You say porn is normal in some relationships and also that you have him an ultimatum about it. So…I’m pretty confused about where you stand on this.
The trust is gone. Regardless of whether he is actually lying or cheating, you don’t trust him.
This is not a good basis for a relationship, and it’s only 7 months in.
Either you deal with your trust issues (you have admitted your parents relationship has given you trauma – which I’m in no way judging, sounds completely understandable) or he cuts off all female friends – which one to you think is more reasonable?
I’m not saying that I don’t think your boyfriend is completely innocent here – his actions and reactions sound dodgy af – but even if he was completely innocent your trust issues are going to ruin any relationship you start until you’ve dealt with them properly.
Stop driving yourself insane with anxiety, get help for your trauma, and wait until you have safe coping methods before you get into any new relationships. You’re too young to let them ruin your life xxx
Wow. You put her down to get face, tell her she’s not performing grief well enough for you so she must be uncaring, then call her your support animal. And apparently that’s okay because you kinda see her mostly as a life partner. When you’re not telling her she’s inferior.
You’re selfish. I’m sorry, but you are. You’re not over your wife, and you expect your GF to just take the slings and arrows while you do nothing to help yourself.
How’s that gonna go over with your kids when shee inevitably leaves y?
You say porn is normal in some relationships and also that you have him an ultimatum about it. So…I’m pretty confused about where you stand on this.
The trust is gone. Regardless of whether he is actually lying or cheating, you don’t trust him.
This is not a good basis for a relationship, and it’s only 7 months in.
Either you deal with your trust issues (you have admitted your parents relationship has given you trauma – which I’m in no way judging, sounds completely understandable) or he cuts off all female friends – which one to you think is more reasonable?
I’m not saying that I don’t think your boyfriend is completely innocent here – his actions and reactions sound dodgy af – but even if he was completely innocent your trust issues are going to ruin any relationship you start until you’ve dealt with them properly.
Stop driving yourself insane with anxiety, get help for your trauma, and wait until you have safe coping methods before you get into any new relationships. You’re too young to let them ruin your life xxx
The kink is relevant. You've been to vague here.
Wow. You put her down to get face, tell her she’s not performing grief well enough for you so she must be uncaring, then call her your support animal. And apparently that’s okay because you kinda see her mostly as a life partner. When you’re not telling her she’s inferior.
You’re selfish. I’m sorry, but you are. You’re not over your wife, and you expect your GF to just take the slings and arrows while you do nothing to help yourself.
How’s that gonna go over with your kids when shee inevitably leaves y?