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Feliciaxtc live sex chats for YOU!


Pussyplay doggy [497 tokens remaining]

Date: December 22, 2022

37 thoughts on “Feliciaxtc live sex chats for YOU!

  1. That last part is the bit that bothers me. I do love my wife, I feel she's better than me in most ways, we've even talked (and laughed) about how little we match up. It's hardly like I can follow on from that and say “ah, well Finn story about compatibility…”

    I don't know how long infatuation should last; the other woman and I have bonded so well and so slowly, and now we feel like each other's lifeline. It's certainly not fair on my wife, something has to change and the other woman led the way, very maturely I must add, to us backing off from one another. Whatever decision I make I'll always wonder “what if”. Thanks for the reply

  2. It sounds like a vacation from hell. Next time he should just hire a escort because that’s how he treated you. You deserve better than this piece of trash

  3. Don’t ghost her, that’s the absolute height of disrespect and will be deeply upsetting to her. Sorry to sound harsh, but you need to grow a pair and do the right thing. Good luck to you 🙂

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  6. Maybe so but I can assure you that it will always play on your mind if you don't. Brains are annoying like that. You fail 100% of the chances you don't take

  7. I'm going to his country soon (half my family is there) we come from different areas in that country so if we are staying together I'll have to consider going out to his area. I don't think dating a local is an option as I'll be leaving soon but I have dated others from that country who are definitely not as controlling.

  8. Can you ask the organisation to reconsider!their decision, especially since you are a couple? They run a high risk of her not accepting the position.

  9. FFS! You should not have to tell him that your mom's funeral is more important to you than his god-daughter's baptism. He shouldn't even question whether or not you'd need his support at the funeral. A good partner would just arrange for the time off to be with you. A good partner would have the common sense to not bother you about going out of town the very next day. What a selfish jerk.

  10. It might seem shitty to you, but it’s something I don’t see another way out of. I do my part and stay because I am bettering myself in hopes of establishing myself in a better place. Reserve your shitty judgment and thanks for your gaslighting and ‘advice’.

  11. I am a female and I find period blood gross. It isn't just blood, it is the lining of the uterus shedding itself, sometimes in clumps. I had a hysterectomy in my 40s and was thrilled not to ever have to deal with it again.

    Some people are squeamish and it isn't a choice they make. I think that you should respect that he is not comfortable doing certain things and accept it. It sounds like you want him to put your needs above his own, while you won't respect his boundaries.

  12. Leave. He thinks he can abuse you because you did one single thing he disagrees with. That isn't okay. Violence under the guise of “rough sex” is exactly what has landed other women in the fucking ground. Leave now while you still can.

  13. The only problem with that, is that the mother is dictating what her daughter can or can't do. The daughters relationship with her father isn't taking place in front of her mother. She just feels like it s a betrayel.

  14. Update: she took a test last night and it was negative but I still think we have to 100% wait until Monday to be certain

  15. I think the dog was 8 at the time OP and bf moved in, which was after 6 months of dating. Now they've been together for 8 years and the dog is 16 and still alive but not doing well.

  16. That sounds like a good plan. I, too, am a generous and caring person and also had to learn how to balance my generosity vs feeling emotionally responsible for others. Pulling back and giving yourself some space to think clearly is smart. I hope you and your friend will find equally generous and financially stable partners in the neat future. Never settle for less than you deserve. You deserve as much as you have already given to others.

  17. I’m sorry but you clearly need a different partner. You guys got together in October but then took a two month break? You clearly are needing more time and one on one attention from a partner as it’s likely your love language. Him flaking for 3 weeks at a time? Major red flag.

    If the relationship is like this now and hasn’t improved then what makes you think it’ll be better in several months time?

    You need someone who is willing to put in the time and effort to make you feel loved and wanted. Not someone who will come stay the night occasionally then flake off for a few weeks.

