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Fecvht45live sex stripping with hd cam


51 thoughts on “Fecvht45live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. no, it's not your place especially when talking about the trauma of another person. thats personal and for him to tell her if he wants. you dont even know how old he is…dont go around telling anyone he has sexual trauma.

  2. It’s sounds like she’s immature and struggles with a work/social boundary.

    I personally would be polite but stay away for the sake of your job.

  3. It could be that he watches those videos because they turn him on due to being relatable to you. Like he could genuinely love you and find you very attractive, but normal pornography doesnt capture disabilities or much of the like at all, so he ventures to find videos similar to you because thats what turns him on.

    He may never have been interested in those videos before meeting you.

    I say this from my own perspective, when I look at porn, if Im in a relationship I prefer content thats similar to my partner and I's dynamic.

  4. I agree, he didnt contact them tho. The only contact he had was when she wished him happy bday and he said thanks and thats all

  5. If I were you I’d block him there’s no point in being sweet to someone who directly says that they don’t care about your wants, needs, or the experience you have with them. This guy is dangerous and expects that you can’t see the hazard because of your inexperience. He’s telling you who he is please believe him!

    You can’t love people into being good. You CANT.

  6. I don't think these things are exclusive.

    You can be hurt by her doing nothing wrong.

    Seeing her paying attention to another man hurt you. Ok, nothing wrong with that.

    Her being a fan of something and hopping on stage with the singer to dance and being excited about it, also cool. If she kissed him or went with him to his dressing room without you, that's kinda over the line obviously, but being pulled up on stage in public isn't anything.

    You both not talking to each other over this nonsense is the problem. You both need healthier communication or to move on.

  7. Well then it sounds like you struggle with emotional self awareness. And that’s important to addressing things like this, and to just being better with self confidence and decision making. So rather than worry about giving your name, you might do better to instead work on that in your therapy or just google how to increase emotional self awareness and start there.

  8. So, your personal feelings doesn’t matter to choose the country where you’re gonna on-line!?!?!? He doesn’t even respect you. Dump the mf.

  9. I would be tempted to be passive aggressive and tell her that's odd, because the women you've been with so far haven't complained. Come to think of it, she did feel pretty loose compared to other women. Maybe it's her vagina that's inadequate. But then I wouldn't because I'm not shitty like that. Its better to just tell her it's not you it's me, good luck and buh bye!

  10. I mean, he didn’t use you because nothing happened, you didn’t even meet. It sounds like you need to focus on finding higher quality partners. “I’m simply too horny to do that” is not an excuse.

  11. He sounds immature and self-centered. It seems like he does whatever he wants without caring about your feelings at all. You made your expectations clear, and he did not step up. Gamer raging is a bizarre hobby and speaks again to his immaturity. You're going to end up creating a mother/son type relationship with him, where you try to get him to grow up and he resists and throws fits. You need to find someone mature enough for a relationship.

  12. I smoke myself, but I'd never do so when staying with soneone who doesn't like it, abd certainly wouldn't enter their home while high.

  13. No, I'm not putting the two things into the one scenario. OP said that her daughter looks like she did when she was younger and started the fact that OP herself now looks older, so he might be having confusing feelings and trying to keep them at bay.

    The other scenario is that he suspects she may not be his biological daughter, so treats her differently than he does his other kids.

  14. You both sound insecure. She (hypothetically) for not trusting a boyfriend with other girls, and you for how you reacted to this.

    I don’t necessarily think it’s a weird thing to say though. But that depends on how she said it and also the context (the rest), so I do get your point and not being sure about it.

    Would you say you both have some trust issues?

  15. Girls will make it pretty obvious honestly. She can’t stop talking about him, good or bad. She is still thinking about him 24/7.

    Set a boundary, communicate about why you don’t like hearing about it constantly. Etc. If she can’t get on board with that, you have your answer.

  16. If its taken her this long to change her mind I wouldn't bother. There's no doubt other things at play Finances or living arrangements. There's nothing shameful about your kink. She abandoned you. Does she really deserve a 2nd chance.

  17. I think the best result would come from having a fully open conversation with him- like don’t go in like a stone wall, 100% abortion. If you do that you’ll just make him feel like he doesn’t matter imo. Goal is to help him understand why, not flex on him (for lack of better words).

