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HIKARI_xolive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for on-line sex video chat HIKARI_xo

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Date: January 2, 2023

39 thoughts on “HIKARI_xolive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Hello /u/Healthy-Ad-7802,

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  2. Maybe you should cut back on your hours and ask your wife to get a job to fill in the gaps, you're working yourself to death dude

  3. Hello /u/PuzzleheadedParty559,

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  4. Dude… it’s a simple question you need to ask yourself. Do you want to spend a single day without her in your life? If the answer is no then you marry her. If the answer is yes then stop wasting her time.

  5. Its the part where im not cut off completely and can still get texts to her but im blocked everywhere else. I dont see the strat lol

  6. Unless she’s taking a small break to team up with her guy friends and defeat that fucking clown in the sewers, you can bet she’s thinking about cheating.

  7. I want my good boobies back too! I remember getting the “don't waste your best boob years” advice from a prostitute when I was 14 ?? it stuck with me but I didn't listen and wasted them on a real douche ?

  8. If there have been changes in your sex life and no reason has been given it is worth having a conversation to find out why. Probably best not to touch her hands at all during sex to avoid triggering her ptsd. Maybe gently acknowledge that no, you really do not know what it is like to have ptsd and while you are glad you don’t have it you may need her to speak things aloud that she wants you to know.

  9. Oh my. So, there’s even greater urgency and reason to start doing this. This is WAY deeper than “my shiny parts wore off and he got bored and is discarding me”.

    why do I think this? The very most important part that i got was how you feel like looking after yourself is a last resort. 1000% you came to the right place and we have solutions.

    Sweet person, now this sounds to me like you have AN ENTIRE LIFE ahead of you that you didn’t realize was there!!

    You are in for a delightful treat. Once you start letting go of living for him and beginning to on-line for yourself, for the first time(!) you are going to start seeing the world in a whole new way!!!

    It takes practice because it’s new habits and new patterns, so keep at it. Due to many factors out of your control, you are miserable. But there is an answer and it’s free.

    Anyone can start doing it. Self care is sanity because it strengthens resilience and mental stability. Over time, that will pull you out of the filthy trench that you were basically born in. It’s not your fault: right now the walls for that trench are so high you can’t see anything else around you.

    You have the power to make this the first day of the rest of your life. You have the power to come out of that dark endless path and up onto what will probably feel like a new world. It will look and feel very different after your transformation because your perspective will have changed.

    Establishing a new lifestyle by changing a few pivotal things is going to be the key to unimaginable joy!!

    Over time, respecting yourself and loving yourself will begin to feel good and right and pleasurable.

    I think pulling your attention to yourself will resolve your sad feelings. I suspect it’s going to change a lot of other things for the better as well, probably in unexpected ways.


  10. If she has a history of this kind of reaction to not being in complete control then you should leave her. I get not feeling comfortable taking time off from work but I would leave work if someone told me they wanted to have a beer with me let alone a spa day.

  11. Damn , def no love for you here OP

    I think in summary

    No one here likes work surprises

    No one here like having their boss spoken to when their other half is organising nice surprises for them

    No here agrees that you are allowed to be upset when the other two rules have been broken

    And now you have to go to counseling to make things right

    I bet this didn't turn out as you would have liked ?

  12. I mean it is, but you’re condescending and treating her like your kid not your partner. You two should probably get some couples therapy.

  13. I would, because allowing his father to steal from him doesn't indicate a healthy approach to his personal autonomy or independence and you don't want to end up married to someone who thinks having your money stolen is ok as long as it's family that's stealing it. If he lets this go, what else will he let happen?

  14. What you’re doing is still tu quoque. The issue is she comes to you with a complaint. And instead of listening, validating and resolving her concern about your behavior together, you counter attack by bringing into the discussion a concern about her behavior. Pointing out her hypocrisy doesn’t fix your behavior, it just distracts from it. It’s a defensive move, where they point out a flaw of yours and rather then address it, you need to “even the store” by pointing out a flaw in them. You need to deal with one concern at a time. If your wake up time is a problem, deal with it, be accountable, regardless of what hers is. And if you want her to be accountable, bring up your concerns of her behavior when they happen, or on their own, not in a conversation that’s about her concerns about you.

