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Hi guys! We are Lola and Kelly <3 the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Hi guys! We are Lola and Kelly <3, 18 y.o.


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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Hi guys! We are Lola and Kelly <3

Hi guys! We are Lola and Kelly <3 live! sex chat

Date: October 27, 2022

4 thoughts on “Hi guys! We are Lola and Kelly <3 the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Info: is there a yard for him? Are these walks “extra” and he can go out and have a ball tossed or something or are walks a requirement just to even potty? I’ve lived in both situations so curious.

    Her excuse of “it’s boring” is garbage regardless. The walks aren’t for her, they’re for the dog. She sounds like a joy. ?

  2. Ghosted (32f, by 33m) and now he wants to talk again

    What do YOU want?

    He is not a child, he is a 30+ year old adult, even in his grief over his dog (reasonable! understandable!) he could have texted you over four months if he had wanted to, if even to say, “I'm sorry, I'm overwhelmed and not able to handle this right now.” He didn't.

  3. No, I'd split up finances because there was an agreement on how finances would run. He's breaking it and taking advantage. It's the consequences of his selfish actions.

  4. OP, this is my take as someone in their 30s who has been treated this way.

    It seems like he finds your presence annoying (if this is a new thing). Possibly, due to your age it's awkward around his peers that are in their late 20s/30s because you are, reasonably, in different stages of life.

    If he is still attentive to your body and no longer interested in talking to you or your intellect – it's possible he was taking an emotional connection, or fabricated one in his mind before realizing it was lust that made him think that. And that he would rather keep up the facade if it means he still has access to your body.

    Alternatively, the next thing my mind goes to is he could be cheating on you. Or he's the kind of dude that sees a naked 19yo as a trophy that he likes to be seen when convenient and stays in the background and quiet when he doesn't.

    I won't convince you the age gap is a serious imbalance in power, both financial, and simply the life experience and wisdom that comes along with it.

    You're very young. You deserve someone who wouldn't make you feel small like this. I would be hurt and confused by this change in behavior.

    I am simply asking you to consider how much you give to this man. Don't give up financial independence or your own future plans for someone who may only date women almost 10 years their junior because women their own age can tell how immature and shallow they are. I am not judging you, I can empathize. But there are a lot of scummy men in the world, and hopefully you can learn from some of the experiences of the women commenting here to see that you deserve better.

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