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Heidicox live sex cams for YOU!


2 thoughts on “Heidicox live sex cams for YOU!

  1. This sub/topic is different. But honestly I'm just baffled that sex education and contraceptives are so misunderstood even by people who have other children ?

  2. Tbh, I would not be okay with this scenario either. Of my so or I don’t feel like sex, we sometimes masturbate with each other present, holding each other and kissing. We would not do this sneakily in another room, when our partner is in the house while watching other people (porn). When we’re away from each other, my boyfriend has naughty videos of us and pictures of me.

    You kinda said to her “tough cookies, I’m going to continue looking at other women while jacking myself off, even if you’re in the same place as I am”.

    I can imagine why she is still processing this.

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