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ElectricBaby online sex chats for YOU!


ElectricBaby Public Chat Channel

Date: December 16, 2022

One thought on “ElectricBaby online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I mean, why the ex called is kind of an irrelevant point, though, isn't it? Someone who trusts their spouse isn't going to get bent out of shape because their spouse had a conversation with someone they hadn't spoken to in 6 years.

    His insecurity is NOT for a good reason.

    For comparison: If you're a doctor and you tell your boss you had a call and chatted for 25 min with someone who you used to be good friends with 6 years ago who is a drug addict now, your boss would be kind of out of line to assume you're in any way likely to start illicitly supplying that friend oxy, UNLESS you'd already demonstrated you're not trustworthy.

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