “won't raise his kids that way”.
Then pose a formated rebuttle or shh.
Also, more than half the boohoo comments replying to my comment are missing the entire point of the post.
Here's the skinny:
OP: Is my gf Culturally Appropriating by cosplaying a canonically Dark Skinned character even though she herself is not but can make it work because she goes tanning?
–details response received from a perspective of a Black Woman who happens to interpret the selected Visage as one of the few comfortable representations of Black people/person in Anime culture and their opinion of why it could be taken wrong. Gonna hurt some feelings right quick, Black people are allowed to be in Anime as well as into Anime. ALSO, there are certain depictions that will most certainly come our way before they come your way *Can and will provide multi examples
Me, random internet stranger: as someone who shares the same ethnic designation as K, piggy backing off why she said what she did and how she got that conclusion. Will add, it's probably going to be an epic look since it's being planned out and not thrown together, but I can honestly see the entire view K is coming from.
More than 1/3 of the responses to me, not even OP: stfu! I can go tanning if I want! –> that's your $, don't know you nor care what you do with it. white people tan sometimes! –> that's to be expected if you have enough sun exposure (hopefully safely). tanning is allowed you know! –> at what point did I say “BAN TANNING”? *Asian people are brown too! –> we know. Literally everyone knows at this point I hope. I can go out in the sun if I want! — I hope you do. It helps cure depression.
Coming back to the main point, How does any of that pertain to OP situtation?
Y'all are literally bypassing OP's legit question to “rage 1, Palmetto Power!” at me.
I mean geez, could you at least try to be helpful to OP?
3.5% of people identify as LGB, the other 96.5% identify as straight. So as a bisexual woman, your odds are better at finding a guy than a woman, they just are. As evidenced that your bisexual wife married a man(baby). And I can't imagine many queer women looking at this situation and being like, yeah, I want to get in the middle of this.
Go to school. If you stay for your bf, you will regret it and probably resent him.
It sounds like you are busy and she is convenient right now while you get your life on track. She wants to settle down, you don’t want to settle down with her, so the relationship has run its course.
If you wanted to marry her you would already be engaged. I was thrilled to propose to and marry my wife, and I am still excited to be married to her some years and grey hairs later. If you aren’t pumped up at the prospect of a wife at this woman’s side then go do better for yourself elsewhere and let her go find her husband.