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Date: August 28, 2022

2 thoughts on “ the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Listen to your friends and family. They actually do love you, unlike your boyfriend. They can SEE that he doesn’t love you the same way that you love him. Please consider how your future will look… do you really think he would stick by you if you were suddenly unable care for him and he had to become your carer? If you got sick, like long-term sick, would he be there for you? What about kids? Do you really think he would care for them beyond playtime, or would you just pick up all the slack?

    IMO, the kind of guy who would take advantage of you at every turn is the same kind of guy who wouldn’t think twice about moving on with someone else who seems to be offering him more.

    I’ve read many of your comments and he just seems worse and worse the more that you describe him. Is he this selfish about everything? Somehow I have a feeling that you’re also doing all the work in bed. You obviously have a lot to offer a partner and you deserve better.

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