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GoddessD293live sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for on-line sex video chat GoddessD293

Model from: gb

Languages: en

Birth Date: 1990-03-29

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Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

Hair color: hairColorRed

Eyes color: eyeColorBlue

Subculture: subcultureHousewives

Date: November 26, 2022

59 thoughts on “GoddessD293live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. The problem with ppl who lie about big things is that their sense of self preservation will always come before their partner’s emotional well being. These ppl often find partners who are very forgiving and sentimental to latch onto. There’s always a pattern of “do it first, confess it later.” And It doesn’t get any better when the partner stays with them afterward.

    All that’s to say, from what OP described, it could def be a “trickle truth” and she could be waiting for the right time to confess OR has other people in mind already but not executed it yet then brought it up to gauge the potential fall out beforehand. It’s not far fetched

  2. I will get downvoted to oblivion but this sub has the general “Slay it Queen” e.g “gold digger” vibe.

    “You can do better”

    “He is broke and living with his parents, he is a looser”

    If she likes him and she likes her back and the feelings are genuine then his finances shouldnt matter and if he actually meant it that you are motivating him to do better that actually somewhat beautifull.

    You can argue about the age difference being problematic or what her confused feeling could mean but no we gotta focus on the guys material possesions.

    Pretty sure if it was some. Im 27(F) “looser” dating a 20(M) asking wether she should break up because she feel like she is bad influence on him. Everybody would be like “If you love him and he loves you than material things shouldnt matter”

  3. You didn't do anything! She has been (sexually) harassing you. Being “persistent” after you have said 'no' is not some small little innocent thing. That is crossing lines. She has been trying to coerce/pressure you to do something you do not want to do. If anyone is blowing up her family, it's her. Not you.

  4. I just looked up the comic. Thank you for the reference, I totally see this. Women now work as much as men, but most men have not picked up half the mental load or chores.

  5. Everyone deserves a person that respects them; it seems like your girlfriend should be more understanding of your concerns if she cares about your feelings.

    You've been together 10 months, sure, but that isn't a very long time. The fact that you were “exclusive” and she still put herself in that situation is a very bad sign.

    Personally, I'd walk away. There are more fish in the ocean. If you don't respect yourself then no one else is going to do it for you. Don't end up with someone you can't trust; you're literally setting yourself up for failure.

  6. Yeah I have confronted him and when he’s doing these things I’ve been like.. dude.. you have a girlfriend. To which the answer is along the likes of “a man’s got to eat” etc. I even tried to put the shoe on the other foot as asked if he would be cool if she was doing the same thing. He obviously said no, and that it was different. (Obviously it’s not).

    He says he would happily marry this girl and not tell her about anything that’s happened. I think that’s when I was like. Okay this has gone too far and someone life and future could be messed up by him.

  7. Disregarding the original subject of this post, I’m glad you had a good time. Sometimes, traveling or escaping for a while is the best thing possible for our mental health. 🙂

  8. A break is usually a lame substitute for a breakup. Apply that anger and hate toward deciding you are done with her, and go find someone else. This situation didn't work out. Maybe the next one will!

  9. Do you know anything about women? We need stimulation to get off. I wasn't lying to him when I told him what he does feels good. You're just on here trying to argue troll.

  10. It’s rude to comment on someone’s appearance about a thing that can’t be changed in 2 mins. (Hair out of place, smeared eyeliner, bogey in nose). Tell her she won’t be getting anymore of your dick.

  11. Do you ever ask before you do those things? My bf and I went through a rough patch, and I needed more time than him before getting intimate again, so when he wanted to kiss, hug, cuddle and so on he would always ask first. It made me feel like my boundaries were being respected and the choice was mine, while also allowing him to express his feelings and making me feel wanted.

    I really recommend it. It is super important that you don't ever react negatively if she says no, even in a joking way! Make sure she knows you ask because you respect her, never to pressure her.

    I believe in you two!

  12. Your question is impossible to answer, because you were very vague on the one thing that matters most. What happened to his back? Is he still in pain?

    You love him, I get that. But most sane people want to be contributing members of society. This reads like you're so invested in the role of caretaker you're not listening to him. For example:

    I encouraged him to take the time to rest and heal because his health means a whole lot more to me than bills that I can maintain in the meantime.

    Why would you encourage him to do something he hates? If he's capable of going back to work, and he's miserable not contributing, you need to accept this. Tbh, it's selfish if you aren't willing to help him be happy. If his back still hurts, maybe help him find a remote job.

    I'm being blunt here, I realize. But you are barely out of your teens and living the life of an older woman taking care of an ailing husband. You don't see at all how unfair you're being to yourself.

  13. That's a fair point too, they are paying the same mortgage whether she lives there or not, so actually it's probably beneficial to them financially. Not that it should be the point anyway – if they're in a position where they can help their kid, they should be doing so. Also, helping someone out doesn't then give permission or excuse them from mistreating them.

