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HellaAndGeorginaxxx live sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 30, 2022

50 thoughts on “HellaAndGeorginaxxx live sex cams for YOU!

  1. You’re probably just choosing the wrong men. If a guy knows he has options it might be harder for him to settle, but even ugly men cheat. I would say it’s like getting with a celebrity though, it’s very rare that male celebrities actually stay faithful cause they legit got women throwing themselves at them. At the end of the day it all comes down to their character, just be wiser when choosing a partner

  2. 90% of the post on this sub is like that. I always have a chuckle “he is the bestes, most amazing, most caring… and then describe the OPPOSITE of everything”

  3. Lol it's below average. I was with way more women than that before I turned 18. It's fine. It really doesn't effect a man's ability to bond as often as it effects women. You'll be okay if you can get over it.

  4. Responses like this are why I fucking hate these kinds of posts. I feel things on your behalf. Actually FEEL anger and rage and disgust on your behalf. Someone tells you what you absolutely need to do and you say “I still love him” blah blah blah. Why even come here if you're going to downplay what happened and ignore the common sense advice you're given?

  5. Alright. I genuinely hate his character. Gives Ross's a bad name, so unfortunately I'll have to own this over sight. ?‍♂️

  6. Please break up with him, you dont deserve him. So he travels to see you, and loves and treats you superwell, but you are thinking of dumping him for lacking a college degree??

    At the same time you have cheated several times, you piece of garbage. You remind me of the saying ”Even if you paint a pig its still a pig” , the pain is your amazing college degree, and the pig is you.

    Also, how can you say that you love him when you have cheated on him, and you are afraid of being honest about it? You are just afraid he will see how bad of a human you are.

    A college degree doesnt deserve a persons worth, however you cheating proved your worth

  7. You need to have a real conversation with him about your individual and shared goals. There's nothing wrong with wanting a monogamous relationship, but you need to be honest with him if that's what you want. If you are OK opening the relationship, it needs to be open for you both without limit to gender, and you need to be in agreement on what type of ENM you want to practice.

    I'd be uneasy too if my spouse said to me he would stay with me until our kids were done with high school because what's his end game? Does he actually want to be married? Does he actually want to be in a hetero and/or monogamous relationship? Did he only stay in a relationship and marry you because he felt forced by his family? If he's allowed to explore his sexuality with other partners, are you? What does it mean that regardless of what happens, he'll always take care of you? There are so many questions.

    Regardless of all of this, don't stay together for kids; stay together because you want yo raise a thriving family in a loving household. Does he want that?

    Good luck.

  8. how does this excuse her selfishness? she was seeking something else obviously not straight. continuously. she knew what she was doing was wrong but ignored it out of her own greed.

  9. I propose an open relationship whenever my wife makes me take the trash out. How can that trash can always be full? Where does the trash come from?

  10. I'm literally viewing this off my experience. Me, a dude, fearing this connection was made with her like it was for me. How is taking my view and seeing it across gender misogynistic.

    I should have never posted this on reddit. You people are gonna keep making this some kind of patricidal issue when the first thing I said was a personal experience that gave me a fear somebody else would do the same.

  11. My ex husband were twins with you and your wife as far as love languages and it got us nowhere hence the EX part. My current partner and I have the same language and it’s the best feeling in the world. we are so in sync and aligned. while I don’t regret my former relationship, I wish I knew what this felt like sooner

  12. I personally find the whole “If you could bang a celeb which one would you bang” kinda gross and I understand its a joke but for some, it brings about the crossing of a boundary involving cheating. If you've been cheated on this can invoke bad memories of cheaters that people for instance were formerly in relationships with. I don't think he really thinks you are going to Korea in some vain attempt to bang this dude but it might have triggered old memories of a former flame that broke his heart with cheating. So even in jest it can unintentionally hurt someone. Ask him if this has triggered any memories of the infidelity of his former partners (if you want to at this point) to perhaps get a greater insight.

  13. No is a complete sentence. I know that can be very hot, but if you aren’t 100% on board with living with – what is in relative terms – a very new partner, then don’t do it.

    Also, whenever I have lived with someone I’ve dated we have had discussions about how the bills get paid, division of labor, and personal boundaries long before living together.

    It’s basic respect for your partner to listen to their needs. If she can’t get on the same page with you on this basic stuff, she might not be a good long term partner for you.

  14. My wife is exactly the same as you, as soon as the incest & sexual violence showed up she nopped out immediately. I loved the whole series.

    If it makes you feel any better (probably not) I think it's a consistent theme throughout the whole series that women are always the most powerful characters & they get shit done.

  15. That is true. The problem is I’m pretty sure he will walk me home if I ask him.. (maybe he was really tired yesterday??) but I feel bad doing that because he seems so tired and really does not want to but does it for me. So it’s kinda like only if he does it when I ask him to


    although the wine did make you say how you REALLY FELT… 5 years she spoke to you about kids, and now she wants to globe trot, that means you have that house in the country… AND NEVER BE THERE.

    She just completely changed her views and desires in your life WITH A WHISPER.

    How you reacted, is how you felt and if you try to compromise about kids with her, you'll grow to hate and resent her.

  17. With you on the first half, but then you go pretty far out to field.

    “if he is this checked out on wedding planning, imagine how checked out he would be if you got pregnant? He won't be bothered to be involved at all”

    This is assuming so much about him that you don't know at all.

    Maybe the dude just doesn't see weddings as that big of a deal? Maybe he has undiagnosed adhd and its affecting his ability to actually act on planning, even though he really does think about it, and he just needs more specific tasks to be given?

    Maybe his communication issues are coming into play and he's not getting the message that his fiancé wants him to do more

    The point is there could be a lot of reasons he's dropping the ball on this that have nothing to do with what kind of father he will be, that's a ridiculous stretch.

