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GoodVibes&HangOut the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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GoodVibes&HangOut online sex chat

Date: October 20, 2022

37 thoughts on “GoodVibes&HangOut the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You're better off staying with him and your children and just do whatever you want to do in New York where you online now. Your children are more important than you relocating.

    more important questions here are why are you willing to wreck your home to be in New York?

    Why not work out your differences where you are since you cherish your children?

  2. OH. i hadnt realised it was only the one date, i thought you were dating. Ok ok. It's a bit much, but seems well meaning.

  3. I was really surprised you even have to ask this question, but I now see you're only 19. The answer is yes, everything you said is a huge red flag. In fact, he is literally telling you he will cheat on you and it'll be your fault! He is gross! He also contradicted himself completely. So he's also a liar. So he is pretty much human garbage. Trust him at your own peril. This guy will cheat ? and probably already is!

  4. I had an older friend (late 50s, me mid 20s at the time) who told me that she taught her grandkids to pee of the porch because it was fun for them and would teach them to use the potty? ?

  5. This man spends a big chunk of his time hating people for something that has literally zero impact on him.

    Rather than actually engaging with what’s making him uncomfortable and trying to unpack it, he chooses to be emotionally violent.

    These aren’t political views. Being against human rights isn’t a political stance, it’s a personal morals or lack thereof stance. This dude doesn’t have good morals or a fully functioning brain.

  6. Hello /u/Prestigious-Donut630,

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  7. INFO: Has food she’s made ever tasted ‘off’? Has she ever not told you what’s in something you’re eating? Has she ever not let you in the kitchen while cooking? I’m wondering how much of her urine you’ve ingested at this point.

    If it’s at the point where she’s watching you unknowingly bathe in her urine saturated bath water, I can only imagine how long this has been going on without your knowledge.

  8. Regardless of the situation not being fair for your mother, and your father being the root of it, which is the consensus here…

    People who ask others to choose between their relatives are not doing it from a healthy place. It's a very selfish demand, and it makes you accountable for a situation that you aren't responsible for.

    Your mother would rather lose her relationship with you than share you. What it says is that she is hurting, she isn't rational or reasonable and she isn't being fair to you either. She is lashing at you because you're within reach, unlike your father.

    I suggest telling her that you'll always be there for her whenever she feels like having a relationship with you, but that you will not choose, and that you hope that one day she can come to see that you're not rejecting her by not cutting off others.

    You don't have to and shouldn't tell her she's being selfish (even though she is) and is rejecting you under the pretense of accusing you of betraying her (which she is to, putting you in a position where she can say that you abandoned her “like everyone else”, which is a narrative that she can online with in her highly emotional state). Now is not the time to analyse the obvious issues she's dealing with. Just try to tell her you'll be there for her but kindly refuse to take part in this ultimatum.

  9. You 100% lucked out here. This sounds like an immature and controlling jackass that wanted you to control you. Just be You and you will find the person who appreciates you and wants to me you their wife.

  10. I’m referring to the income to cover living expenses in this context.

    Yes, it’s not really extra. It doesn’t help in the long run. She has to pay it back, assuming this only referred to student loans.

    But it adds to the total amount of money in her pocket right now. It affects the amount of money she contributed to the household right now. It added to the incentive for her fiancé to stay with her right now.

    Plus, that’s the practical reality that any loans she had meant that any income she earned from over means was contributing to their relationship. If she now needs to work and save for more schooling? Again, there’s less money for OP to have available for him.

    Her fiancé didn’t have to worry about OP’s ability to pay back any loans, as evidenced by his behavior. Her only had to be annoyed over her not having more money in the given moment.

  11. Do not take her back she already once broke your trust and now this is the second time she has done it you will be only a fool if you fall for it for a 3rd time

  12. I'd text my single friends if I was in a bar full of naked girls, tell them to get their ass's in there, I enjoy watching very hot girls doing their thing but I enjoy watching my friends try and fail to hook up with them much more

  13. It’s probably not about the bathroom decors or anything like that. That’s why he moves the goal posts. He’s probably trying to make her feel ridiculous for being so rude and gross as to say she thinks he looks like a pedophile. He’s wondering how much she’ll offer in exchange before she’ll even apologize. OP is entitled to her opinions but any reconciliation would start with an apology for being so rude in the first place.

  14. Man, you got played.

    Remember: simpin' ain't pimpin'

    She found a mark and capitalized on it. Kick her to the curb and move on.

  15. It was discussed briefly in November that I would like to be included maybe not now (back in November) but in the future and it has not happened yet 4 months after. I haven’t brought it up again but before I do, I want to get some advice.

  16. Turning 20 isn't a magical “I'm an adult now” button won't won't wake up suddenly worldly wise and mature. I'm 8 years older than your boyfriend and work with an 18 year old two 25 year olds, they are irritating and childish, I have absolutely nothing in common with them, it's funny listening to their night out debacles and remember my stupid nights out but I would really struggle to maintain a relationship with someone who's life experiences are so different to mine right now. If I wasn't married and one of them wanted to hook up I'd be tempted, who wouldn't be flattered by attention from someone younger and more exciting?! Knowing that they chose 'old', greying me over someone their own age, that's exciting and would make me feel good. But I'm also old enough to be the 18 year olds mum and 25 feels super young now I'm 40, so no I wouldn't be screwing my much younger colleagues we just at my on the same wave length

  17. Thank you for your response- we are looking to do couples therapy to help with our communication regarding more sensitive stuff like this.

    She has a lawyer assigned to her case, from my understanding they’re just waiting for a judge to see it (she was denied twice for ‘not being disabled enough’ so we’re on the stage of appealing directly to a judge) but the courts are super backed up.

    She likely would be willing, I think I need to work on my own guilt of not being able to simply shoulder all the responsibilities to allow her space to focus on her health. I want to be able to give her a happy, carefree life, but it’s beyond my capabilities at the moment.

    It would definitely likely be more useful if I have more specific info regarding disabilities, but I want to respect her privacy. In short, she has a high resting heart rate that leaves her winded and tired, gets easily over stimulated, is medically forbidden from using stairs and usually needs to use a wheelchair if we’re walking with any sort of distance (although her own nice wheelchair has been broken and I haven’t been able to afford getting her a better one, which is it’s own issue).

  18. Yes, but the reason this hurt them isn't because they're a friend. A friend wouldn't be hurt by another friend discussing some weird imaginary sex scenario with a third party.

    They're hurt because they're a partner, not a friend. And from your comments, I'm not sure you even fully understand the difference, cause that comment was weird.

  19. So you cheated.

    As soon as you got nudes, and the conversations turned sexual, you cheated on your GF.

    You need to tell her before someone else does.

  20. Just call her. Let her know the relationship isn't working out for you. Of course you aren't going to go there for the weekend.

  21. If you don’t think you can accept/respect his viewpoint on life as is without insisting he changes then don’t bother.

  22. I'd tell her so she can watch you shut his butt down! And she will see what kind of daughter she has raised.

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