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Grace the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Grace, 18 y.o.


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Grace live! sex chat

Date: November 22, 2022

47 thoughts on “Grace the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. This man has shown you who he is time and again. The only fool here is you for accepting it as long as you have. Retain some dignity and gtfo of there. ❤️

  2. Is the daughter yours?

    If not, then you dump ASAP, tell her that she can now have all the black dicks she wants (if you want to be really petty, go to your local bar / pub and leave her number on some napkins with the message “black cocks welcome”)

    If yes, you still should leave, but do so carefully so you can get at least 50/50 custody

  3. He treats you PRETTY WELL? Just… pretty well…? Also gifts could be a love language for you. It could very much so not be a love language for him. Which is fine… but expecting more from a person when they’ve never gone above and beyond before is kinda like beating a dead horse. He’s never done it before, why keep expecting it? And WHY SPEND SO MUCH and especially on someone who treats you PRETTY WELL??

  4. So then don’t lend things to people if they’re important to you.

    You know assholes exist in the world. Protect yourself from them.

    Or, ya know, don’t give things to people just because they made your dick twitch.

  5. It's hot to tell you whether you're in the wrong or not without in-depth context.

    Is he saying this because you're attention seeking while you're together, or are you directly demanding time?

    It's your first relationship, how are your standards set in relation to the attention you seek? Do you have realistic expectations of him?

    It could be he doesn't want the relationship and feels asphyxiated, or it could be that you have a romanticized idea of a relationship and he isn't vibing with it.

  6. I don't think your marriage is necessarily over. But your wife is in the process now of emotionally detaching from you and is probably going to end your marriage in the next few months unless you do something to save it.

    As a Brit this is very out of character for me to say, but you actually need therapy together. You need someone outside this relationship to actually facilitate these conversations.

    It doesn't come across in your post that you are aware of just how destructive alcoholism is. Your post is kind of dismissive of that (“that was two years ago”). Dude, you were drinking heavily while you were supposed to be supporting her fostering vulnerable kids. Which she was doing to fill an emotional hole on her life from not being able to have kids. Simple fact is, your wife has lost all trust in you. Of course she doesn't want to have sex with you!

    Over the past years she has done through depression, infertility treatment (ridiculously traumatic for any couple, especially the woman), the news that basically you can't have children (and she doesn't know which of you is causing that), fostering vulnerable children, dealing with an husband abusing alcohol at the same time and ending fostering (also highly traumatic- and was this linked to your behaviour?)

    How much have you really been there for her during all that? I don't mean physically there, but emotionally there for her?

    You now want sex. I appreciate you left it a while between these events but you can't expect her to suddenly turn on her desire for you just because you have stopped drinking. She doesn't trust you. You can't blame her. Earning her trust and and love back is about more than just stopping drinking. It's hot to hear but, after all that's happened, she probably can't stand to have you touch her.

    The fact that she doesn't like to talk about it and the two of you are struggling to discuss these issues shows that you need someone else, ideally a professional, to facilitate this conversation.

  7. It's hot to tell you whether you're in the wrong or not without in-depth context.

    Is he saying this because you're attention seeking while you're together, or are you directly demanding time?

    It's your first relationship, how are your standards set in relation to the attention you seek? Do you have realistic expectations of him?

    It could be he doesn't want the relationship and feels asphyxiated, or it could be that you have a romanticized idea of a relationship and he isn't vibing with it.

  8. Sounds like he never cared about you and just used you for sex. Really sucks but I hope you can find better people in the future.

  9. Hello /u/Hot-Pudding3535,

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  10. That's a perspective I hadn't thought of, I can't possibly imagine things getting worse but I think I've reached my limit. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  11. Quite the opposite, I will pay for 50% of the check when it arrives but want a partner who will pick up the other 50%.

  12. Haha good point – she’s just caring and wouldn’t want her to worry about my driving etc or trying to get it fixed

  13. wait, they walk into YOUR house uninvited after you specifically tell them you DON’T want to see them because you want to spend the day with your boyfriend? its like they were trying to walk in on you having sex

  14. but what kind of moron gets into an argument with his girlfriend's father, himself a cop, about this kind of thing?

    The kind of person who isn't afraid of speaking truth to power. Take note.

  15. “Hey, I just wanted to let you know that regardless of what happened, I really appreciate you all. Perhaps down the road we can have a series of conversations that are slowly paced out. But I'd really like to celebrate my birthday with everyone. This time I'll bring the cake.”

  16. I think going to your country is a better choice. If you really could have much higher standard of living that it is the rational choice to make. Especially since it would be easier for him to travel to his country on occasion than for you to yours. Drawbacks are also smaller.

    Finally the relationship itself. If you stay you might end up resenting your husband as you would consider your setting as unfair to you, where only you had to compromise and online worse standard of living as a bonus.

    No, staying will likely implode your relatiobship anyway. You should go back to your country and leave further decision to make to your husband.

  17. she didn’t ask you to hide a body “no questions asked” she asked you to turn on a heater. “why?” because 1. she can’t do it herself 2. she needs to get up and work out for her mental health and 3 it’s freezing. unless i’m missing something, you know and understand perfectly the answer to this question and just don’t see how it directly benefits you. obviously she is going to be upset if you’re not even willing to do the bare minimum to help your wife.

  18. So he has been openly communicating to you he is not comfortable with sending or receiving nudes and yet you do it anyway for what, your validation? Seems a bit narcissistic and immature of you.

  19. Um, yeah. She’s just a bitch. Among her giant host list of glaring issues, she’s also probably cheating on you, at least emotionally. Sorry dude.

