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EvayourDreams on-line sex chats for YOU!


EvayourDreams Public Chat Channel

Date: October 26, 2022

64 thoughts on “EvayourDreams on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Respectfully, you're too close to the situation–he absolutely needs to be in therapy. What he's doing is NOT a normal reaction.

    I'm constantly under stress due to being a litigation attorney. The holiday season increases my stress level considerably because it's the anniversary of my Dad's passing due to covid in 2020. I haven't raised my voice to my wife ever. Married 11 years. I used to occasionally punch the wall when I did something stupid, but it made my 9-month-old baby cry so I stopped 3 years ago.

    Your ultimatum is completely appropriate. You feel bad because you've made a person you love feel bad, but it's necessary. Sometimes doing the right thing completely sucks. You did the right thing.

  2. Looks like you’re looking for a sugar daddy and not a boyfriend. There’s no nice way to tell your boyfriend you’re expecting free trips in your relationship without coming off as selfish.

  3. It sounds like you and your boyfriend are going through a difficult time right now. It's clear that you regret what happened and want to make things right with him. However, his response of calling you derogatory names and refusing to use your name is not a healthy or productive way to deal with the situation.

    It's important to remember that being in a relationship means treating each other with respect and kindness, even when you're upset or angry. Name-calling and verbal abuse are never okay. If your boyfriend continues to speak to you in this way, it may be a sign that he is not taking the situation seriously and is not willing to work on improving your relationship.

    In this situation, it's important for you to communicate openly and honestly with your boyfriend about how his behavior is affecting you. Let him know that the name-calling and verbal abuse are hurtful and unacceptable. It may also be helpful to seek support from a therapist or counselor who can help you both work through the issues in your relationship and develop healthier communication and conflict resolution skills.

    In the meantime, it's important for you to take care of yourself and set boundaries. If your boyfriend is unwilling to stop calling you names, it may be necessary for you to take some time apart to give yourselves space to think about the situation and decide what you want for your relationship. Remember that you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, and it's okay to put your own well-being first.

  4. As for surgery options, there is none. Last appointment she had with a specialist mentioned that another surgery might have diminishing returns, and presents a risk of making things worse. The specialist suggested some different physical therapy that she's going to look into, but it'll be focused more on helping her manage her pain. But nothing can fix her now

    Some people have been saying how ableist I am for considering leaving, or that she should find someone who isn't having doubts about the relationship, but… I'm trying my best…

  5. thank you!

    i mean i tend to over analyze everything too.

    i think also when he talked about his projects over the coffee meet up i proposed it shows he only cares about that which is fine but eh.

    u think if i dont hit him up he will talk to me?

    i think if we dont meet up by new years (i said i wanted to) ill block him

  6. Well I honestly don't he think he realized how that was stupid so I pointed it out. Maybe now he realizes how stupid that is. Simple

    It may help him work this out to think about more rationally instead of pseudo-morally.

  7. Where is it told that John abused her for 10 years? Where? John must have decided to stay for the kids. Then now when he's finally found someone that he loves decided to stay with her. He kicked his wife out of HIS house, how is that abuse? It's his house. That's where story ends.

    About the kids, I DON'T agree with John, it's not okay to do that. But anything else other than taking the kids was nice.

    So basically John cheated on her back, idk why she would even care about that now, she cheated on him back then anyways and didn't seem to love him. So she cheated, got cheated back on, kicked out of the house, and ruined her OWN mental health over it. There, this is the “abuse”.

  8. “Hey so it's cool you finally came around but even though there were some misunderstandings, I don't wanna be with you anymore”

    Pregnant people should always be aware of what they want and shouldn't be all emotional

  9. He's the abuser! He knows you can't take that, that it hurts you, and he continued to do it.

    You should have socked him in the mouth.

  10. Why continue to suffer and have panic attacks all on your own. Let your rapist own some of that. Everyone should know why you shouldn’t see him. You have nothing to be ashamed of. He should be. A rapist has no attending your family event. You’re family. He is not. Please find the strength to inform your family.

  11. Don’t listen to the haters this is a totally valid fear. People stopping taking care of themselves once they have someone locked down is common, and it’s (in my opinion) much more unethical than politely asking someone to manage their weight better.

    I’d ask her before proposing, if nothing else it will give you a good test to the relationship, and you’re way better off treading on toes now than later when there’s a ring on it. Just be super sensitive, let her know that you love her no matter what. Raw attraction and love are sometimes different, and that’s okay.

