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FOLLOW ONLYFANS (LINK BELOW) the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam




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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms FOLLOW ONLYFANS (LINK BELOW)


Date: December 4, 2022

59 thoughts on “FOLLOW ONLYFANS (LINK BELOW) the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. He is projecting his guilt onto you. He wouldn’t have brought it up otherwise. He’s using this to shame you into keeping quiet. He’s not a good partner or friend. If you want to say something to her, be prepared for the onslaught and denial from him, but you will not be losing a good friend! He’s holding you back.

  2. I get that neither of them should feel guilty because neither of them cheated, he chose to make her feel guilty. Did you read something different than what I did? Jesus.

  3. Why hasn't she taken her doctors' advice and tried another medication? If this all started after she went off the meds, it sounds like she needs to be medicated. I see another commenter mentioned Wellbutrin helping libido and sexual function.

    But if you definitely want kids and she's changed her mind, that's a valid reason to break up.

  4. Nothing wrong with buying some small things for friends.

    If it feels right do it. Obviously it feels right to you, and he says he's going to do the same for you. Go for it.

  5. To me it sounded like she wants to be told she’s right and he should reschedule his plans for her family that MIGHT want to do something when he’s busy.

  6. This is not a fair, open relationship. This is just him being open and honest about cheating on you. It doesn’t make the cheating any better.

  7. Here are some options:

    Go back to your doctor and explain the issue. Maybe there are other meds you can try. Do you get this irritated with EVERYONE, or only him? Communicate with him (when you are not in this headspace) about it. Tell him it's not personal; warn him ahead of time; make an effort to chill yourself out. Take a couple of Me Days (when you are in the throes of it) and don't see him. When I'm in a terrible mood and I'm ready to bite off someone's head, I make a point of turning down invitations. “I'd love to see you but I'm in a very foul mood and I would make poor company. Let me call you when I'm out of this funk?” And again – talk to your doctor.

  8. He doesn’t care about you anymore. Whatever he’s holding onto won’t last forever. You still have the chance to be the one to end it, because he will sooner or later.

  9. I’ve been happily married for close to 19 years. My husband and I were born before 1990. I was born in 84 and him 83. I always say to myself if something ever happened to him or we separated/divorce I wouldn’t even bother with dating tbh.

  10. lol based on your reaction and the things you said to her I would say you're not as loving and innocent as you think you are.

  11. It's not really your business who your father sleeps with, I'm not sure why you think you need to talk to him about it.

  12. Could be an anxiety or depression thing from his angle. As a dude those two things can really rank libido sometimes it helps to get emotionally intimate before physical intimate.

  13. Some people let their hopes run far ahead of their actual perception of reality. It's not necessarily a problem, but you may need to be the sensible one in the relationship.

  14. No prob. Her emotions are real and you are acknowledging that. If she chooses to make this a big deal, you’ll just have to see where that takes the relationship.

    My advice is to just see it for what it is—you used some words that unintentionally reminded her of something. It’s real to her that she’s upset. But you don’t need to beat yourself up. Stuff to feel bad about is…lying, cheating, and other intentionally mean stuff.

    You’re doing the right thing to give some space and it will likely blow over.

  15. Do you also know Yes means Yes?

    If your sexual partner does not have an informed, enthusiastic yes from a partner able to fully understand and consent then it's a no.

    If they have an STD and don't tell you, then that's not informed consent.

    If you start with a condom and he takes it off and finishes without your knowledge or permission, that's not consent. Because what you consented to was changed. Same if the genders are reversed. If the woman says she's on the pill and is lying, then it's not informed consent.

    If you are drunk, underage, or otherwise impaired in some way, then that's not consent. You're not in a position to understand and give consent.

    If you say no and he nags and nags and nags until you say yes … yup, not consent. That's coercion.

    It's not hard. If you're not all, “Yes baby, I want it! Give it to me!” Either verbally or physically then it's a no go. And your consent can be withdrawn anytime. Even if he's already inside you.

  16. Can we please stop commenting on these persons posts. How many accounts does Reddit allow one person to make? You’re spamming my feed.

