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Emelywells live sex cams for YOU!


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Date: December 7, 2022

33 thoughts on “Emelywells live sex cams for YOU!

  1. There are always outlier examples. But, I'd rather be at school teaching a bunch of fun 3rd graders than out drilling for oil.

    Also, nurses make pretty damn good money if they get to RN or above. I've dated one.

  2. Communicate,. Its what relationships require especially if its a LDR. He should be offended if he didn't answer. And if he wont answer that is your answer.

  3. Boobs are not exactly the same as your privates. People go sunbathing topless in many countries and no one thinks it’s sexual. Not every country views boobs as sexual, they are actually primarily non-sexual (you know, made for feeding babies).

  4. As the father of three grown children…I can't imagine what it's like to on-line this nightmare, my heart is aching for you both. Every word you wrote just tore at me, I'm so deeply sorry for the loss you've suffered. I'm sure just dragging yourself through each day is a challenge in itself and the only thought that immediately comes to mind is to possibly find a third party to intervene on your behalf but I'm assuming that is part of what therapy is doing. Patience is likely the only possibility and understanding that it's likely just raw emotion, emotion that makes little sense that is driving many of your wifes responses at this point. I'm sorry I can't offer more advice, and I know we don't know each other , but if you were here, I would hug you and cry with you, and ask you to tell me the most wonderful memories you have… I'm so sorry…

  5. It is going to be awkward. It could also be an amazing experience or not. Just kinda try it out and be aware of her cues. Also go with your gut.

  6. I may get downvoted for this but: help her. When she blocked you, she didn’t know, and believed him for whatever lie he sold her. She knows now, and is reaching out for help.

    I know personally if I was able to help, but didn’t, and something happened, I wouldn’t be able to on-line with that.

    I’m in no way saying you’re obligated to – and you’re allowed to say no, or send her the national DV line or articles or whatever.

  7. Let’s not sugarcoat this…

    -you were 16 when you started dating and your boyfriend was 21

    -he’s tampered with your contraceptives

    -he raped you while you were passed out

    Just to recap, he’s groomed you, tried to forcibly impregnate you through reproductive coercion, and he rapes you.

    Run, as fast and as far as you can. For your safety, leave while he’s out of the house, delete all your social media, change your phone number, and block any mutual friends or people who would know where to find you.

  8. Cross-dressing and being into cross-dressing doesn't necessarily mean he's gay. It's something a lot of straight men do in private.

    I think you need to have an honest conversation about the cross-dressing and what the drivers are for him – and determine if that's something you can tolerate. You might find that it's something you could even participate in.

    The on-line cam show stuff is different – I personally wouldn't consider it cheating or a breach of relationship, but everyone has different limits. You also need to have a conversation about why this crosses your limits – and what it makes you feel. But you also need to heat why he's doing it – and what it makes him feel.

  9. I can tell you as a pregnant woman it is wayyyy more than sacrificing your body and a surrogate can't help with that.

  10. you sound like my disbarred ex psychologist when i said i don’t like taking anti-depressants.

    do you make it a habit of brushing off people and telling them they still need to do/take something when they said they don’t like it???

    rubber dick socks are cheaper and easier to get a hold of than female birth control, your slight decrease in pleasure isn’t more important than an invasive procedure, or someone’s body chemistry.

    i swear y’all saying Op should try other forms of birth control don’t understand how birth control effects the body or how it works even hormone free cuz god forbid you miss a single day or take it and hour after you usually do.

    You probably shouldn't project your issues onto total strangers from the Internet then, bless your heart! Literally nowhere did I do any of those things.

  11. Considering you have been plunging his poop for years his method is in no way working. If he claims it does you can tell him that is hasn’t because you have been cleaning up after him for years.

    Also why is he clogging the toilet this often anyhow? It has been years since our toilet was last clogged.

    And he got in your face screaming about it? I am sorry but he sounds kinda unhinged.

    Don’t really have any advice beyond getting him into therapy and not backing down

  12. My view is your a gross man perving on your former students. Please don’t teach anymore. Your sense of ethics and balance of power is terrible especially for someone in a profession where you were teaching the opposite and where you learned better. If I knew who you were, I would ensure you were fired.

  13. That doesn't exactly answer the question. Also Louisiana is a red state.

    Louisiana law, he said, mandates that if a child is born of rape, the abuser “shall not have visitation or any form of contact, which obviously would include custody.”

  14. Fair question. I am going off the assumption that there was previous interaction between them, and they didn't meet and then start dating so quickly.

  15. It’s not about exercise, it’s about eating more calories then you burn. If you don’t want to work out then don’t eat so much.

  16. Also if I’m not too late, remind him that you are going to be (or basically are) his family before anyone else is and that no one else matters besides the two of you.

    It doesn’t sound like his family respects him in ways that he tries to show respect and needs reciprocated. He probably gets what he needs from you and he needs to remember that you’re there to build each other up.

    But tell him he needs to do it for himself too and strongly urge him to go to therapy. In fact, if this continues and you are getting tired, make therapy a condition.

  17. Thank you for your insight 🙁 I thought that maybe she was being biased because she doesn’t like him or that he was scared to enter a new relationship due to his past two being traumatic

  18. Could he have possibly went to a therapy session? Read some books on having better/more productive communication?

    Just ask him!

  19. What happens if you get pregnant before you're ready, or the pregnancy is a risk to your life? How would he feel about you getting an abortion? What happens if you have kids together and one of them is LGBTQ? Will he accept them? Would he go to their wedding?

    The political views you mention aren't abstract things; they can have a profound, direct impact on your life. Make sure you're actually compatible on the specifics before you get in too deep.

  20. We wanted my dad there. We didn’t know his friend was coming and then he was in his driveway. My dad, brother, and his wife wanted him here so I didn’t think they’d listen to me.

  21. He only calls them jokes because you get mad. If you pretended to agree with him, you’d see that these are his actual beliefs. This isn’t a side to him, this is him.

  22. Maybe she didn’t step in because she didn’t see a problem until her perfect BF pointed out her families imperfections.

  23. Have you seen this insane phone deal? I doubt it’s as amazing as you think.

    But that doesn’t matter. You are effectively paying them to track you. Delete the app. If mama squawks, tell her you’ll just get your own plan.

    If you are saving big money from that phone plan, but some of it towards some therapy to help you understand why you feel that beholden to your parents.

  24. Exactly! You could be walking out in a bra and a miniskirt. Hell yeah could walk out in your birthday suit, and it still doesn't mean you want to be sexualized. This type of behavior is atrocious.

  25. Yup. Big part of the reason these official channels exist is to ensure all legal protections are taken by all parties involved.

    This woman can come after him for child support. The kid could go looking for his “deadbeat” father. Your husband could change his mind and petition for custody.

    IN ADDITION to all that, your husband made a huge decision without considering you at all. To the point that he didn’t think to inform you until after the fact. That or he intentionally hid it from you. Both scenarios are pretty terrible.

    It’s his body, his seed, and he can do with it what he wants, but the fact that he did something so huge behind your back is more than enough reason to leave.

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