  15. A medical condition that she won't even mention to her doctor. Also, OP isn't obligated to stay in a relationship with her just because her motivation for not wanting sex is a medical condition. He deserves to be happy, and she deserves a partner that can be happy with that setup. OP is not that person.

  16. Tell her it's fine if she wants to renegotiate the deal and you will be unblocking the 15 women she had an issue with. Or…you could see this as a reason to move out of the relationship. She has a double standard and isn't considering your feelings after you have gone out of your way to consider hers.

  17. This is the equivalent of, “I trust you completely but want a paternity test just to be sure.” Yes, she can have the background check, but hell yes, you can absolutely leave her over it. She’s known you for six years. Christ.

  18. If you want to stay in this relationship, I think you need to go to couples therapy. Both to heal the damage she's unequivocally caused as well as to address the lack of trust that's now apparent. I'd refuse a background check, with the caveat that if the therapist finds it reasonable, you'll allow it. I think that's the only balance you can strike that can reasonably assuage her while putting you both in an environment to discuss this fear, as well as why it was hurtful and inappropriate for her to approach you the way she did.

    Otherwise, well. You've already started moving out. No one would blame you for pulling up stakes. This isn't on you, especially since she's doubling down. Sorry dude.

  19. That's like saying he was just seeing if women will say yes if he asks them out, but he totally wasn't going to do anything.

  20. None, I was feeling my drinks and it just came out. Of course I can’t post the exact context do to rules but you can guess exactly what was said for me to say eww

  21. Oh I'm sorry I was being ignorant and made an assumption. In my country every school child gets it as standard, I just assumed that was the same across most countries considering the ongoing healthcare it reduces! Sorry!

  22. Your feelings are valid. You should speak with your boyfriend and let him know how you feel. He should be supportive!

  23. You put in the effort on your side. If she doesn’t join you, then you know how she feels about the relationship.

  24. Oh look, another age gap relationship with a stinky loser OP is outgrowing and she thinks the problem is her instead of recognizing that repulsion is her body's way of telling her to gtfo

  25. Lawyer up before you do anything. You’ve done nothing wrong here. You told him and he handled it like a coward. Give him the minimum you’re required to give and get child support if you can.

  26. Nobody is a perfect s/o; it took both of you to make a mess. So you claim “I didn't want to hurt her so I guilt-tripped myself, denied how I felt, led her on, and wasted 2+ years of her life”?? Buddy, she knows how you feel even if she can't admit it to you or herself, so she owns her denial. But mostly, you're the a–hole here.

    You need to decide to fix you and the relationship (counseling, therapy, etc.) or leave and fix yourself. You did something very mean and claimed you were being nice. That poison will follow you if you don't cure it. Figure out why you are so angry /afraid that that seemed okay. And apologize all to heck and back whether you stay or go.

  27. Very true! Very likely could be the case. Just seems to be the norm. Sometimes I wonder if most of the top comments are from people who have actually never dated and give advice as if everyone lives within a vacuum. Lots of nuance here missing so it seems OP is probably just venting which is fine… because if she wanted real advice there’d be a ton more info. We’re talking over two years of a relationship summed up in an anecdote about being 8 minutes late.

  28. Sorry I meant skip dating for a while and working on yourself! Dating may have to wait for a little bit. You are young, with kids. You can't navigate this midfield yet – work on yourself and providing a healthy enviroofor your kids. Get your mind happy first, it's the only way you'll have success dating

  29. Today (or the day in question) was HIS day. She did hers the day before. Him stopping off to buy a couple irrelevant items for himself doesn’t count. He’s not absolved from his responsibility on his day just because he happened to step foot inside a store on a different day. But that’s exactly what he tried to convince her of. Then he threw in shit about her being lazy and not doing enough for him to obfuscate that fact. He’s abusive.

    She doesn’t owe him shiiiiiiiiiit. I mean, not doing enough for HIM?? She’s providing him with a free place to stay. Plus alternating grocery buying days. But this douche thinks he’s entitled to more somehow.

  30. My parents technically met my material needs at a bare minimum as well. I moved out at 19, failed, moved back in at 20, joined the military at 21 and never moved back. Turning 32 this year. I didn't have a kid in tow though. It will be very hot, but there are several tax benefits and social programs for single mothers, so, I suggest you look into those to supplement your income.

  31. And she should tell him too. She if she does just introduce him to her parents and they react terribly he isn't there like a deer in headlights shocked because her family knows nothing about him!

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