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Halsey online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 9, 2022

62 thoughts on “Halsey online sex cams for YOU!

  1. You seem very confused about what true friends are so I suggest you look it up in the dictionary and read the true definition of a friend! Then stop throwing the terms around so loosely when you don't appear to have a clue ?.

  2. Move on she’s looking at other options, forget about the gig she’s a major ?backpedaling on what she says and also showing that when conversation runs dry she’s looking to others for comfort not you. You can salvage it if you set clear boundaries and slow tf down but it looks like an uphill battle from where I see it.

    You’ve only dated a month that is nothing and the behaviour from her says she wants to sleep around and she is in her right to do so. She’s not looking for exclusivity and is already lying to you.

    Using a picture of her as walpaper not even a month in is a no no IMO. It’s too early to be that deep, if I was a woman that would put me off

    A good tip is to look at a persons actions vs what they do because it’s a lot more telling of their character

  3. Yeah, this guy is off. Just.. stop speaking to him. He’s already showing controlling behavior after 1 date. Imagine how much worse it would get if you get to know him. Run girl.

  4. Maybe it is time to make things a bit clear. To me it sounds like she thinks she has nailed you down. You have brought her home, your family likes her – she has stopped making an effort. I know that her father is sick but I think it is better you tell her at least part of the truth before her father dies.

    The fact that your sex life is getting down – is maybe something to use – like I feel that there is not much interest of your side in this relationship and I have been wondering if we are just getting to be friends. You could see if this works as a bit of a wake up call. A second way to approce it would be to talk about health, junk food and cancer.

    Still if you do not discuss this before her father dies – you could find yourself married as do you like to kick her out after her father dies … That sounds seriously bad!

    Still you say she has been great – maybe see if she can return to her old self before you break up.

    Remember fundaments for relationships are honest, open, tolerant and KIND communication where you make clear your expectations to you, to her and to the relationship. This has to be followed up with decisions about behavior, joint projects and follow up. I know it sounds business like so I like to do this as dates – but still write things down.

    Remember maybe you can change her – if not you have done your best.

    Difficult situation – do not envy you.

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  8. He's allowed to have a preference. Guys in general mature slower. He probably couldn't handle people his age.

    But also, you're allowed to walk away based on this new info. Easy come, easy go.

    Just don't take it personal and be honest with him. Best of luck.

  9. No one has to accept an apology.

    Also, why are you hanging out with someone and saying you should hang out more often when you don’t mean it? Just be honest or don’t hang out with them. No reason to deliberately put yourself in a situation where you would need to apologize.

  10. Dear Christ I would never make fun of anyone’s dick. What is wrong with these people?? I’m happily taken but I’m sure your cock is lovely.

  11. This isn't your fault. Although, you're next steps are going to set the tone for your sister's and your relationship going forward. Hopefully this is obvious but you need to completely cut off that shit friend. Next, and this is going to suck, but you might need to give your sister some space to work through this while making sure she knows you support her.

    Please keep us posted.

  12. No, we are. Most men aren't attracted to fat girls … just like most women aren't attracted to fat guys. He asked a completely logical question and gets down voted. What children, how can you have a conversation when you don't want to be an adult and answer uncomfortable questions? If she gained weight there's a large chance that's why he's not fucking her.

  13. Here's the thing. He has a problem. Yet you are the one wondering what to do to save the relationship.

    “he is a very open minded and caring person who I think will make an absolutely responsible partner. However that's him only when he's sober.”

    So basically he is not going to make an absolutely responsible partner. Because “only when he's sober” is now a condition that he will not always meet.

    You are not responsible for his drinking problems. And it is no excuse for how he treats you.

    You want to save your relationship? You have way worse problems on your hand here.

    You got to stop to condone this behavior, and his drinking problem. I would literally pack my things and go, before you end up in a hostile situation.

    If he wants to change for you, he'll have to do a 360 turn because this is a serious and dangerous problem.

  14. Ok but when I was with my ex, he would constantly accuse me of cheating when I wasnt. A benign question like “why did it take you a few extra minutes to walk the dog?” was a sign he was about to accuse me of cheating. And he absolutely had “made up his mind already” when he asked things like that, he just genuinely thought he'd “caught” me and was asking bc he thought I'd squirm or give away my “guilt”.

    It's very difficult to explain that dynamic in a relationship to someone who's never been on the receiving end. But if your partner is abusive and accusatory, it is very normal to jump to defend yourself at every little thing.

