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GrilledTheorylive sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “GrilledTheorylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. At her house there is enough food to feed the US Army. The entire place is crowded with boxes and boxes of food that she gets from food pantries and goodwill. She has some kind of issue with needing to store food and have it all in bulk. It’s almost as if she can’t bare to see the food that she buys or acquires actually be used.

    I wonder if she was hungry at some point in her life to the point of trauma.

    I was a streetkid from an abusive neglectful home and foster homes, and in all three situations I was starved or very malnourished. I struggled as a young adult with affording food and often went hungry. So for awhile after I became secure and safe, I hoarded food. I was scared of something bad happening and me not having food to eat. There was (and still is) something in me that is terrified of ever being that hungry again.

    I have worked most of that out so no longer hoard food, I keep enough around and some stores in case of emergency. But I had a chance at therapy, which is still pretty elitist for former homeless and abused people, so I think a lot of people who aren't as lucky with getting therapy and who struggled with food insecurity in their lives may manifest in hoarding food.

  2. Yea, this is well beyond normal and healthy porn use. I’d be so thoroughly disgusted, I’d never be able to be intimate with him again.

    He’s never been honest with you about it before and it’s because he knows it’s fucked. You’re not overthinking this or anxious, it is fair that he doesn’t feel like a safe person for you.

  3. The break up was caused by a dumb fight caused by both of us being scared of how much we liked each other

    No, this is not the real reason for the fight, or for the break up. It never is. And the fact that you haven't identified and addressed the real problems, whatever they were, means that there is effectively no chance of this ever working out

    I came to the conclusion we had both changed too much and cut things off. Looking back I think this was me trying to run from something good again.

    It's not a good sign either that you are still second-guessing yourself here and dismissing your own credibility as an adult who is capable of making good adult decisions.

    For one thing, you need to trust yourself, because when you don't trust yourself, you end up betraying and undermining yourself.

    And for another thing, it's important not to kid yourself about the fact that the you who made this decision is the you who was actually there in the moment, and who had the most accurate view of the situation possible. The you who is looking back on this in retrospect has a much less accurate view of the situation, because human memory is incredibly fallible, and we actually change our memories every time we access them, which is why we remember things more like we want them to have been than the way they really were. That is what rose-colored glasses are: unreliable memories resulting from wishful thinking.

    It’s been two weeks since that conversation and we haven’t talked about it again. I’ve talked to my friends and therapist about it and I think I want to give it a try.

    And what did your therapist say? I highly doubt your therapist recommended this because dating an ex is almost never a good idea— especially when you've spent the last year or so since your breakup idealizing him into someone whose only negative was being “too scared for how much [he] liked [you]”

    Dating an ex is most likely to end up being a waste of time and emotional energy. That said, if it's the only way to kill the Nate fantasy and make him a real, flawed person again so that you can move on to dating other real people, I guess it could be worth it in the end.

    And you're only 21— you have plenty of time left to waste

  4. Fair enough. Just so you know, I read both of your comments so I’m responding to both. Don’t want you to think I didn’t see one.

    Anyway, I assumed you were still “together” because I logically understand that’s the case when you say “break” as opposed to “break up.” The thing is, unless rules are established, it’s otherwise people having the ability to do whatever they want while giving themselves a safety net. To address one point and be clear to you, you have every right to be furious about his drug use, because that had nothing to do with your relationship issues (which I’ll get into). It’s him just doing it because he assumes you have no right to be upset about it. Just take a step back and focus on you for a second; you good with it? Doesn’t matter if you’re on a break. Are you good with it? If not, he doesn’t get to decide how you feel.

    The most important thing here though is what you’re not focusing on. What really matters is the root cause of the issues leading to your break. Fighting wasn’t the cause of your break. The issues causing you to fight were.

    Time alone won’t fix those issues. Actually taking sustainable measures to address them does. That’s not happening.

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