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indiankushi69live sex stripping with hd cam


70 thoughts on “indiankushi69live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. to echo what someone else said: Having her be the one to clearly state when she’s consenting and ready is never a bad thing.

    whatever you do? don't push things one night to just see how far you can get away with it, because once you push too far, there's no coming back from that. be fair to her. treat her with respect.

  2. OP, basically, she is telling you what she wants, which is giving you consent for this future event. If you decide to give that to her, and she stops you, you stop and know that this wasn’t the day. No harm, no foul. If she wakes up and is into it, win-win!

    I would suggest that you look up the term “Consent Non-Consent” not only does it somewhat apply here, I also feel that she could be testing the waters with her request to see if you would be down for more. This is perfectly normal when both people are comfortable and secure in their relationship to introduce some of the riskier kinks, and I get the feeling she might be into more than she is letting on.

  3. I get that you want him to leave with you at midnight. I do think the way you try to reach him will appear manipulative though. The facts is that you want him to agree to leave the party early, drink less than he usually does, don't take whatever drug he usally does. That's fine and it's reasonable. He wants to enjoy the party and act the way he usually does that's also reasonable. That's just a basis for negotiation between you two.

    What's not reasonable is that you demand that he listens and care about your needs while pretending that he is happy about it and also pretending that this is some kind of mutual decision when in fact you demand that he adjust to your needs.

    If it was me I would go with your needs if you were sick unless you often made theese types of demands. But if he does you could show some appreciation for his willingness to adjust to your demands.

  4. There no use in trying to make this person see sense. All of the comments above has basically agreed with what you said. My comment agreed with what you said.

    And yet I’m a monster and shouldn’t have kids… right.

    This poster has issues and it’s not worth your breath to try to reason with them

  5. I think it's inappropriate. If it was a girl that did the same you'd be annoyed right? It's the same as he likes guys. And your bf is in a relationship.

  6. Okay that’s very true. Thank you for this advice! I think he didn’t even mean for me to be excluded but I took it so personally and so scared that I’ll never find somebody else. I am very young and have so much time

  7. OP according your bf I have cheated with numerous drs, nurses and lactation consultants. Plus anyone who got flashed back during my BFIng days.

    Please reconsider a relationship with such a small insecure man. These men make medical care almost impossible and living a peaceful life nonexistent. What could he call your yearly exam/pap smear? What about if you are having a dress fitted? I guess a topless beach is a no no.

    Also sometimes people get stupid with projection when they are the ones cheating.

  8. Thanks so much for your response. I think I may have not been clear. He was the one who said he wanted to stick to hookups and I said I’d be fine with that… and then I never heard from him

  9. Hello /u/Amazing_Macaroon4355,

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  11. Because he mentioned that they both work and didn’t say he’s doing significantly more hours, it’s a reasonable assumption. He can feel free to correct it. In order to justify him doing no cooking and cleaning, she’d have to be working less than full time.

  12. This is a great perspective, makes the whole incident feel not as shitty anymore. I felt very, very bad about what happened, so it’s nice to have something good come out of it lol

  13. Hmm sorry my bad.

    I am kinda a goldfish memory guy, and there are times that I wasn't paying attention to certain things that she says, but she gets mad at me for forgetting the things she said.

    For instance, she mentioned to me that she is having dinner at certain places however I got mixed up with her other dinner plans, and she was pissed at me for forgetting where she is having her dinner plan..

    I admit that I am at fault for not paying attention at certain times when she is telling me about stuff. Any advice ?

  14. This isn’t a relationship. You’re his cover story. He doesn’t love you. He cheats and lies, that’s who he is. Please get out before he permanently affects your health. He sounds like a personality disorder wrapped in an STD.

  15. Sorry bro.. Enjoy the little things.. Give yourself time to heal and connect… A fresh start and you will find your way.

  16. My BF is sad but he just is uncomfortable showing that side of him publicly, he’ll show it to me when we’re alone but when it comes to death he’s just really uncomfortable. He’s got a lot of empathy and I’ve cried in his arms multiple times and he’s been great.

    He will do things which I find really sweet. He will do all the chores, cook a nice dinner , take me out to get ice cream and cuddle me and run his hands down down head and sort of pet me

  17. He also makes his scrambled eggs in the microwave.

    TIL you can make scrambled eggs in the microwave.

    Scrambles eggs takes no time at all to make, how much time do you save with a microwave and is it really worth it?

  18. No. Because I just got out of a 2 year relationship in August, and she came made the first move. Pretty sexist to think a woman can't initiate a FWB.

  19. You need someone to be supportive of your schooling until you are done and then you will work and be successful in your career if she cannot wait then she is not the girl for you. At this point you cannot do anything by continue to study. Don't let this girl destroy your future.

  20. Invasion of privacy aside, you’re being a hypocrite. You slept with her on the first date dude. Doesn’t matter who initiated, you did it. Lie to yourself all you want, but sex didn’t mean anything more special to you. Let her know you’re snooping through her stuff and let her decide how holier than thou you truly are.

  21. No, you are 100% fine. If he's not listening to you, and freaking out about you trying something a few YEARS ago I'd call that a red flag. I think you need to try to communicate with him about how you feel, and try to listen to his point of view. Maybe he's misunderstanding something.

  22. Then she is not the girl for you right now. Was there much gap between the end of their relationship and the beginning of yours?