  15. Thank you so much for taking the time to say that to me, I genuinely appreciate your input! Honestly I truly love him and if he can just be honest with me in the future I think over time hopefully I will move on. Coming from a past where I was abused it’s just so hard to trust. Really hoping this is just a fuck up on his part and he learned his lesson. Again, thank you very much for your input ❤️

  16. So, if a young guy moved in next door that the wife found attractive and she spent long hours with him outside under the guise of doing yard work, all would be good with husband?

  17. No. Because I just got out of a 2 year relationship in August, and she came made the first move. Pretty sexist to think a woman can't initiate a FWB.

  18. I did therapy a few years ago. For awhile after it I thought I was happy but I'm back to being depressed. I don't need to vent to someone because it won't change my situation. All I want to do is figure out how not to upset my boyfriend, who deserves nothing of this.

  19. Honestly you should try and arrange a few dates before thinking about breaking up. See if you still feel what you feel. It may be just the busyness of each other's lives or whatnot. If it doesn't work, then the relationship is over.

    The honeymoon phase is only getting over puppy love, romance is still possible, it's just not as “exciting” as the first stages of the relationship. All new relationships feel exciting.

  20. INFO: When you try to help, what exactly are you saying/doing?

    Also, ” have to bite my tongue to cushion the reason shes not doing well.”, what would you say is the reason she is not doing well?

  21. Why haven’t you outright discussed the future you want and the future he wants. If they don’t match then you aren’t compatible.

    He’s been telling you what he wants and ignoring it, not discussing it but staying with him, is giving mixed messages.

  22. How long did you guys date? Did you think he was the one before things ended? How long did it take you to get over the breakup?

  23. Why are you with this person that is so unconcerned with your boundaries that you never want to be intimate with him?

    Sounds like he's assaulting you regularly. Which is 100% possible even in a relationship. You have repeatedly told him to stop and he doesn't.

    Please,for your own safety, leave this relationship.

  24. (we) men are dumb. Someone should teach us not to say this kind of shit. He probably was just thinking out loud and didn't put a filter to his words. He probably said it without malice. But it's a really stupid thing to say.

    (I've done similar mistakes in the past)

  25. Love this, but you know what I would have loved even more?

    To see the horrified look on their faces when they broke into your basement and saw all of that beautiful kinkery…?

  26. Consider replacing piv and oral with hand stimulation if you’re looking to still find a way to get her off.

  27. I don’t think I ever will again tbh, especially after these comments. Thank you for validating me

  28. It sounds like she is having an extreme emotional reaction or being manipulative. Only you know her intimately enough to know which it could be. Either way you should recommend therapy for her. This is not a healthy way to deal with issues.

  29. Yeah, this is not normal. First off, he doesn't know everything there is to know about the education system. You could have a child with special needs, or with some special gift that means that she might benefit from home-schooling to fit her education in around working on her gift (I'm thinking music or gymastics). And ultimately, at certain points the child is entitled to have her say in how she's educated.

    I'm thinking of a friend whose child was gifted in gymnastics. The girl was very excited at being told how she had true potential and could win national tournaments if she kept working. She was accepted at a special sports school with accommodations so that athletes could fit academic work round their training schedules. It was all going really well and her parents were very proud of her, until she broke down crying and said that it was too tough, the teachers were like slave masters and insulted the children who made mistakes or weren't fast enough. The father wanted her to tough it out, the mother said she could just go back to her old school, they'd said she would be welcome. The father then capitulated because he could see that his partner was going to fight hard to let their daughter do their own thing.

    That was several years ago, the girl is now doing very well studying political science at a school second only to Harvard.

    For my own daughter too: she wanted to major in literature at secondary school and her father put his foot down and said no, science was better. She'd be closing too many doors if she stopped studying science. I told him they were not doors that our daughter would ever want to walk through. I stood up for her and told him that if he made her do science, she would end up getting bad marks and dropping out of school, whereas if he let her do what she wanted, she would get good marks and be able to go on to university. I said we could ask for an appointment with a science teacher at school if he wanted someone else's advice. Finally he backed down.

    Our daughter is now working as a jewellery designer, making jewellery inspired by famous jewels and styles in history and she is very happy. She is an avid reader too, and it wouldn't surprise me if she started writing novels at some point because she writes beautifully. She wrote a really wonderful story instead of a thesis for her Master in Fine Arts. At one point she admitted that it would have been useful to continue studying physics because she was learning about metal in her jewellery course, but she passed that course with top marks so it's not like it held her back. And none of the others doing the course had studied physics either, so it's not like her ignorance held the class back either.

    All this to say that no way can you agree to this prerequisite, your potential children's mental health depends on it.

