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I(23M) found out about my girlfriend(22F)’s past and it has mentally f**ked me ever since.


I broke my phone and luckily my girlfriend had a spare phone that she could lend to me for the time being while my phone was getting fixed. For context, this was her old phone and she still had her accounts logged into it. A few days pass by, the contents of her phone piqued my curiosity.

My girlfriend and I have been in a relationship for more than a year now and I have told her everything about my life and thought that she told me everything about her life as well. The pictures in her phone and chats told me otherwise. She had sent nudes to her ex where they would send nudes to each other back and forth. When we first did the deed, she told me it was her first time but when I read back to her chats with her ex I could see that it was otherwise. I could tell that they had done it multiple times when they were in their relationship.

I confronted her about the pics and chats I found out about and she told me that she didn't tell me because I would leave her if I found out and that she regrets doing it. At the start of the relationship, we had established that communication and trust is the key. Which hurts me more as I was being truthful to her while she lied and kept secrets from me. Was she right for lying and not telling me?

This is my first relationship and I don't know what I should do.

submitted by /u/pyro_sonic
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Date: June 17, 2023

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