  17. I have a lot of respect for you, for choosing to online the way you do and build a life on your own merits instead of wanting everything handed to you. That's a fine, not wasteful way to online. And the fact that you've found a partner that can see the value in living that way is wonderful.

    Unfortunately, her parents are the kinds of people that are what's wrong with the world today. They value money, appearances, and consumption more than they value self respect, integrity, and conservation. This tells you all you need to know about their moral compass. It also tells you that trying to convince them otherwise will be useless. Your wife is right, getting yourself worked up over this is not necessary.

    The best course of action is to not take it personally, try to ignore it, and when you can't ignore it, give boring non-answers that are conversation-enders. Some examples:

    they are pissed that I don't treat my wife as a “trophy wife”? I treat her the way that makes HER the happiest. I'm sure you don't mind me making your daughter happy? That'd be ridiculous!”

    go against the premise of her parents wanting me to “spoil” their daughter? she has everything her heart desires. (Repeat with every question/demand they make.)

    we could've gotten much better stuff if we spent a little more. We have exactly what we wanted. (Repeat with every question/comment they make.)

    why we maintained a spending budget on things. Our financial decisions are not up for discussion. (Repeat with every question/comment they make.)

    my car is not a fancy Tesla or something. I have the car I WANT. (Repeat with every question/comment they make.)

    It would be IDEAL for her to tell them to knock it off, that you two have the life you WANT and CHOOSE to have, and your finances and life choices are none of their business, and tell them that if they keep doing it, she will put them in time-out from family stuff until they can learn to be civil. But in the meantime, just don't give them the free real estate in your head, don't give them info that isn't their business, and be boring and firm with any non answers you DO give

  18. Not being overly sensitive. She appears to be cold and indifferent. She’s not taking responsibility for her actions

  19. Hello /u/UrMomsMistress69,

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  21. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, he may just be sleep deprived and not thinking logically. So if the mom is being unreasonable he may not give it the rational thought he otherwise should or might. At least I hope that's the case.

  22. So basically put, you refuse to admit to any possible error or folly on your part, and choose to only believe you can do no wrong, and over 90% of the responses are incorrect. I feel for your soon to be ex-wife. I hope her next husband and your son’s stepfather is a better man than you, OP. I hope you enjoy your pending bachelorhood.

  23. The urgent care thing isn’t true, at least in the US. They will often ask for insurance at the front desk and if you don’t have one they take? You’re either paying thousands or you’re out of there. Usually you have to call your insurance to find where a UC that accepts your insurance.

    It’s sucks but that’s our medical system.

    Now, do I think OPs partner is being honest? Not even a little. If I knew my partner had chlamydia, as he does, I’d be getting tested ASAP. His chill attitude suggests he either knew he had it and got treated without telling her or he’s faking antibiotics now so that when he gets tested he’s clean.

  24. Oh, I’ve gotten plenty of downvotes on this thread here, too. You and your wife seem to have a healthy relationship, haha. Not everything has to be a big deal and a drama. ?

  25. Someone’s gender identity is no one’s business unless said person wants to share that information.

  26. I'm in my early 30s, and I make more than my fiancé. I don't see why it should bother me. It doesn't bother him either. It allows us to do extra things we weren't able to do when I was making less money. It doesn't make him less of a man, and I don't need someone to take care of me, so I don't care what he makes.

    Why do you think it would/should bother someone? Are you feeling bad about making less money?

  27. My partner is not fed up with my needs in the slightest, he continues to feel a way that he doesn’t want to feel and we are trying to figure out the cause of it/ what the next steps are. I never said that my partner felt like he was raising a child, rather that he gets feelings that he is older than me or that we are in different stages of life.

    I don’t understand what advice you are trying to give here

  28. You do not need to know my private medical information. Birth control is beside the point anyway. It would've been an easy excuse but not the honest one.

  29. Sounds like you guys both have serious issues you need to work on. I’d hold off on getting married, it might not be the right choice in the long run, divorce is messy and expensive.