    Also, if he wants complete control over this one thing, are you sure he doesn't exert complete control over other things too? Are you sure he won't ever want to exert control over you? (Remembering a friend who started saying he wouldn't allow his GF to do this or that while pregnant… that relationship didn't last long obviously)

  30. I suspect that hurt is your subconscious telling you that you deserved better than how she treated you, with sadness to discover you aren’t going to get good or fair treatment from her.

  31. He does not respect you. He wants to get your pants off. Period. You don’t participate in hookup culture, but he does.

    You are not compatible. He’s not the one for you.

  32. Ha! Yes, moving in together would be very helpful to his financial picture. Don’t move in with him for at least another year regardless.

    That he refuses to have a frank conversation about finances is a giant red flag. I’m guessing he’s counting on you to fill whatever financial gaps he has. You shouldn’t have to push him or be invasive about his financial situation. If he’s hoping to share finances, he should be completely transparent & not brush off your questions.

    If he insists on moving in together now, break up with him. Your gut is telling you this is a terrible idea – listen to it.

  33. Forgot to mention something important. We went through a rough patch about 2 months ago and she wanted to take a break but came back a week later because she missed me.

  34. she knows you

    You have ways of persuading yourself, such as thinking about his mental health.

    You should think about your life, she should sleep with the man she wants

  35. Quite often, the awkward, uncomfortable anxiety of a date is because you don't know your date very well, or if they're having a good time with you. While you do love each other very much, and your abilities as a team appear to be spot on, there's a very real possibility that you no longer know each other as separate individuals.

    You don't have to wait 'til the kids are in bed or you have alone time to re-engage in “dating/courting”. Ask cute questions throughout the day whether it be in person or by text. “What do you love live! window shopping for when you're bored?”, “Did you ever tell yourself you were going to learn guitar or costume making some other crazy hobby? We should do that.”

    Or make a boring adult chore into something you do together: Need to get new pants for work? Take her with you. Let her play dress-up and pick out things for each other to try on, even if you don't wind up buying those items. You'll learn what she thinks looks good on you, and you can make her feel hot and sexy.

    Or plan a nostalgia date! “Going out to eat is boring. Remember when we were back in college and could barely afford groceries? What was your favorite poor college kid food? We should get a bunch of ramen and bologna sandwich stuff and have a living room picnic and laugh over the terrible bands we listened to then.”

  36. So, instead of answering your question, she went straight for the jugular just to flip the situation.

    Hell no, let that chick go. It's not cool and necessary. F that noise.

  37. I had an ex who had a really weird and terrible childhood. I’m talking living in the woods in tents and trailers in junkyard condition. He was one of the most meticulously clean people I’ve known, almost to a fault. If she lives at a healthy standard, her upbringing is clearly not an issue.

  38. There are plenty of nice clean places in California for under $2700. I live! in a decent area of LA and you could probably even find one here. There’s no reason for you guys to be living in some grimy ass place.

    I think the real problem is your relationship and the lack of respect your fiancé has for you and a mismatch when it comes to your future goals.

  39. you can divorce him, use the embryos and have him sign away his parental rights. look into if you can have him sign away his rights on the embryos before you use them. he clearly doesn't want kids. give him an ultimatum. to make up his decision by a certain date. get a lawyer.

  40. and also there are very few men who actually get to a point when they can actually say that they are ready for kids.

    What is this horse shit?

  41. I would invest in some really nice headphones for you to use when he’s doing his chores. Audiobooks and podcasts all the way, my friend.

  42. Update: this morning we had a really long talk after he tried kissing up on me even tried getting intimate with me. I told him no and he respected that. He does have a lot of internal issues that he needs to work on and he fully acknowledged what he did was wrong and promised he would never do it again. I told him he pretty much pole vaulted over my boundaries and betraying my trust he acknowledged that and showed remorse but it almost felt like it came down to him and he doesn’t know why he “self sabotages” himself. He goes on to say he doesn’t feel like he deserves anything he has in life and I guess he reverted back to when he was single?? Because that was his first form of interactions with female attention when he was in college. It’s just hurtful because he didn’t take me into consideration at all…and i was literally gone for a full day!!! Sigh I feel for him in the moments that we share and i do want to believe him but then I’m on the fence when I read the comments on here.

  43. She was always against it. We had disagreements about it and hard and heavy conversations right after I bought my second property. She didn't help with it despite me asking her to because it's my responsibility etc…I recall these instances now after yesterday's conversation.

    She eventually said she agreed to a prenup but then very recently told me she changed her mind about signing it.

    Idk where she stands at this point.

  44. Why don’t you have a job? You need to get one or you will always be under his thumb. He has no right to tell you what you can or can’t do. This is not a good relationship at all.

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