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EllaKarter on-line sex chats for YOU!


Oil Boobs and Tease [Multi Goal]

Date: October 8, 2022

57 thoughts on “EllaKarter on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. If she wanted to be with you she'd be with you NOW. not say “we might be good together some day in the future”. She can't have her cake and eat it to. You're her fallback plan. Block her ass and don't look back dude

  2. Lol everyone’s commenting on graduations being boring but the point is being acknowledged for even sticking to it and getting your shit done enough to be part of that…OP she clearly doesn’t care towards the future of this relationship and all these people here that are siding with her clearly put themselves before others and it shows…I agree it’s not her fault that events landed on the same day but if you really support and love someone and want that future you make the effort to be there for them when they accomplish something they put their time and effort in…it’s a concert people there will be more concerts…

  3. Well for what it's worth OP I hope you have a great graduation, what others may consider boring and uneventful may mean a lot to you, I know I felt great

  4. Lol my boy going deep into hookers at 19. Dropping 40 professionals at that age is ridic.

    Too much self pity, ain’t no woman gonna find that attractive. Act confident, be positive, be funny. Top 3 ways of meeting and impressing women.

  5. You may smell fine, or even “good” from a distance if you're wearing perfumed deodorant or cologne, but as your girlfriend she is going to be in MUCH closer proximity. Especially to your genitals, I'm sorry to say. Not washing your genitals every day WILL lead to smells. When I go through my depressive episodes and get that urge to not shower, just take a bath instead, assuming you have a bathtub (you can relax and scroll on your phone).

  6. I don't think location sharing is the issue. I think there's a lack of trust in the relationship. This distrust is fed by both her insecurity and likely your unwillingness to ease her insecurity and instead blow off her concerns.

    If you both trusted each other she wouldn't need to check location all the time and you wouldn't need to have location turned off.

  7. She's your ex for a reason; don't forget why you broke up. Chances are she's lonely because it's the holidays and you are old faithful, so to speak.

    You deserve more than to be a last ditch resort to your ex.

  8. He claims he never took sides at all but mom had to suffer because of that

    “but that's your side of the story” or “life isn't so black and white”

    Lets be honest, if he didnt take a side, then he sided with the abusers. It sounds like he is aware of what happened but has chosen to go into denial. I doubt there is anything you can do to convince him otherwise. Some people are beyond saving, and in that case it is time to cut that toxic person out of your life

  9. With boyfriends this bad, who needs super villains.

    Seriously girl. Stand up straight and dump this loser. I mean, what does he even offer you? Not love. Not support. Not manliness. Not husband material. Certainly not Father material.

    Is this really the man you dreampt of being with as a little girl watching Disney movies?

  10. Autism is very relevant for the daughter. There is a lot of damage to your mental health if you go through life being told that you are “wrong”. Dad’s gf acting like that can be quite damaging.

  11. You asked a dumb hypothetical question and now you’re overanalysing his response and letting it feed your insecurities.

    Stop it.

  12. I mean, she has a life outside of babysitting your son. There's loads of things that could have made her seem off. Stress from school, arguing with a friend, shit talk with a family member, maybe she's going through some mental health stuff, etc etc.

  13. There will be some cases where it isn't obvious but first glance but the vast majority of times you can definitely see the difference between a teenager kid and a young adult, yes.

  14. “I was your husband for X amount of years, but just so you know, I lied to you for a long time” would make anyone pissed off. Imagine if an old friend sabotaged your life behind your back, came back a year later and told you? Would you say “It's fine, it happened in the past”? No one would. Get real.

  15. I m not going to read everything because it is very clear this relationship isn't working and will never work. You need to find someone who is about on the same level as you when it comes to hobbies, hygiene and life in general.

    Opposites attract is the biggest relationship bullshit ever told. Be brave, break up politely, wish her good luck and go on with your life.

  16. I m not going to read everything because it is very clear this relationship isn't working and will never work. You need to find someone who is about on the same level as you when it comes to hobbies, hygiene and life in general.

    Opposites attract is the biggest relationship bullshit ever told. Be brave, break up politely, wish her good luck and go on with your life.

  17. Even if he was telling the truth, that it was from a woman months ago and he kept it in case she asked for it back…why hasn’t he just texted her to see if she wants it back? Why have it somewhere in his room where he would see it every day? Not worth it. Move on. I know dating can be intimidating when you haven’t been out there in a while but trust me, there are plenty of guys out there who don’t have random bras hanging in their rooms.

  18. *than. Why would you compare how you love your kids and wives ? There are 2 different kind of loves. I think questioning your divorce should be done exclusively on the quality of your relationship with your wife. Whether you are able to face your issues and fix those together, whether you have both the mental flexibility to change, whether you want deep inside of you to spend your life with her.

  19. Lol your friend seems unhinged. She set you up. She wants you to look like a pedo too because she knows her bf is one.

  20. That is fucked up. It's also not the applicable here because it not his money. It's their money and belongs to them. Mum would also be an asshole if she used their money on something dad wasn't aware of/didn't approve of.

