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eskelle_live sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “eskelle_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I believe it… you sure you not dating my ex??? this man was evil. But if someone tells you, listen bc you don’t want to find out the hard way

  2. I mean, on one hand I get the position thing… kind of. It’s not fair that he seems to only like a position that involves you doing all the work. But at the same time I understand having some off limits ones. (I personally won’t ever even entertain doggy) But the fact that he also doesn’t go down on you just tells me that he doesn’t want to pleasure you or care about your needs. Fuck that.

  3. The problem isn’t her it’s him. He doesn’t want to set boundaries with her. And clearly likes the attention. If he actually respected your relationship he would’ve corrected this a long time ago. Can’t make him choose you or her when he’s already picked what he wants based off his actions.

  4. You must have read an entirely different post than I did since she literally says right in the title: my boyfriend never compliments me so now I’m not having sex with him.” And then in the post itself goes on in detail about exactly that.

  5. What kind of a clown dates a student and then gets mad when she literally has no money. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes? Like of course she isn’t gonna have money and of course when offered free food she is gonna take it, she’s A STUDENT. You are a THIRTY YEAR OLD MAN WITH A JOB.

  6. So you have two posts about huge red flags now: the first about how the dude is an alcoholic and now how he is lying and hiding his financial situation. What exactly do you see here? It’s been six months, cut him off before you make a terrible decision and stay with him. What else do you need to realize not to stay with this guy?

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