  14. Well to be fair, i asked him if he likes em and then he said yes but he said that thats just about it. Nothing more.

  15. If she is in college, colleges hire students for different positions and some might even be more relevant for future employment than working as a waitress. Colleges even have temp positions.

  16. And you are assuming the husband did something instead of one or both of them being stupid with contraception.

    We are all assuming.

    I just tried to show another perspective. But I made the mistake of not saying exactly what everyone else did, so let me correct myself.

    Op had absolutely no fault here, she was forced to abort. Her husband must have raped her many times to get her pregnant. He does not want to keep the baby because he loves his children, but because he wants to forever control OP. Op did not mislead the SIL at all, she in fact forced OP to say she will give the kid to her behind her husband's (sil's brother's) back. Op is a saint, everyone else is evil.

  17. What do I do?

    You encourage her to start individual counseling, and if that's a step too much right now, insist on couple's counseling.

  18. Ummm he is lying. If you are gonna have this agreement trust is the most important thing and you Can Not trust him so you really don’t have a relationship- I would end it. He is not caring about your health and wellness.

  19. Sounds like you've put up with a lot of BS from her and it's time to cut ties. No need to feel guilty about leavin' her hangin' either, she's been lyin' and cheatin' on you multiple times. That's not the behavior of someone who truly loves you and is committed to the relationship. Plus, you got a new job and she just quit hers, so it's not like you're leaving her in the lurch financially. You gotta look out for yourself bro, don't let her manipulate you into stayin' in a toxic relationship. Good luck on your new journey.

  20. I mean, you invaded his privacy. What he was doing was none of your business. 25 km is not that far at all. The only thing you can do is apologize and own up to the fact that you were wrong. You behaved poorly and in doing so betrayed his trust.

  21. You are looking at his number of sex partners through the lens of how YOU define sex. So my suggestion is to look at it from how he defines it.

    Accept that he can enjoy casual sex as just a physical act. It’s ok that you are demisexual and it’s ok that he’s not, As long as you are both on the same page with what your sex life with each other means.

  22. Yeah the song pretty clearly implies that the ballerina is a single mom down the line, wishing she'd given the skater boy a chance because he's a rockstar.

  23. I haven't really thought about it that way. When I say I have a life I mean I work more than them. One doesn't work and one only works morning while I work until 8 pm regularly and I have to make time in my schedule to see my bf since we work different schedules. I also have to make sure to see my dad and brother and I online alone so I do all the chores and neither of them live alone

    I don't think I'm jealous but I might need to seek therapy for my self esteem and I'll let them know that I may be showing signs of jealousy too while I'm there

    Thank you for your insight you helped me a lot

  24. I asked her to talk about it tonight but she said that shes having a stressfull day ans would rather not discuss this in the evening and that i should just tell her. She doeant see, why it should be a problem to text her.

    Will you stop making her explain why she's staying at another dudes house? Gosh, she's so stressed out!

  25. I don't think there's anything anyone can say to you to make you trust him again. You don't trust him for a reason. He has to gain your trust back. You basically answered your question yourself – you have to reflect on being able to trust him again. I'm not saying to leave him, I'm saying only you know if you can forgive him and move on. Is there a reason those feelings resurfaced? Has he actually worked on gaining your trust back? Every relationship is complex in their own unique way, yours isn't different here. He did something that broke you and your trust, it's been a year and you can't let it go.

  26. The thing is, jealousy can exist without it resulting in trying to control and restrict your partner. You can actually put in the effort to process your emotions and be responsible for them instead of using the feeling of jealousy as an excuse to be controlling.

  27. You shouldn’t have to be scared out of being a parent. Having kids is wonderful, though often exhausting. There is nothing wrong with your wanting kids, and there is nothing wrong with your wife not wanting kids or being unsure. You don’t have to be convinced that having kids is terrible in any objective way. It’s not. It’s just a joint decision that you and your wife have to consciously make together. I think you want kids more than you have been aware of, and this issue is raising that to the surface. I encourage you not to tamp this feeling down too quickly (“I need to learn why having kids is a bad idea”). Instead, allow yourself to discover how you feel, how much you want kids, and if the eventual decision is not to have kids, to mourn the loss of that potential future. Repressing those desires will lead to more problems in future. In addition, if you see yourself in a parental role, could that be partially fulfilled by coaching a team (sports, robotics, scouts) – being a mentor and advocate for a kid in the foster care system as a CASA – getting more involved with your nieces and nephews – etc? Not at all the same thing as having a kid, of course.