    I shouldn't need to explain this

  21. I would clearly break up with him over it!!! I was never his first choice and he didn't respect me. So no it doesn't matter that it was in the past I would break up with him!!!!

  22. Right, but it is now moot. You can't dump her for cheating on you as she already moved on. It's called 'monkey branching'. You don't let go of one branch until you have a good grip on the next. She let go of your branch. Shake her off and upgrade to the non-cheating type of gf.

  23. Is this even the right subreddit for this?

    This is the correct subreddit if you want to be told that you need to immediately end the relationship, not if you want real relationship advice

  24. Tf. If you are so private you don't even want to tell your workplace you're married, you should not be in a relationship with anyone.

    It's one thing not to tell work you're in a relationship, but anyone can look up a marriage certificate. It's not in any way private. And it's shady AF.

  25. Yup I only found out due to my Xbox same with the fact it's woman's month… Am a woman of 32 haha

  26. Lying is abusive.

    Drawing a boundary and consequences for lying in a relationship? Not abusive.

    Hope that helps clarify things.

  27. Manual labor is tricky. But the way it's tiring is often different from actual working out.

    I'd say throw in some resistance type training a couple times a week with some full body stretching? Like twenty minutes at a time, push ups, pull ups, planks, etc. you might notice an overall energy boost after a week or two.

  28. I think your relationship has run its course. I would find a place to go stay and move out from underneath it. Usually breaks or break ups. Because even if the people get back together, somebody’s done some thing that’s gonna cause some problem. Not to mention that he’s verbally and emotionally abusive to you. I would just let it go let the whole relationship go.

  29. This is fucking disgusting on so many levels. I’m an esthetician and have worked in salons for the last 20 years. I would never speak to a client like that, especially if it was my friend’s partner. I would never ask for pictures of a client, nor would I ever take pictures of a client without their consent. What the actual fuck.

    I know your wife works there, but if I were you, I’d honestly speak to the salon owner and contact the state board about the salon, the spa (if they’re two separate businesses) and make a complaint against both the business licenses and Amy’s license. This is so fucked up.

  30. hahaha so he wants you to obey his backward religious crap AND mutilate your kids?

    Time to find a goyfriend.

  31. We argued because I'm going through some family things and he's not being supportive. I wanted to talk at 10pm, which is 15 minutes before we normally go to bed. Just enough time to catch up with each other.

  32. He's probably asked his father thousands of times to just not bring up politics, but right-wingers like this feel the need to keep badgering and poking and prodding because they can't accept that they don't have complete control over someone else, especially the person they made that was supposed to be their property! So every conversation devolves into this kind of power struggle, and eventually you get sick of even talking to them at all. Still, this is not acceptable to the parent, so they take to sending bullshit alternative-facts articles and videos. The parent resents the child's education, as they have typically spent their whole life not knowing things more intelligent and educated people know. Now, with the rise of conspiracy theories and other right-wing nonsense they feel, for the first time, like they know more than someone else about something! So, they need to gloat, and also reaffirm how they find your “education” useless and that you are a stupid sheep who has fallen for indoctrination.

    I had a “friend” just like this that I cut off about 3 years ago, this was kind of triggering. Lol

  33. by protective I mean he always picked me up from work whenever I was working late and whenever he was out of town, he would call me to remind me to lock the doors and got me self defense tools. I haven't slept with him since I told M about it..

  34. Typically to have a Facebook account nowadays, don't they require you to verify your identity? I created a Facebook account a few years ago and they wouldn't even let me log in until they verified I was a real person. You can look up their info on the internet and see who they are.

    If I were to talk to my spouse about this without doing detective work, I would ask them if they have any enemies who might want to ruin their reputation/relationship. That way they don't get offended and they feel like you are on their side. If they are innocent, the trust in the relationship isn't harmed and if they are guilty they would think that you don't believe this person.

  35. Such a revelation should trigger more questions – namely what is she doing about this ? – Is she walking into it or avoiding the dude ? Given the timeline and the confession it's probably more likely she is letting it happen.

  36. Well I guess you two need to have a sit down and talk through it because it’s no longer “temporary”.

  37. Not the type of person to ask for things……except things like “can you prove youre a rich doctor?”


    Do not go on this trip.

    You don’t even know if you have his real name! If he has stolen someone’s identity.

    Call the hospital he supposedly works at? Check linkedIn? There’s a bajillion ways to verify his employment status.

    Cut bait and stop talking to him. If he wasn’t lying, you would have found him easily. That’s the truth.

  39. That might be a little extreme! Perhaps a vasectomy if you are reasonably sure you won't be unhappy if you can't be a father down the road….but a good solid scare sure does make taking a break seem wise! (I say this as a woman who was always absolutely diligent about protection, usually 2 kinds, and still had a few instances where I was promising God I'd enter a convent if only he'd let that test be negative)

  40. Yeah… I had a friend like that. A couple of them, actually. Cut her off now. Delete. Delete. Delete.

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