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Date: October 16, 2022

21 thoughts on “ the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You just need to keep meeting people maybe.

    My heart never pounds either

    Better signs are like if they text you, you never stop smiling

    Or if you do something not fun like grocery shopping with them it becomes fun

    Does that help?

  2. If that is so and he throws her out, the wife will have nowhere to go, except the streets. Her family might not accept her back and it's very difficult to find a job, especially if one is female.

  3. Only you can answer that. Is she currently dating other people, or is it something that you both agreed on doing “in the meantime?”

    I hate the whole saying of “it's not fair” usually, because it seems like people only say that when they feel like they're entitled to something; in this case, it really doesn't seem fair to either one of you. She may be in a bad spot with what has happened in the last year or so, and I am sorry to hear about her loss(es). That being said, it doesn't really sit right with me to have either one of you to bide your respective time and emotions.

    Waiting for her doesn't seem fair- although she is going through a lot, it seems like she may just be keeping you as a back-up plan, or, at the very least, as an ego boost; it is very hot to say, though, because I don't know either of you.

    I'd say maybe keep in contact, but keep her at arms length. She may not be leading her on, but she could be at the same time. I can't and won't tell you what to do- either way, it I'd say to really consider all options. This is a tough spot, and I don't envy the position you're in

  4. 40M/married here….the fuck are you hangin out with 22 year olds for? What could you possibly have in common with a 22 year old female? Why would you put yourself in a position to cheat with a 22 year old? I’m 40….I work out daily. I’ve never had the inclination to talk to a female while at the gym, much less a fuckin 22 year old kid. I don’t even like asking people to spot me. You absolutely knew what you were doing and you liked it enough to entice a 22 year old to have sex with you, and to make matters worse, how do you think your wife felt about you sleeping with someone half your age vs with her?

    Your wife deserves better.

  5. Thank you for this. It’s such a red flag and I wish I had seen it sooner. I mean I can be dominant if I have to but really I want to be on equal footing / look up to someone and I don’t know how I can feel that way for him now.

  6. I’m so cynical of others, but these 4 years have clearly clouded my judgement. This had completely blindsided me.

  7. I’m really proud of you for the way you handled it from the beginning of trusting her not going into because you can’t stop somebody from doing something they want to do. And I’m even prouder of your response afterward though I know it’s heartbreaking for you. Just move on with your life I promise you you will find somebody else that loves you and doesn’t do that but you’re a gym and a keeper. Good luck to you.

  8. As I said, guilt, and she maybe thinks OP would never do something to break up, it's so long ago etc. She thinks he is a weak little toy, he would never leave her.

  9. I’m sorry but you have no need to apologise to anyone.. especially the vile person you’re in a relationship with. If she’s not there for you at the lows in life she doesn’t deserve to be there for the highs.

  10. I would tell the son just so she doesn't use the information against anyone. Tell the son, listen, I found out that I am not your biological father, but I will always be your father.

  11. A lot of excellent advice here, but on a different note; chemical pregnancies are a lot more common than failed vasectomies. Are you completely certain that you're really pregnant OP?

  12. How will you know if he actually have told her? Will he let you guys meet? Or will it be “I told her, but don't ever contact her”?

  13. But you aren’t making money so until you are you can’t lecture anyone. Please do her a favour and break up. She can do better than someone like you.

  14. It sounds like he does care for you and wants to marry you. But until he can explain to you exactly what he means about controlling any kids education and what is prompting this bizarre demand, I would tell him any discussion of marriage is off the table and you are reevaluating your future together. This is such a strange request you cannot go forward without an explanation and probably at least a compromise.

    I’d also point out to him that even if he had complete control over a child’s education that doesn’t mean he ahas any control over their aptitude, intellect, and ability to learn, let alone their interest. A big part of being an effective parent is rapidly realizing your best laid plans involving your kids will almost never be implemented successfully.

  15. Well isn't that convenient. They didn't offer for you to go if you paid your own way? i wonder why? is it only the two of them then?

  16. No worries here they both get annoyed of each other after hanging out for a bit. I think it's more like she's become dependent on him like an older brother and he lets her be this way. This is my first relationship and wanted to know if I should tell her not since I am planning on telling him how I feel.

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