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Emily-Tayl0r live sex chats for YOU!


Remove the shirt [Multi Goal]

Date: December 6, 2022

2 thoughts on “Emily-Tayl0r live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I wouldn't worry at all. Feels like a massive overreaction imo. It's sweet that you worry about her health, and I'm not going to get into the health aspects too deeply, but Vaping is very much considered extremely safe compared to traditional smoking. Most people do St least one of the following, drink alcohol, smoke, eat fast food and unhealthy snacks, not exercise enough etc… All of which are just as unhealthy as vaping, and in the case of traditional smoking and alchohol, definitely more unhealthy. If cut the dating pool down from anyone who does anything that I just mentioned, then you're essentially cutting of the majority of people.

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