    I don’t think the relationship is getting out unscathed though… to be frank, y’all are about the perfect age to have kids. He’s probably not going to take “I don’t wanna” very well.

  18. He’s telling you want you want to hear but isn’t really trying to kick her out. He’s choosing to have someone in his bed over the discomfort & disrespect she gives to you.

    I remember reading the last post about him kicking her out & it seemed to good to be true.

  19. Of course they are AHs. But I heard a statistic the other day that lunch and coffee dates are becoming extremely common, and it’s been put down to it being cheaper in the cost of living crisis. So perhaps just think about optics next time you’re out alone with someone of the opposite sex, and ask yourself if you’re partner walked into this situation right now, what would it look like. Platonic or questionable? What is the setting? How close are you sitting? Etc. just be self aware and respectful is my point.

  20. Silly! You just impregnate them, putting their health and shape at risk to bring your spawn into the world. When she’s done, you dump her for a younger model who believes your crying about how your wife is an evil bitch who let herself go/s

  21. Stop using his mental health as a diagnosis.

    “Oh, the dog died because he hit him too much, but he has a long list of mental illnesses and his family was abusive.”

    Well, if he has so many problems he shouldn't be having a dog as a punching bag.

    Also, you are not responsible for this person. You are not his social worker, his doctor, or his mom. You are going to waste all of your young adult years caring for a man? How about you? What are you doing with your life? How are you improving your life and building your life? Do you want to be 30 or 40 or 50 and look back and see that you spent all of you energy on this person? That's if he doesn't hit you on the head and kills you or something.

  22. You know what you have to do. Whatever you had with him is gone. The sooner you end things, the sooner you'll become happy again. There is someone out there that will appreciate being with you. Sooner is better than later. Be happy. You deserve better.

  23. Honestly you should have ended it earlier. Writing was on the wall, she was lying to you, lost interest, and didn't bother elaborate.

    She us chwating, and you should cut hwr clean off.

  24. Totally get that. And if it was I who did this, I would take responsibility. But I think you missed my post. I am a virgin who has never had sexual relations with this person, or any person for that matter. She has messed around with someone else, but thinks I would be involved if her actions result in pregnancy.

  25. also know deep in my heart that I am no longer in love with him

    then that's that. that's it. it's over, pack up, leave.

    And I know a small part of me wanted those things when I said I didn't

    well, yeah, you blindsided him.

    but I know it's for the best because he deserves a better partner in life than me.

    don't do that either. don't excuse yourself by claiming to be not worthy, that helps no one, and serves no purpose.

    just leave, force him to confront reality, and go no contact to allow him time to move on.

  26. I saw a greeting card once, a very snarky one, and the interior script was something like this:

    Welcome to the family, stepmother dear Welcome, although we can see, You're not only much younger than he is, You're actually a year younger than me.

    Dont address this with him, he wont change for you.

    Go get your bike, say Hi, load your bike into your car, say Bye and drive off. No drama needed. He knows you are angry. He does not care. He will never care. Any energy you expend should be toward pitying his poor victim.

  27. Agreed. Absolutely no forgiveness. And, honestly, I'd probably tell his mother exactly what he said. And then I'd leave his sorry ass…provided I had someplace to go. Hopefully OP has a job and sympathetic family. Unfortunately, we aren't all blessed with that. But, if it were me, I'd be treating the marriage as if it were over…because as far as I'm concerned, it is.

  28. Some people don’t know how to comfort the way you want to be comforted and might need to be told how you would like to receive it. I say this because I’m in this position and still working on it. At least ask for how you want to get comfort.

  29. Yeah, it’s condescending. If it is him being direct, then he’s saying explicitly that he doesn’t think you understand what he’s saying/where he’s coming from.

  30. Dude you guys are both 18 and 18 year olds love clubbing, single or not. Why don't you go with her?

    If you hate clubbing, I get that, so did I, but when my friends group would want to go I usually would. Even though I abhor the environment I still would manage to have some fun because I'm with my friends.

    I think if your girl loves it you should go dancing with her. Enjoy your early adult life. When you get closer to my age you will regret not going out and partying more while you had the energy.

    Make some memories.

  31. If he was more interested he will be communicate more and will always have time for you … unfortunately some people just want to be with someone for fun only for their own desires … it’s temporary for them … end it and move on you deserve better .

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