    This goes without saying but you should lead by example too. If you’re living with her start doing the shopping, start buying healthier food, start working out and invite her to come with you. If you’re asking her to lose weight than you better be taking good care of yourself too…

  12. Don’t listen to the haters this is a totally valid fear. People stopping taking care of themselves once they have someone locked down is common, and it’s (in my opinion) much more unethical than politely asking someone to manage their weight better.

    I’d ask her before proposing, if nothing else it will give you a good test to the relationship, and you’re way better off treading on toes now than later when there’s a ring on it. Just be super sensitive, let her know that you love her no matter what. Raw attraction and love are sometimes different, and that’s okay.

    This goes without saying but you should lead by example too. If you’re living with her start doing the shopping, start buying healthier food, start working out and invite her to come with you. If you’re asking her to lose weight than you better be taking good care of yourself too…

  13. i know 🙁 he messaged today saying he needs to be alone and fix himself and his issues before being in a relationship bc he “hates how much he has hurt me and stressed me out” i hope he does try. if not for me then whoever comes in the future. i really hope he does.

  14. As a man, I change my underwear daily because of booty germs too. Underwear should always be changed daily. Every other day max

  15. Is there a pattern of rejection? Are you not attracted to your wife anymore after she had the kid. Are you the kind of person who needs to wind down before you get revved up? Is your wife a SAHM?

    I see communication issues here and you both need to get on the same page.

    I get both sides.

  16. I was friends with a couple that did that sort of thing. They had this group they'd meet with every two months, who also used to do a potluck buffet in conjunction with it.

    But over time, the potluck just kinda edged out the orgy. Soon, it was mostly about meeting up, trying to impress people with your dishes, exchanging recipes, and maybe watching someone giving their partner a blowjob during the after dinner coffee and brandy.

  17. Exactly!!! People seem to overlook this, must be very naked for the wife to handle the big household specially with young ones..

  18. I’ve been the sister getting cold messaged. In my case, it was an live friend of my brothers I didn’t even know existed, but she reached out to say she was worried about his mental health and wanted to check if he was okay and make sure I knew he was struggling. Every person is different, but I really really appreciated it. You could note to her that he could be not responding for other reasons, but just want to check and make sure he’s okay, and will respect his privacy if he’s not responding for a different reason.

  19. Why are you asking questions you can't handle being answered? This is literally the bicycle meme where the guy puts a sticks in his own wheel.

  20. I’m sorry, are you secretly a car? That’s like one of the few things (maybe only?) that depreciates in value once it’s “driven off the lot”

    NTA, Tell him to fuck off, maybe offer him one of your toys to do it with?

    Dumb his ignorant ass to the curb and find some fresh batteries

  21. I’m just wondering why a guy who is nearly thirty is dating a teenager. My son is 29 and there’s no way he would date someone so much younger than him. It gives me the ick just thinking about it.

  22. They don’t have to be but studies show that financial stress and strain are the main cause of relationship issues

  23. I dunno what you're looking for here…If you think sex is more important than the person you're having it with being comfortable with it or you can't wait for them to be comfortable with it, then leave the relationship. That seems like a given. You want sex and she deserves what she needs as well.

  24. Her partner was not clear when she attempted to address questions and issues with her. She was not setting out to snoop but happened upon the journal when putting a book on the same shelf. If her partner is unclear about the answers she needs, I think it's unfair to hold it against her for looking at the journal to gain some understanding. That's just my opinion.

    About what you said: Just because you disagree with the WAY she obtained the information does not invalidate her feelings from what she learned. She can't unread what she's read. She CAN be mindful of what she has read and let it guide future conversations with so she can try to determine the future of the relationship. I DO believe that snooping is generally bad but not being forethcoming with information when asked, kinda asks for it

  25. I don't even believe you now. Sounds like you're making up a reddit story for her to find.

    If you were just looking for her you wouldn't have used your own picture

    Is your girlfriend really that dumb?? Seems like she isn't.

  26. No, you CAN communicate, don’t say you can’t. Just because the words are naked to find, or may cause upset, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be said. You’re by far old enough to know that. YOU felt insecure because of YOUR actions and then said you felt you didn’t trust HER!? Either you’re incredibly stupid or incredibly cocky. Either way, no excuse.

  27. Of course they should break up

    They have gone thru so much together and she just threw it away for some dick

    This relationship is now damaged beyond repair

  28. Yeah I texted her apologizing. I would ask her to meet me if she picked up my calls tho. Thanks for the response.

  29. I can't speak from personal experience with Tinder, but it is absolutely possible if not likely that they send out advertising emails. Especially if he jsut deleted the app and didn't suspend/deactivate his account.

