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Freakyboobs live sex chats for YOU!


freakyboobs Public Chat Channel

Date: October 26, 2022

30 thoughts on “Freakyboobs live sex chats for YOU!

  1. That’s what drives me nuts. In his mind he apologized, and when I didn’t immediately forgive him he made me out to be the bad guy. He doesn’t understand that when you make a mistake (a severe one at that), that an apology alone doesn’t change anything. It is up to the other person to accept the apology, and he can’t handle not being in control. So he turns it around to him needing to forgive us. It’s absolutely crazy to me. And MIL says she can see both sides.

  2. I totally would too honestly. Its so sad too see that we will try to be there so much for our bfs and they will just ignore us all day and not care. Really frustrating and sad. Im sorry you had to go through all of that 🙁

  3. Perhaps your perfect situation isnt attainable but what you can do is fine the best of what you have. If you think this women is a great fit for you and want a serious relationship it starts with being open and honest, but not judgemental. If their are things yiu want to try but havent you need to express that, if their are fantasies that you wish to attain then say it, then as a couple you will talk and either compromise or not. If you can live with whatever outcome you get great, if not then maybe its not ment to be and you move on. Whatever happened in the past shouldnt be a worry now, focus on what you two can do together

  4. I agree you shouldn't have to declare your friend's sexuality, your fiance should trust you. Especially if he has known about him all along.

    Aside from his being gay so not an option. Even if he was straight, you two have had a lifetime to be together if that's what either of you wanted and you chose Fred so that should tell him something. So no you weren't wrong.

    However. You should at least hear Fred out because:

    1) 3 years and you love him is alot to throw away for a misunderstanding

    2) knowing about a male bestie and then seeing y'all together and the love you have between you in person is a whole other animal. Even if it's not romantic love it's a lifelong love and that can feel threatening and when ita opposite sexes, it can be misinterpreted easily.

    3) it's super easy to watch point #2, have insecurities and then allow your friends to get all up in yoir head, exploiting those insecurities and misinterpretation of the love you have for your friend and let it get carried away run wild in your head and over-react.

    Hear him out, let it be known gay or not you should be trusted until given a reason not to be and without it you two won't have much of a future together and then decide whether what he has to say is enough to continue to build a strong foundation and relationship on or not.

  5. u/All_That_Glitters_3, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. u/Company-Modern, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. Because the 6 years you said you were together leads to a 17 year old and not an 18 year old.

    Nobody believes you bro. Your story is full of cracks and you're clearly trying to appeal to the masses but everyone sees through that shit.

    What's wrong, did she get too old for you? Did you realize a 23 year old is way more mature than you were at that age? She was right for keeping you away. She needed peace and relaxation and not a dude begging her to believe him while her vagina is being ripped in half.

  8. Why are you mad at your gf instead of the girl Who sent her a lying text? I mean, your gf’s response is TOTALLY normal given the information she received. Like, if some dude sent you a text on your gf’s due date that the baby was actually his, how the heck would you have felt? As far as you’re concerned, you should feel lucky she took you back at all. And having a kid isn’t like buying a used car; it’s super weird you’re worried about how many people held him before you, and why do you think the child should get your last name? You guys aren’t married. Normally, in situations where young, unmarried kids have a baby, the baby gets the mother’s name, because there’s no guarantee the dad will stick around (evidenced beautifully by the fact that you’re planning on leaving her). My advice to you is to get a grip and get a therapist. Your number 1 concern right now should be the well-being of your child, and the number 2 concern should be the well-being of the mother of your child. Instead you’re on here whining about having your feelings hurt because she reacted in a totally normal way to fake information.

  9. u/IsFriendshipOver_TA, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. Speak to your family first and tell them what's happened. Then speak to any close friends near you that you can trust. Someone will be able to find you a lawyer. If not you should be able to find one online. Also share this post on the legal advice sub. Someone there might also be able to help.

  11. Hello /u/Crpto2007,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  12. His dads a weirdo and the bf should have had your back. Avoid going over there again, With or without the bf present.

  13. This was my thought too. Was it cp that involved her? Her answers don’t make sense and also this story doesn’t make sense because you saw the therapist which made her tell you about why she was in therapy which involved CP which she didn’t tell the therapist? I’m cobf used

  14. Get help. Like….holy shit. Have you not seen the replies? OP is willing to get a camera they’re just a little lost on what kind to get. There is something deeply wrong with you if you’re only reactions are “call the police. No? Well you deserve whatever happens next” then I have grave concerns.

  15. I’m feeling second hand embarrassment just thinking about asking for or hinting at that expensive of a gift from anyone other than someone I’m married to. Even then, we’d have to be super well off to make a purchase like that on something that doesn’t last that long

  16. Changing your name is a big hassle, it's been her name for 3 years now, and he has actually no grounds to force her to change it again so you both need to get the fuck over it

  17. I read at book at 6 and at 9 when it came I knew exactly what to do. All I know, it came from books. Never wanted to go to a Sex Ed at school because it was too embarrassing, yet I knew better than my classmates.

  18. When someone tells you who they are, believe them. This man did something unforgivable to you at a time when you’re at your most vulnerable and in need of his support as the father of your child. And on top of that, he lied about multiple parts of this (and wouldn’t have even told you had you not found out for yourself). Please love yourself more than to tolerate this disrespect and leave him. Hold to your boundary. This IS a dealbreaker.

  19. Feelings are valid even if you don't agree with them. You don't get to tell people what they are allowed and not allowed to feel.

  20. What?

    He broke up with ex for OP.

    She left him in May. He had broken up with Ex in October. And moved in with OP in December.

    Why would he be on a rebound?

    I think he is just being a coward about admitting he is in a new relationship to his ex.

    As they have property together.

  21. She should check his phone.

    He's probably pissed because he told his girlfriend and now he can't put that back in the bottle or someone caught him and told him they will tell ger if he doesn't.

  22. Is it possible – of course.

    Is it likely – as with most situations, it depends.

    Is it likely if the other person is unwilling to make the effort – absolutely not.

    People don't magically change. Actions and demonstrating a willingness to change through action is a much better indicator of whether someone is likely to change than anything that person says or promises.

    If he says that he'll change, simply ask one question: What are you going to do to make things better? If he doesn't have a specific plan of action, then it isn't going to happen. Unfortunately, you cannot tell him what he needs to do to change (it's more than simply fixing certain behaviors) because only he knows why he's doing what he's doing and what's driving that behavior.

    Fair or not, the onus is on him to figure out what to do and do it. In this case, you cannot even lead the horse to water, let alone get it to drink, because you have no idea where the water (why he's engaging in that behavior) is.

  23. Right. A suspicion.

    You would refer to it the same way if she found a box of condoms in his luggage right?

    Like, he could just be using them to masturbate. Or, maybe he puts them on the end of his rifle to keep moisture out when he goes hunting.

    Since both of those things are technically plausible, you’d automatically jump to that assumption as the most reasonable explanation, right?

  24. He Florentino trust you. He did something unacceptable and is turning it around as being your fault.

    Thankfully you’ve only wasted three months on him

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