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Ellie the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Ellie, 25 y.o.

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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Ellie

Ellie online sex chat

Date: November 3, 2022

31 thoughts on “Ellie the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Hi OP,

    Separated dad here, currently with full custody.

    Previously their mother and I did this, simply for the sake of both getting to be with our kids on Christmas day, and this year their mother will be staying in my house on Christmas Eve and Christmas night, and I'll be driving them all to her place on the 26th.

    Not all couples do this, and in a lot of ways it's a good thing as it reminds the children that even when separated, they're still their parents and it's a joint effort.

    It's all good to say that he only lives 5 minutes away, but those kids could easily wake up at 6 or 7 in the morning and he won't be there for the initial excitement.

    Now personally, I openly dislike Christmas stuff, but I'll do all I can to spend the day with them, despite them being teenagers, just to get that morning done with them.

    It is the greenest of flags that he's involved with his kids and wants to be there with them, and it's not a sign he plans on sleeping with his ex at all.

  2. Iā€™m a 26yo maleā€¦ I donā€™t date girls younger than 22-23. Itā€™s very hot to relate to anyone much younger than that, even though itā€™s not the biggest age gap.

    If I would have trouble relating to you, when Iā€™m not THAT much older than you, what do you think someone six years older than me is looking for with you?

    A 30yo man has ZERO business going after a 19yo girl

  3. If you're considering a breakup over something as silly as photo likes after more than a year together, this really isn't a thing to bother to keep going. Especially if she's got those ridiculous double standards where she'd be livid if you were doing what she's doing.

  4. You are making it worse, The fact that she was on the phone and doing chores means that she was even less prepared for (what should have been) a serious and sensitive conversation.

  5. u/milfoa_, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  6. Hello /u/Decent-Cartoonist-50,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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    Posts must:

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  7. If someone finds out they provided bad information and their solution is to lie about it, that is a pretty serious problem.

    If they had just given month and day and avoiding the year it would just be a misunderstanding, but instead OP knowingly fabricated a lie that was completely unnecessary and was about a trivial matter. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he is dumped since at this point it is very hot to ever trust that he is telling the truth about something that he thinks could impact their relationship.

  8. I would suggest you do couples therapy with someone who understands both monogamy and polyamory

    I would also suggest that you learn more about being in an open relationship because it sounds like you don't really understand anything about how it is or how it works

    It may not be for you which is fine. But you're making a lot of assumptions about how it is that just are not accurate on the ground

  9. You are not unreasonable, paranoid, or insecure. He should thank his lucky stars that you have no issue with the friendship, unlike many others.

  10. He did know and his dog stayed with a family member for a while until an argument started about how heā€™s being punished by his dog being away from him when heā€™s not doing anything wrong and the dog came back full time. The scuffles happen maybe once every month, every two months so itā€™s not daily but the antagonizing and his behavior is every night.

  11. The only time I start to feel happy and hopeful again is when I think about a divorce.

    You know what to do. Making a decision will be very hot. Moving forward will be nude, but it seems you'll be happy. A happy parent will definitely have a good impact on your son.

  12. Your boyfriend is so abusive it's insane… He's literally emotionally abusing you to try and break down your sexual boundaries so that he can sexually abuse you too. Forcing somebody into a sexual situation that they're not comfortable with under threat of punishment from the other partner is sexual abuse. Full stop.

    I want you to think about this, he is fine with forcing you into a sexual situation that you do not want to fulfill his own sexual pleasure. This man is an abuser.

  13. Bingo. You nailed it. This shot wasnā€™t a set up shot. This was happening before the shot and after the shot was taken.

  14. Stop!

    In your other post you said “penises are more causal”… what the hell does that even mean? That vaginas are bougie?

    You have some weird ideas and everyone you ask (on reddit, your therapist, your parents and sister) is trying to tell you that, but you won't hear it.

  15. Itā€™s absolutely complicated for your gf and I feel for you and her. Having said that, the values her parents have and the cutthroat mentality they have with health is gross. What happens when their health fails? Should your gf abandon them?

  16. This. My husband died with only one major asset- the house he and I bought together before he and I had kids. We were married when we bought the house and we were married until he died. The court did not give me the house but gave me only half ownership and life estate on the other half to me, with actual ownership to our kids (half). My name was on the deed, the mortgage, everything. Estates are complicated. Talk to a lawyer. Do not take advice from family or reddit beyond that.

  17. Same here. Iā€™m in an open/poly marriage and Im sick and tired of cheaters using that label to justify their unethical behaviour

  18. Your wife just asked for an open marriage. And you know who she wants to date.

    Look for a lawyer you are about to be cheated on or you have been cheated on for months now

  19. I lost someone unexpectedly in this way. My best friend and the father of my child. All I can say is time does heal. The hole in your heart never goes away but it does get smaller. It took me 3 years to make my peace with it and even 18 years later there is not a day that goes by that he doesnā€™t cross my mind. Take care of yourself. Allow yourself to feel your feelings. Give yourself a break. Know that you will come out the other side.

  20. Next time you guys hang out keep touching him in his arms or legs and gage his reaction and when you are leaving kiss him goodbye in the cheek. Be super touchy with him. Iā€™m a chick and I feel like he does like you.

  21. I have been in this exact situation, except I had married him.

    The person you think he is doesnā€™t exist. Never has. The real person is someone who is adept at lying, concealing, and manipulating. Heā€™s someone who feels you donā€™t deserve the truth or to make your own informed decisions on who you live! with or have children with. Someone who thinks youā€™re not an actual partner, just someone convenient who helps provide a life they enjoy enough to not want to leave.

    Even now he doesnā€™t love you enough to make this right. He wonā€™t allow you to see everything he has done or have any sort of closure. Heā€™s not even trying to build trust. And I say build trust because thereā€™s nothing to actually rebuild it from. Heā€™s been this way the whole time.

    It is not your job to fix it, or to ā€œwork on itā€. He either cares that little about you staying or is that confident that you wonā€™t walk that he doesnā€™t bother to put in an effort even now. If cheating isnā€™t a dealbreaker in itself then the rest of this should be. Heā€™s not worth your time, your energy, or your tears. This man is the opposite of perfect, he was just good at pretending.

  22. It sounds to me like you guys are rushing things in general and maybe he's feeling overwhelmed. You moved in together less than a year in, and now you're buying a major asset together only two years in? And you already have a dog together? What's the rush?

    You two are still getting to know each other. I know two years feels like a long time but in the grand scheme of things you're really just getting out of the honeymoon phase. That's why the reality of such a huge decision is probably hitting him so very hot. You can have a great relationship and still not want to massively expedite life-changing relationship steps.

  23. well, she can't deal with the fact that you have different interests, even though you're supporting hers. that should be telling

  24. The same type of loser that goes out to bars without their husband and stays out until 2am every night.

  25. Men who want an equal partner tend to prefer women with education, a job, and the self assurance to make their own decision about a marriage being right for them. This usually takes until at least 25yo.

    Men who want a submissive and dependent wife who does what she's told and just wants to please, want to remove a woman's access to or awareness of alternatives quickly. This is easier when she's 19yo.

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