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Gaby-leon online sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 15, 2022

57 thoughts on “Gaby-leon online sex chats for YOU!

  1. “How naive are you?” “Nothing compared to THAT woman on Reddit!” Are you seriously believing him and you didn’t already go to get an urgent std screening?

  2. I never will, I’m really stern on my feelings but I just wonder maybe I need to mature already and get over this fear. I just don’t feel right and the only solution I see is breaking up and him seeing someone new but honestly, I dont know if I’d hate the idea of that because all of this just made me feel like a body.

  3. u/KokWei_Lim, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. Wait a believe you just moved the goal post. We were talking about arrange marriages and 1848 women were legally allowed to get credit. In the 70s discrimination laws were put in place. Also women had options in the 40s they entered the work force in masses due to world War II. That's when the feminist movement began.

  5. Did Sarah kick John further down when he was having MH issues, and took the kids away for good and made her AP the new daddy of kids? John made a choice to work on his marriage. He could've walked away instead of using Sarah to take care of the kids, house, and his dck until he found a suitable alternative.

    It is many things but karma. Karma don't work for AHs who use their kids as a pawn in their war and game of manipulation.

  6. Okay babe you have got to include this type of information in your post. You’re hiding all the negatives in your comments! Man doesn’t work, calls you out on your weight, and makes you feel bad about a life decision you made for yourself when he wasn’t even a part of your life. Girl move on. How many red flags to you need before you see that this just isn’t the man you’re looking for? What about him after only 4 months of picking on you and making you feel bad tells you that he will be a kind, compassionate, and loving partner?

  7. Hello /u/Icy-Plane7324,

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  8. We both wanted to be married before trying for a baby. I am almost 36. Based on that, our conversation + him using phrases like: “You are the love of my life”, “in the future you will be my wife”, I didn't really think there was an issue.

  9. My ex husband did this to me the day before his second wedding. He did seem to have a good relationship and they had twins together. We still talked every few months after but he was happy. He died about 5 years after his 2nd marriage so I can’t say they are still happy but I think they might have been.

    Her husband may know she’s the love of his life and also know he made a terrible, awful mistake. That doesn’t mean she can move forward in the relationship but her “girlfriend “ is definitely a horrible person.

  10. Your girlfriend didn't just get pregnant – you got her pregnant.

    Sounds like you're making bad choices, and she doesn't want to deal with your immaturity at such a challenging time. Can't blame her.

  11. He’s not worried about losing you or your emotional needs.

    He’s more than willing to show you his control.

    Whatever your decision on this issue. You need to get away from him. This is abusive behaviour.

  12. You are not in a corner and I don’t care if he is upset. No means no. You tell him no to anything you don’t like and that is the end of the story. If this creep keeps it up, then you leave his ass.

  13. I’m someone who went through a fair amount of childhood trauma and used to act in a similar way towards romantic partners.

    That’s textbook codependency. It’s extremely unhealthy and will lead to him (and potentially you) being extremely emotionally hurt at some point in the future. This codependency can get to a point it can (and unfortunately did for me) retraumatize him.

  14. You are right to be upset. That's completely okay. Have a conversation with him. Be respectful and kind, but honest and firm about your feelings.

  15. And that's HER deal with HER parents for HER apartment. Why should he get the same deal from HER parents? They are not his parents, they don't even know he exists. Which could be found out if the parents notice the utilities have doubled in recent times, thereby putting her deal at risk if the parents are angry enough.

    OP has a choice. He can pay the amount or leave. She doesn't have to cut him a break, or subsidize his life. He knew the terms before he moved in and still chose to move in. This is on him to figure out if he's comfortable with paying the amount or going back to having roomies. It's actually extremely simple.

  16. Of course he wants to have sex with others! What could a guy possibly get out of dancing on girls? Can’t believe you fell for it

  17. Yeah no… he is no friend of yours. Sure, to some people taken individuals going to the strip club is gross and wrong. However, it is not up to the strippers to have to fish out who is in a relationship. You guys are literally just doing your jobs. The actions of a taken man are not on your shoulders, you are there to make a living. Your friend is gross for suggesting otherwise and honestly, should be kicked to the curb.

    I hope you are also able to get a restriction order towards that weird stalker client, that’s not cool and sounds really scary!

  18. I'm struggling with a dead bedroom situation myself, I'm only two years in but can't imagine living the rest of my life this way.

    Hope you find some sort of useful information so you don't have to deal with it either.

  19. If he were serious, though, he never would have reactivated tinder. At any point. He also wouldn't say he wasn't sure if you were “the one”. That's nonsense.

  20. That’s a good point. I know she wants us both to be happy, but I just don’t get emotional and I feel terrible when she does. I never know a good time to bring it up, and she physically removes herself from the room and will get a shower because she wont talk about it. We can/have always been able to talk about anything BUT this.

