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Elegance on-line sex cams for YOU!


1st goal= dance nude, 2nd goal= stay hard, [985 tokens remaining]

Date: October 10, 2022

25 thoughts on “Elegance on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. This is a totally reasonable thought. People communicate in memes, gifs, pictures, Bitmojis, and everything nowadays. Unless the reaction emojis are the eggplant or something it may just be normal pics or gifs. My phone also deletes media after a certain number have been sent or received.

  2. I think its already an addiction. Not a porn addiction but a masterbation one, I've had it since I was 10. I've kept myself away from sex before marriage and had to turn down women who wanted to be intimate with me. I'm eager to get married to her and put an end to this and get the real thing with someone i love

  3. I am a child of catholic parents who grew up in an abusive household because my mother refused to divot e my father “because god”.

    you are a shit mother. there's no going around it.

    your daughter WILL resent you once she's old enough to realize she wasn't important to you – not more important than some asshole in the sky who apparently would prefer her to have a terrible life and mental health problems than to have any form of happiness. and she will lose any faith she has (since faith is apparently more vital to you than wellbeing) because nobody could believe in a god who wants them to suffer.

    oh, and by the way? my father was also nice to me when I was a child. he stopped being nice once I started to grow up. then he treated me as bad as my mother. that's probably your daughter's future too.

  4. Hello /u/scareforce,

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  5. I don’t think either one of you is getting what you want out of this relationship. You need to communicate with each other better and should consider going to a marriage counselor. Otherwise, I see a divorce in your future.

  6. This sub is very anti-polyamory, but some people aren’t built for monogamy. It’s not necessarily a defect, but it’s also a possibility that your best way of being is not compatible with the relationship that you’re in. Would you be happiest if you were free to do these things and also have a partner with the same freedom? If so, you’re probably someone who should be exploring alternative types of relationships (with full consent and honesty!) Is this something you want to be able to do but you don’t want a partner that does the same? Than you’re probably dealing with some sort of compulsive or addictive sexual tendencies and should seek professional help for it.

  7. This is just toxic thinking. If your religion calls virtue to feel shame for something you did happily before putting the faith in, then you're just endorsing religious abuse against yourself and your partner.

    This is not an act of love. It's an act of idiocy

  8. That’s a good point. Nothing has seemed romantic or anything like that. I think your suggestion of asking in a non accusatory way is the best course of action. Do you have on any suggestions on how to ask it non-accusatory? I don’t wanna come off as aggressive or anything like that. I am just genuinely curious about what their friendship is.

  9. Sounds like the trust has been broken. If he really is a compulsive liar, I don't see how the trust can be rebuilt. He'd have to stop lying for that to happen, and it doesn't sound like he can.

  10. Well you're a better friend then he is.

    His situation is horrible but that doesn't mean he gets a free pass to sexually harass you.

  11. That’s what I’m thinking but she’s giving mixed signals. Like we went out today together and had a really nice time but this one issue is bothering me. I even told her this today but she just seems to brush it off saying it’ll take time and what not. But my mindset is if she’s not gonna treat me right now , then she never will

  12. My opinion:

    Vaping is not the same as smoking. There are “zero nicotine” vapes. Smoking is both a physical and psychological addiction. Nicotine is a physical addiction, and you start needing it and thinking about it all the time. Smoking is a psychological addiction as a person is used to putting something in their mouth. Vaping may be a healthier replacement to smoking, if he's vaping zero nicotine and trying to quit.

    My question is this. Since he's vaping, why do you have a problem with it?

  13. why do you want her to be punished so much? I think you’re projecting some opinions that you’re holding deep within.

    you’re ruining potential happiness for some strange form of justice that’s in your head. Ignorant happiness is better than. “red pilled” misery.

  14. Just as an experiment tell him you would only have a child via c section and see what his response is.

  15. At first I was about to say, hey, it sounds like nothing's really going on.

    Then someone drop the info that they adopt the dog AFTER their breakup….

    Yeah, that dog is the excuse. She's still pining for him but can't quite satisfy him sexually (as you said on one of your comments). But the moment, he claims he can be happy/be satisfied with what she can give him sexually, she's a goner.

  16. It seems like the only reason she’s on the birth control is so he doesn’t impregnate her. Maybe he should leave her and she’d probably be better off. For fucks sake the dude says he has sex with her and she just lays there. It makes it sound like he pesters her until she agrees to sex. Also it was all propositions, obviously I can’t force him to do anything. I can’t reach through the screen and snip his balls. The kid needs to do more research but also look at what he can do for her. Trying to make it so only she’s responsible for BC is ridiculous when there’s options for men.

  17. You really didn't need to involve yourself in your parents business. You mother saw the messages, it was up to her to deal with it not you.

    I didn’t purposefully snoop.

    Yes you did. You didn't just accidentally see one message (which wouldn't be snooping), you went looking through them AND found her on FB.

  18. You say “I like gifting because I want to get somebody something…” yet you are taking away people’s ability to give gifts because they actually want to. Putting “no gifts necessary” on the invitations should make it that any gifts given aren’t because they feel obligated but because they want to. Personally I love giving gifts more than receiving them – allowing people to celebrate your union with a gift is kind of a gift you give to them.

  19. That's sounds like a immature girl trying to appear more experient then she truly is. There's no such thing as practice for sex, or you do sex or you don't.

    asked me if I had practiced because she didn’t want a “little quick one two ur done”

    You should have asked if that means she wants you to have sex with someone else before her. Masturbation can teach you how you like to be touched but is not the same as sex.

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