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HaileyZanosi on-line sex cams for YOU!


for good lucky [GOAL MET]

Date: October 9, 2022

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  2. I don’t think so. Her disappointment might be alarming but I think the bigger thing is if she doesn’t at least try the other meds because doctors really try to not lead people down the stimulate route unless they have to. ADHD can only be guessed at too at the doctor level. My doctor had three very expensive appointments and dozens of questions before he was comfortable giving me adderall and I didn’t ask for it. A red flag to a doctor could be coming in and asking directly for adderall.

    If she’s taking the other meds, awesome! If she’s saying they aren’t working and communicates it to the doctor and they keep switching her to non-ADHD meds they might not believe she has ADHD and won’t be honest about it, sadly. It’s so up to the doctor whether they give her what she wants and what they “believe.”

    Be supportive, engaging. My friends and now boyfriend have been my biggest motivators in my mental health journey. My boyfriend has ADHD and takes nothing for it but is a huge advocate for me being on meds based off what I have told him (literally almost lost my job because I couldn’t focus on one taste). Just don’t steer her any one way, offer support. Offer a place to vent. Sometimes it might just be the people she’s around and her not having an objective person in her life to say, “oh so they gave you Xanax? (An example) do you think it’s helping even a little?” “Wow they didn’t give you adderall again? Did you ask your doctor why they aren’t doing it?”

    Advocating for myself in the doctors office has been a challenge I’ve dealt with and she needs to know it’s a dialogue with her doctor and not just them writing a script with no follow ups.

    Also on the topic of her friends, I’d maybe start a larger conversation with them when she’s around and maybe ask if adderall was their first step. Most people go through 1-2 meds before they get to adderall.

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