  30. Certainly what I’m afraid of, that the exclusion was not just an oversight but a look into what I mean to him or what his family thinks of me. I have to brace myself for this conversation.

  31. Shouldn’t he be calling me all the time trying to help me?

    Hm… no. Unless you are physically and mentally handicapped. But I don't think you are. You are a grown up woman (or you should be). You are not a teenager or a child anymore. You need to sort out your own issues. There is nothing for him to do from Greece…

  32. Then the argument just turns in to how, as the breadwinner, he contributes more to the bills, so he has less responsibility to look after the house.

    Dude just wants a relationship based on the antiquated gender role standard, and OP has a different idea. And, best case scenario, 60 more years of dealing with it.

  33. He asked a few times, but I was over at her house, then decides to say shes gonna go over the second I leave out of town, I agree I think I am overblowing this and being insecure, but few weeks ago, asked if she wanted to go out with me, she said she was busy at work, then posted a snap at a frat party. Thank you for the help

  34. That it's not true, I would tell him that he can't see it cause he doubts himself but that he's actually really bright and a wonderful person. Though now, after a few years, I just tell him he's using it as an excuse because he he's not, and that he needs to stop self-deprecating.

  35. OP Reading your updates I can tell you took the right decision, once again you tried to be yhe bigger person and offer her advice buy she is so focused into justifying her behavior that she is hurting herself and your family is only enabling this behavior.

    You can took a horse to the water buy can't force it to drink, there is no more you can do to improve this situation and I better to remove yourself because they decided to turn you into the scapegoat instead of seeing who is the real POS here (your ex).

    Time to focus on your own mental health and move on from them, purge your social media removing all the unverified contact and set your to private, block them all except your brother and focus on your own happiness, ask your brother to please do not give you or give them updates about you or about them, you don't need this level of negativity in your life.

  36. just because they’re dating doesn’t mean they have to do everything together. Maybe she wanted to catch up with her friends on her own. I’m not her I can’t answer that lol

  37. Trust your gut! How would he feel if you were 'comforting' a friend of his, by rubbing his leg, hugging, and kissing his forehead? I think he was using her sadness to 'cop a feel'!

  38. I don't know what's going on but I can't see anyone's comments on here. I have messaged mods about thai but got no response. Very sad. Wish I could read y'all's comments. If anyone knows how I can fix this please let me know.

  39. OK the edit makes this 1000 times worse. This boy is ridiculous and only cares about your boob size. So weird to show pics of your sister to his friends and pretend she's you. Super fucking weird. I honestly hope you dump his ass, he's seriously not worth it.

    It's a lovely photo BTW, and your boobs seem nice if that means anything at all coming from a straight woman

  40. I had to check his age again, because unless he's 9yo, there's no excuse for this. Are you a piece of meat for his buddies to drool over? What was he expecting, to never introduce you to them?? If he was serious about you, these guys would have met you eventually, right? Unless he was planning a hit it and quit it scenario, this was the dumbest possible scheme and incredibly disrespectful to you and your sister.

  41. He had sex with her during the hour and a half he refused to answer your calls. As he said he was prioritising himself.

  42. Yeah, people can usually find a positive or suggest a scenario in which you might be mistaken.

    But I have absolutely nothing.

  43. Not your fault. As this post proves, there are no end of people who know they will hate the answer but ram ahead with the question anyway.

    The truth will set you free.

  44. We both decided to post this, and we’ve wanted to close it for a while on both fronts (more me than him because of the abuse) He has looked around and didn’t find anyone he was into which is fine I actively helped him make dating profiles etc. We’ve tossed this idea around and wanted an outside perspective.

  45. He's being smart. Not all that smart to be fucking a roommate in the first place, that's already fertile ground for drama, but smart enough to call a halt when he understood you weren't down for just fucking but wanted more. Like the classic FWB situation being ended because someone caught feelings. He made his approach clear, no feelings/attachments, and he's more or less sticking to that. Not everyone can deal with a FWB situation without attachment, it seems you're one of those. Useful thing to know about yourself, even if it's hard to apply that information to anything here.

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