  28. But the reality of fertility is that it is quite difficult to get pregnant when you get older. Like sometimes under 50% is it possible sure. But it's much more difficult

  29. Your brother seemed to realize that this wasn't normal for him to share a bed with you, that's why he said the couch was fine, especially after a relationship ending, that's when we need intimacy, maybe this is something women don't have idk.

    There's like a subtle discomfort I would have if this happened to me, it's not rational because I really don't have a lot of reservations otherwise, I think as men we think in terms of ownership still and having an other man sleep in our bed next to our wife is deeply unsettling, I'm trying to think of a female equivalent, hmm. Maybe when your child likes hanging out with someone elses mom more. Or when your boss pays attention to someone who got there later than you did. There's no clear rule or moral offense in those situations but you feel like you're being disrespected.

    Hope that makes sense, depending on how mad he got it's your decision, that's all on him.

  30. Sounds a lot like projecting. The same exact sentiments could be said about MOH for what she did to you. You do not owe either of them anything, and they are obviously no friend of yours. Ghost and block because neither deserves any more from you.

  31. “She didn’t see pregnancy as a negative” and “I don’t want kids”

    “She would move across the country” and “I can’t leave”

    I mean it seems pretty obvious that this isn’t going to work out based on those 2 problems.

  32. Your boyfriend is trickle-truthing you as evidenced from his prior actions. He first told you it was only boys, then it was with his sister but only external touching and grinding. Eventually he’ll tell you that he’s had full on penetrative sex with his sister. You need to get the fuck out of this situation, the man you are dating is VERY sexually warped and the severity of these perversions is only going to increase the longer you date him. Do you really wanna date a man who has likely fucked his younger sister? Come on now, you should have some more self respect.

  33. Tell him that you agreed to move to that part of the country to support his goal and now he’s met that goal… Iyou would have never agreed if it meant moving away forever… Tell me you understand that he might need to go through some discomfort in changing jobs but it’s time for you to get comfortable in your life too

  34. He chose someone half his age because a woman his own age wouldn’t have tolerated this for a minute. Run. He’s using you

  35. What can you do? Well, you have two options.

    The first involves the use of a time machine to go back and change the past. This also assumes that time works in loops, as depicted in Back To The Future, as opposed to the many-worlds alternate-timelines theory from Avengers: Endgame.

    The other involves taking the L. This is a somewhat more disappointing answer, but does have the benefit of being compatible with the laws of physics as we understand them.

    Own your screw-up, promise yourself you'll never do it again, and walk away.

  36. My husband and I would never deny permission to look at each other's phones. Tell her she can look through yours if you can look through hers. It is the fairest way here. If she says no then she doesn't get to either. I would think as long as you both agree to the same treatment it should be okay.

  37. OP my wife is Thai and I’d never suggest this.

    Keep in mind that everything will change after. This won’t be the last time he pushes you for this. One moan from you or him that you haven’t heard when just with each other and everything in your relationship falls apart.

    Moreover, if you’re this uncomfortable now and he doesn’t care, it’s just the beginning. He’s telling you you’re not enough for him, and that you’ll never be.

    It’s best to move on here. You deserve better than this.

  38. It's a concern here because there is a lot of illegal and questionably-legal immigration here from Latin America. “Green card-diggers” exist and are a common phenomenon. She was talking to a lawyer about how to stay in the USA, so I know she does want to be here.

    I don't think that says anything about the USA, or Europe, or whatever. That's not what this is about.

  39. Your way forward is to find ways to stop her mind reaching backwards because of her abusive relationships. Get her to talk through everything that she wants you to do to her or that she wants to do to you (essentially dirty talk sex with lots of 'affirmations' and 'yes') would keep her focussed.

    (Not a therapist)

  40. I'm a sahm and I really don't like what your husband did/said. Family car should always comes first. He doesn't seem to value or respect you as a partner and what your bring to the table. This pisses me off. Then he calls YOU selfish for wanting a stable family car, while he has a new vehicle. More pissed off. If I were you, I would just do it when you're ready, just like he did. Then lay out the budget and why you can afford it. Tell him if he doesn't like it, start paying for child care. You're not unreasonable and it's not like you're demanding a car now, you're just looking ahead and being smart.

  41. No. He is responsible for his rage and volitility. Not you.

    You can't “open his eyes.” He knows exactly what he's doing to you, and that it's not okay. He will not change.

    I worry for your safety if you stay with him.

  42. I made out with another girl early in to my now wife's relationship. I felt terrible and told her immediately. She was heartbroken, but forgave me. We have 2 beautiful kids now and I have always been faithful since and love her more than anything. I'd take it back if I could, but forgiveness and redemption drove me to be a better person.

    Sorry about your mom, but maybe play it out a bit before dropping him. If he confessed to you, he's feeling terrible and could mean he will change.

    I'd also sorry dumping his ass. I feel I've redeemed myself. Maybe he could too

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