  18. It sounds like he actually took the time to reflect on his choices and what he wants his life to look like. I'm not particularly fond of people taking so long to figure out they made a mistake and realize they don't want to lose me from their life, but sometimes people need some time to learn and grow. Plus, it's unclear from your post but was he in a place where he HAD to work two jobs in order to make ends meet or pay for school or was this just his preference? And it's not like he's coming back years later. It's still somewhat recent.

    I completely understand being wary of opening yourself up to him again. You already got hurt once when he chose to continue his life as is and lose you. I would feel the same way. I would ask him what caused this change in his mindset and what he plans to do differently this time around. Make sure he gives you concrete examples of what he's going to change and not just “I'm going to make more time for you.”

    That's great and everything, but HOW is he going to make more time for you? Is he moving from two jobs to one job now that will require less hours? Is he willing to do less athletic stuff in order to give your relationship more time? If he has zero plans to adjust anything in his life then you'll end up right back where you were before and I'd tell him to take a hike until he starts taking some action to back up what he's saying about wanting his life to look different.

    You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders and value being with someone quality vs just being with someone to be with someone. He's obviously been thinking about you a lot over the last year and it was probably difficult for him to reach back out. If he's someone that stood out as special to you that you could possibly see a future with it might be worth it to give him another shot. That's something you'll have to reflect on and decide.

    If he can give you solid examples of what he's going to do differently, I'd give him another chance and not start fresh because that's impossible, but just reset. Then, you can look at his actions and see if he actually keeps his word over time. He's going to have to earn your trust by continuing to show up.

  19. That's the thing though. I am pretty certain I would be more misarable if I cut off contact with her. Like… my feelings for her aside, she is my best friend first and foremost. And besides, I would be hurting her as well (she cares about me just as much, just, you know – without the romantic feelings I suppose), which I absolutely don't want to do.

    Like I absolutely do understand that what your giving is good advice (and potentially the only good advice for my situation) but it's just… not something I can do.

  20. If this isn’t something you hold against hi, then he is declining solely out of pride. his ego may stop him from having these experiences, but it doesn’t have to stop you.

    Perhaps making it clear that you want to do xyz and you’d much prefer it if he came, but otherwise you’ll go anyway (with a friend, relative, or even alone) at that point, it’s on him.

  21. Bad idea-can you imagine how exhausting it would be to work WITH this guy constantly comparing himself to everybody and trying to wanna view within your own company?

  22. Well he should get surgery. He cannot live all his life like this.

    that said, let me just state that healing from that particular surgery is not fun

  23. Why do y’all always date men like this? He’s stingy and he’s never going to change and he probably doesn’t even like you.

  24. She thinks she's better than you, end of story. Ok a little explanation, by putting your hobbies down and uplifting hers she believes that whatever SHE pursues is so much better than whatever YOU pursue therefore YOU should be doing what SHE likes and that's it. Now end of story.

  25. He used you.

    To him you are just the next step above jerking off on porn hub.

    You're disposable to him.

    In five years he wont be able to remember your name.

  26. So you’ve been together a year. Plenty of time to see how he deals with similar events.

    So what did he do for your birthday? What did he do for Valentine’s Day, what did he do for Christmas? What did he want to do for his birthday?

    How has he shown his appreciation for the things that you did on those days?

    Chances are he did minimal on those occasions, because they don’t mean much if anything for him. And if that’s the case, of course he wouldn’t be excited about a 1 year dating anniversary.

    And why wasn’t your reply when he said it’s too expensive that you would pay?

  27. He used you.

    To him you are just the next step above jerking off on porn hub.

    You're disposable to him.

    In five years he wont be able to remember your name.

  28. I started reading this thinking he was pretty reasonably upset, especially for you to do it without at least a chat, especially after 5 years without a known issue.

    Then I got to the end and read he punched his car, screamed at the top of his lungs, and drove off without elaborating because of a disagreement over laundry? Dear me. The bloke is off his nut.

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