  20. Yeah, your gf is totally wrong and needs to let it go. She, I'm guessing either walked in in the middle of your Mom's conversation, or overheard decided it was about her based on nothing.

    She doesn't get to withhold your kids because of a conversation that wasn't even about her. Your Mom did nothing wrong and doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

  21. So, I think she’s just delaying the conversation about the kids. And most likely when you have the conversation, she’ll move the goal posts and put additional hurdles in having kids, like let’s buy our own house first, let’s be secure in our jobs first etc.

    She already told the OP that she doesn’t want kids. So all of this is just you making things up. Why? I don’t know, but it reads like you heard about men doing all this and have decided that if some men do it, all women must do it. Despite the absence of evidence.

    I think calling her a manipulator may be hot but not unwarranted given her behavior.

    The manipulative behavior in this story came from the OP. His girlfriend spoke directly, without personal attacks. He lashed out, in a way that will certainly change her behavior going forward.

    It’s tragic that you managed to write a reasonable first paragraph, but then launched into all this crap for the rest. Are you incapable of accepting that maybe the OP really isn’t blameless for his behavior? Are you identifying with the OP because he wrote the story, or because he wants kids, or because he’s male? Maybe you also feel that you can say anything to your partner, no matter how awful and manipulative, so long as you’re feeling a strong negative emotion in the moment. But of course their feelings are all fake and “manipulative”.

  22. Having sex for money is relevant.

    Having sex on film is relevant.

    Having sex with multiple people is relevant

  23. It’s ok in my book.. y’all haven’t been together a long time and she should be more considerate to your feelings as well.. you’ve been thinking of her feelings above your own long enough.. maybe she’s moving on and wants to keep you dangling just in case or is afraid to tell you.. who knows but you need to be happy as well..

  24. No, I'm saying that a woman who is co-parenting has to navigate a relationship with that other parent. He's a jerk, sure, but like the original comment said, what more do you want her to do?

  25. I asked why the video was in her recent videos (1 week ago)

    Because it was taken one week ago. If it was an old video she wanted to delete, she would have deleted it. Literally takes 0,1 seconds to press the delete button. Also if it was old, it wouldn't have been in her recent videos unless she downloaded it from somewhere or it was sent to her.

  26. it’s a common occurrence to witness cheating irl or be directly affected by it. It should be mandatory if a man will be legally tied to a women even tho she deceived him. I doubt that’s why they are exes. It’s more along the lines of normally women would understand the mans point of view. Op ITA for not being concerned about what men fear. Two nights ago some bitch Ik tried to smash that has a fiancé. Bitches be wildin. (Men suck too, every one sucks calm down) we should all be legally accountable

  27. I’m not getting real answers on what the real abortion age is, my primary care physician told me I was too far along.

    I didn’t know he was that bad, he’s a very respectful guy who doesn’t have any conservative views on anything, just that guys should be a bit more masculine in their approach to women (not defending him).

  28. I’d love to hear his logic because bars are full of dudes doing the same so….????

    mostly alcoholics and guys looking to fuck…I have to assume that since we are talking about guys reasons that those reasons extend to women also, or why would you bring it up.

  29. I'm a fan of hypotheticals for trying to understand how someone would act. With that said, they rarely come out of left field so maybe she's broke or has a relative she's helping financially. If I were in your shoes I'd start having the what are you financial goals and what are you doing to meet them conversation with her. I know it sucks but when you don't have it things probably won't work out well if it turns out you're not on the same page. IMO a year and a half in, especially with your ages, you should probably have a good understanding of her spending habits and maybe her savings habits as well as if she's the type to spend you guys down to 0

  30. You have crossed that line whee you will never know if your working with him due to the attraction or other reasons.

  31. i don't even need to read your other posts, she said she needs space, LEAVE HER ALONE. stop texting, stop asking her out, just STOP

  32. After my bf and i moved in together and I was in a similar situation but I was the bf in the scenario- I was paying him “rent” , we got engaged and now share a couple bank accounts so our paychecks get combined and expenses combined and our savings combined. We don't worry about who pays for what. However before we did this we also each paid off our vehicle loans outright so vehicles didn't factor into this. Then we had a baby. Anywho. It would be worthwhile to see where your heads are at with regard to your future together ❤️

  33. If they can afford they absolutely do. I have a friend that preferred this way so that the fwb situation was even more clear. Dosen't need to be a 5 star hotel, one that is clean and in a distance that is convenient for both is the better option.

  34. Your post lacks a question. As per Rule 2, all posts must feature a question that you want specifically answering. We don't host, rants, vents, letters to other people, poetry, journal entries, hypotheticals or 'what would you do' posts, or reflections on past experiences to give other people lessons.

    We are here for you to ask specific relationship issue with a current relationship you have right now, in this moment.

  35. Not only is he being emotional and over sensitive about your driving skills but him wanting you to be more assertive as a driver usually just turns into road rage. These men act like anger isn’t an emotion. I have pcos which can lead me to be extra emotional. I have spent years (while in a relationship with my boyfriend) dealing with birth control and regulating my eating to get my emotions in check. Even now that I’m pretty set my guy loves to point out my emotions whenever they inconvenience him so I just started pointed out his emotions when he wakes up grumpy pretty much every morning. The first couple times turned into small arguments but now it’s something we both laugh at because he’s realized that he wakes up grumpy way more than I have ever had an “emotional” moment with him. Some men want to turn into grumpy jerks because dealing with a woman’s emotions is just too much (then just go start screwing your dude my man) but think it’s ridiculous that a woman might think their grumpy temper tantrums are too much to deal with too.

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