    That being said, the lack of communication skills and the family drama would have been a deal breaker for me from the start.

  18. OP is a tr0ll who has been posting about demonic possession on various accounts for months and months and months.

  19. You are reading waayyy too much into this.

    Social media isn’t real life. You are old enough to know that. Those pictures are part of his past. You can’t delete that.

  20. You should acknowledge it.

    A simple, “hey, you called me dad the other day. I just wanted to let you know you can if you want to. Then give her a hug and let her respond however she does.”

  21. I would say that you shouldn't be in a relationship with her anymore. She is a walking talking red flag herself. People that cannot cut past relationships from their lives are a walking talking red flag. And I am going to elaborate on that. 1)She says it is platonic but the guy is a guy and when a possibility arises that he can have sex with her again he is going to go for it without a care in the world for their “friendly” relationship. You can break her bumble about it, tell her to call him and say that you 2 had a fight and that she wants to forget you. Then wait for his reaction. He is going to fall for it. That she thinks he is a friend it is not the same case for him. That she considers him a friend is not that he is also considering her as a friend and not a potential future fuck. 2) a person that still has someone that she only fucked in her life is a magnet for future unneeded drama and she is opening every door there is possible. She clearly didn't protect her future relationships because no one needs someone that have the previous sex partners in the present. If they are in the past they should stay there and not be present in the present and the future of that person. It is not that very hot. 3) if you have people from your past in your present then they are not in your past anymore and they are your present. It means that you never got truly over them in the first place. 4) don't fall for the crap people are going to say here that it is totally normal, they are never going to speak the truth in the first place because they want to put the mask of a good person while they are not. They are never going to say that in a fight with a relationship they went and fucked the so called “platonic friend” even one time. They are never going to admit that they are keeping them around because of the attention they are getting from that person. Don't let them make you feel that what you are feeling is wrong, it is not. You are not insecure about wanting boundaries. Never back down from them and don't fall for the trap of shaming that most women do. 5) it is too early in the relationship and she already opened a can of worms while you didn't bring drama. She did though. If you want to continue that relationship you have to prove to her that he is not her friend and when that happens she has to put a stop to it. Tell her to call him using that excuse. Then you will both have the answer where this relationship is going to go. In your place I would totally move on though because she wants to play delusion while the reality is totally something else. That person is not a person you need in your life.

  22. I would say that you shouldn't be in a relationship with her anymore. She is a walking talking red flag herself. People that cannot cut past relationships from their lives are a walking talking red flag. And I am going to elaborate on that.

    1)She says it is platonic but the guy is a guy and when a possibility arises that he can have sex with her again he is going to go for it without a care in the world for their “friendly” relationship. You can break her bumble about it, tell her to call him and say that you 2 had a fight and that she wants to forget you. Then wait for his reaction. He is going to fall for it. That she thinks he is a friend it is not the same case for him. That she considers him a friend is not that he is also considering her as a friend and not a potential future fuck.

    2) a person that still has someone that she only fucked in her life is a magnet for future unneeded drama and she is opening every door there is possible. She clearly didn't protect her future relationships because no one needs someone that have the previous sex partners in the present. If they are in the past they should stay there and not be present in the present and the future of that person. It is not that very hot.

    3) if you have people from your past in your present then they are not in your past anymore and they are your present. It means that you never got truly over them in the first place.

    4) don't fall for the crap people are going to say here that it is totally normal, they are never going to speak the truth in the first place because they want to put the mask of a good person while they are not. They are never going to say that in a fight with a relationship they went and fucked the so called “platonic friend” even one time. They are never going to admit that they are keeping them around because of the attention they are getting from that person. Don't let them make you feel that what you are feeling is wrong, it is not. You are not insecure about wanting boundaries. Never back down from them and don't fall for the trap of shaming that most women do.

    5) it is too early in the relationship and she already opened a can of worms while you didn't bring drama. She did though. If you want to continue that relationship you have to prove to her that he is not her friend and when that happens she has to put a stop to it. Tell her to call him using that excuse. Then you will both have the answer where this relationship is going to go. In your place I would totally move on though because she wants to play delusion while the reality is totally something else. That person is not a person you need in your life.

  23. And you're okay with being with someone who fetishizes taking someone's virginity to the point of obsession?

  24. Forcing her way into your office is unhinged and should be totally unacceptable, as is cyberstalking your assistant. This is a serious professional problem waiting to happen. You might want to consider briefing HR and the assistant in case your wife escalates further.

    Tell her she needs to get some therapy and get into marriage counseling with you.

    Talk to a lawyer, OP. She may well be cheating herself.

  25. I also think I would perceive it differently if the secret had gotten around to the whole family. Sis was trusted to keep the secret, and she did.

  26. Tell him you have rectal prolapse from all the anal and can no longer do it.

    I'm so sorry, this is disgusting and brutal. Your butthole is not meant for non stop humping for yrs and yrs

  27. Because besides that, I don't wanna say we're perfect for each other but we're pretty damn close. We get along, both mostly want the same things from life, talk about issues we have with each other and fix them before they turn into a problem. It's just that one thing, and admittedly it is a huge thing, but I just feel like that one thing can't and shouldn't outweigh all the good things

  28. If he wants to last longer, he should try going down on you when he’s getting close. Gives him a chance to cool down and helps to ensure you’re finishing as often as he is

  29. Because besides that, I don't wanna say we're perfect for each other but we're pretty damn close. We get along, both mostly want the same things from life, talk about issues we have with each other and fix them before they turn into a problem. It's just that one thing, and admittedly it is a huge thing, but I just feel like that one thing can't and shouldn't outweigh all the good things

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