  21. That’s a good point. I know she wants us both to be happy, but I just don’t get emotional and I feel terrible when she does. I never know a good time to bring it up, and she physically removes herself from the room and will get a shower because she wont talk about it. We can/have always been able to talk about anything BUT this.

  22. That’s a good point. I know she wants us both to be happy, but I just don’t get emotional and I feel terrible when she does. I never know a good time to bring it up, and she physically removes herself from the room and will get a shower because she wont talk about it. We can/have always been able to talk about anything BUT this.

  23. Since no one else has said it, the dude who rejected the Peace Prize was the villain, and clearly turned it down to convey he wasn’t a complete utter piece of shit

  24. Yea, that’s BS. Am physician. Am surgeon, and that’s BS. Insane, fake, etc. Written pretty good though to enrage. Worked for me until I saw the 36hr/wk part.

  25. Why would you even want a relationship that requires all of those conditions to stay together? It’s broken, it’s done, and you need to let go of this gaslighting loser.

  26. You’re not in a serious relationship if you haven’t met his parents. You can’t talk about marriage and bet kept a secret

  27. So in one of your previous posts, your wife literally told you she wasn't feeling supported enough. She did not say that this is the reason that drove her to her father, but it's very easy to connect the dots, especially considering the pregnancy and job issues.

    What have you been doing as a spouse to make her feel supported versus just shutting her down and insulting her when you have the chance? In all of your posts, you have not said a single nice thing about her. Plenty of neutrals and negatives, but nothing overtly positive. Honestly, it comes across like you actively hate your wife and maybe did even before she went to her dad.

    Good on you for being so fiercely protective of your first son. But being a good father doesn't mean being a good partner.

  28. Just flipped roles. Yeah there are more issues attached to it, but respecting ones bodily autonomy is kind of the foundation for a relationship. I think having that slap in the face after being dismissed for an entire week is fair. “I've already told you my stance, why don't you do it if it means that much to you”

    You don't get a vasectomy because “it's reversible” in fact you're warned that it is more likely to not be reversible, and you have a small window that just gets smaller over time.

    Just mutilate your body so that I know your serious???

  29. They are separated. Changes that this would work out are not that big. He says he may want more childeren if it wont work out. Why does he have to be sure it will work out now? He wants to try but its trying… Not betting something that big on it.

  30. It's your responsibility to not see her again and don't stay in contact, either.

    Your impulses got the better of you, but there's no reason to compound your error by continuing the connection. Block her everywhere.

    You're young, people make mistakes, do the honorable thing and move past this one and don't do it again with anyone else.

  31. The temporary no-contact order lists all her family and close friends who i am acquainted with.

    I didn’t literally lose her medical degree but she will certainly lose any meaning behind it. Part of her transgressions include being a medical doctor who sells rx pills on the side…so, yeah, pretty bad.

    Contacting someone to say you have proof they committed a crime and won’t tell if they do XYZ is called extortion so that’s not gonna work.

  32. What would you tell your daughter if she said her boyfriend did this? You’d tell her to leave, right?

  33. She’s a grown ass woman. Like, so am I, and I on-line alone – somehow I manage to survive when I’m sick. I don’t just keel over and die. What is there to even help her with? You can’t puke for her.

    I don’t understand why these things even bring her to tears so much, much less puking.

  34. My mom was married to a dealer when she was in her twenties. She stayed for a while but eventually it wore on her. The paranoia of being caught or having people potentially rob or harm them. People in and out. Don't do it.

  35. She is actively cheating on you and you have a question about this. Break up with her. What is wrong with you. Overlooking this will make things even worse. Thank god you don’t have kids.

    Modern men and women are not suitable for marriage. Period. This is more proof of my opinion.

  36. Is she ever relying on this stuff in place of actual medical/evidence-based interventions? That would be my main concern.

    Assuming that's not an issue, be polite, and try to remember that she's using this as a way of dealing with some of the issues she's struggling with.

  37. Is she ever relying on this stuff in place of actual medical/evidence-based interventions? That would be my main concern.

    Assuming that's not an issue, be polite, and try to remember that she's using this as a way of dealing with some of the issues she's struggling with.

  38. I dunno. You totally evaded his privacy to get that knowledge. You're both very much in the wrong here. I would just tell him it's not working and end it- avoid the huge argument before it's over.

  39. I never thought of it this way. It was about 6/7 months after she broke up with her ex and, at first, we were just FWB. But you might be right nonetheless. I’ll just say ask her if this is the case and hope for an honest answer.

  40. Your ex fiancé is not in the hospital because of you. Your ex fiancé is in the hospital because of his own choices.

  41. The sooner you understand that you cannot control the actions of others the happier you will be. If she wants to go clubbing, accept it, if she wants to accept drinks from a stranger, accept it.

    If these are naked no's for you, move on.

  42. Sometimes vaginismus gets triggered with size 🙁 have you tried using a lube with some slight numbing properties (typically in lube used for anal) You could also try to loosen her with fingering or a vibrating g-spot toy

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