    Since it's specifically Tinder gold that's being advertised, I would guess that it's an ad meant to pull dormant users back in.

    “We haven't seen you on Tinder in a while. Here's a free 2 weeks of gold to get you back in dating pool!” Etc…

    I wouldn't worry about it at all if he's given you no other reason to worry.

  30. I wasn't trying to catfish. I neither travelled or met friends for the past 3 years because of health reasons. That is the main reason why I don't have any latest pictures. Will get some pictures clicked and use them for dating. Also, I did put on weight, but my face and all looks the same. You won't be surprised when you see me in person compared to my pictures.

  31. They do not randomly mail people. I’ve been there to get a female exam and the only mail I have ever gotten contained the results of my PAP smear. nothing after that EVER

  32. Sounds like he is, yes. Someone should always love you skinnier or not. They can encourage you to lose weight and the like but they shouldn't put you down like that.

  33. How is it enjoyable to have sex with someone who isn't into it? He's essentially using you to masturbate and throwing a fit like a toddler when you don't hand over the toy he wants. He responds with defensiveness when it is suggested because he knows what he's doing is wrong.

  34. Also, last year, I had an odd feeling and went on his following on instagram and he liked pics of girls in bikinis or skimpy angles. I brought it up and he eventually deleted instagram BUT he was upset that I went through his following. He said he likes every pic on his feed and doesn’t pay attention

  35. Widow here. You are SO not ready to be in a relationship. You're using this poor woman as an emotional crutch. The cookie outburst is a prime example of how you haven't learned to handle the loss. You won't forget about your wife or “get over” the loss but you need to learn to process & manage those feelings. For example, a healthy way to deal with this would be to feel that pang of liss when you see your daughter making cookies with your GF, acknowledge it and the sadness that your wife & daughter won't do that anymore, understand that life moves on, and just … breathe. Not flip out & decree no one can ever make cookies with your daughter and feeling all this guilt for moving on. You need therapy.

  36. When I asked about us living together he flipped out and said it wasn't in the cards, that I have too many faults, etc etc.

    Your relationship is over. I'm not sure when that happened but it definitely has morphed into him using you as his personal (free) chef and entertainment when he's bored. I would be willing to bet that if ended right around here:

    My boyfriend lately has stated he just wants to save money. So date nights kind of stopped.

  37. Get out of here. Don’t think about procreating with this guy. Who cared about 5 years gone. Have a happy healthy future with someone whose not a criminal

  38. I ask my partner to let me know if he is taking off or landing in a plane … he travels for work a lot, we do not nor ever have shared location. We don't care who eachother is with other than if we want to pass on a greeting.

  39. In our area rent is about $800+ (if you can find a roommate to split the cost, singles are going for about 1k).

    What’s rent for half a house of your size and just one room in a house go for in your area?

    Just because you paid in cash doesn’t mean you don’t pay for housing. You’ve got to replenish those savings that could’ve gone towards retirement or other life goals.

  40. OP, we get it. He's horrible.

    We don't need more explanations of how horrible he is. We see it.

    What are you going to do about it?

  41. Everyone here is just saying 'you're not compatible'. It's like all the advice on reddit is just 'break up', but they don't know anything about the dynamic of your relationship, or what's going on with work, or if she has a complex/trauma yada yada. If we all just abandoned our relationships at the first sign of trouble, we'd live in a very disconnected, disposable society… oh wait.

    So here's some actual advice – sex begins long before the two of you actually sit down and start touching each other. The concept of 'foreplay' is arbitrary and trust me when I say it begins long before anyone's clothes are off. If you want her to be turned on and proactive, you need to start putting in the work outside of the bedroom.

    Start with the gym. You want to make yourself as irresistible to her, as she is to you physically. Buy some nice clothes, put some pride into your appearance. Mix up your look, it's stale looking at the same person day after day. Don't pine after her so much, let her come to you. Give it some breathing room.

    Resentment is a killer of sex. Do nice favours for her, do the washing up, clean out the house (I'm serious). These don't directly contribute to her arousal, but they do prevent her from resenting you, which is absolutely a killer of arousal.

    And, remember, sex is a place we go, not something we do. When the time comes, explore the fantasy of her desires, bring some mystery, some resistance, tease her, toy with her and be confident. If you do all of the above, she will show more enthusiasm and you'll be shocked at how her behaviour changes.

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