  23. I mean I thought she was being naive. She firstly wasnt aware of being the other woman and eventually learned it by him telling her that he wants a divorce and all. He came with the kost horrible stories ofcourse and my gf is definitely someone whod believe that. Personally I didnt know he was married until after she broke it off because she was too ashamed to tell us at the time, and wanted to tell us after because she was still heartbroken by realising she got used I guess? I think the man is at fault always, the woman, if she knows whats the situation, should be able to know that you dont want a man like that in her life. He was playing the victim always and I know this girl very well, shes really not a bad person at all. She felt very guilty all through tho, but genuinely believed the guy to be a victim of emotional abuse from his spouse. If she had told us earlier we definitely would have given her a wakeup call but yeah I think she deep down knew it wasnt right (that why she kept it to herself)

  24. There are always two sides of a relationship. Not everything falls on you…

    But it does seem you guys are just incompatible. That doesn't make you a bad person, and it doesn't make you “not good enough”. It just means this isn't working.

    I think with the right kind of person, things wouldn't feel like this.

    Perhaps there are things you resent him for and you're not willing to admit to it because you love him.

  25. Sexually you are not compatible with the boy. You probably should find someone you work better with.

  26. Honestly, I'm not sure Rogan actually has any opinions of his own. If he does, they don't come across in what he presents in the podcast.

  27. Your feelings are right. She did not include you for aesthetics. She made it clear photos are more important than your friendship. I don’t once how how much you pour into your friendship with her but it’s time to take a step back. Do not extend yourself in anyway. Absolutely do not help her with any wedding planning or events. Attend as a guest. Enjoy yourself as a guest. Save a ton of money in the process.

  28. OP, you're being manipulated.

    If he loves you, has strong feelings for you, he thinks about being with you literally all day, you're this one of a kind super extra amazing being to him that he just doesn't know how to be with…..why would he be looking at a picture of another woman when he was in bed with you?

    Why would the picture of that other woman specifically be from the last time he was WITH that woman?

    Meaning the picture had very specific undertones to it that he was looking at for a very specific reason WHILE in bed with you.

    If he thinks about having sex with you “all day”, why would he waste the opportunity once it was literally in front of him to do the thing he was allegedly obsessing over all day?

    He doesn't have genuine feelings for you. His feelings are troubled that you kicked him out after catching him being a sleezeball. He doesn't want to lose the opportunity to have sex with someone so he's backpeddling and trying to tell you what he thinks you need to hear to forgive him and continue having sex with him.

    Whipping out a picture of someone else during the act when it has not been explicitly agreed on as a mutual kink or an established part of your encounter is disrespectful as fuck. And honestly it's gross. It's not like he asked to put porn on to get you both in the mood. He whipped out a picture of his OTHER FWB, mid act, and tried to hide it from you. Once he knew he had been busted, he spun this manipulative and shitty story about how he's a victim to his own feelings and it's for the best that he forgets about you now! Lest his little wounded heart finally, pathetically give out from the conflict as the curtain falls slowly and sadly and the crowd boos him for his shitty performance.

    It's up to you to decide if this is the type of person you want to keep casually seeing. But as an outsider looking in I've observed that he:

    Does not have respect for his sexual partners. Evidence: he wasn't even looking at you during his time with you. He's whipping out pics of his other partner without her consent, around people (you) who did not want to see it. He respects you so little he will lie repeatedly to your face instead of owning up to something (denying the picture when asked).

    Lies instead of taking personal accountability. Evidence: Repeatedly denied something you SAW with your own functional eyes. Lied about this whole my feelings make me act out like a poorly trained animal thing. And I'm counting his apology as a lie because we all know this man is not sorry for the shitty behavior he displayed. He's sorry he got caught and is facing consequences.

    Is willing to manipulate you (and likely others) to get his way. Evidence: trying to rope you into believing he's some sort of victim of love so you'll keep having sex with him. Instead of just apologizing for being a crude asshole, he invented this whole story about his complicated feelings making him be this way, and you're no good for him because of it, but he just caaareesss so muuuuchhhh.

    There are millions of other guys in the universe. You could easily get a new FWB that won't pull this type of petty, disrespectful shit. If it were me personally, I'd leave his ass on read and block him. He didn't respect you, he isn't owed respect or validation back.

    You don't have to make that same choice. You do what's best for you, whatever that may be. But please don't fall for shitty half assed efforts from fuckboys that lack basic manners. You're worth more than that. Casual hookups still need to be kind and respectful. There doesn't have to be feelings invovled but you are a human being and you deserve to be treated like one. Kyle Jr over there can go on Amazon and buy himself a fleshlight if he's just looking for something to slap a picture over.

  29. How big is the venue? If it's a decent size, everyone can attend and not interact with each other. They're supposed to be adults. They should act like it. You can't spend the rest of your life having to choose who comes to your events and who doesn't.

  30. Bro. He using his gf as an excuse to get out of work and play with legos. I think he's peaked.

    He sounds like a spoilt 13 year old. You can do better.

  31. it’s your call, but 4 years man, come on there is no way all this time she has been interested in you. She ran through some guys and wants to use you as her “backup” plan

  32. Well congratulations you dodge a bullet, especially being 4 months of getting married man now that would have been horrible you find out after. But hey the pain only temporary. Crazy if she had all this issue why didn’t she bring it up? She is just a shitty human being but hey my favorite saying karma has a funny way of getting payback just move on with your own life and let the world take care of it.

  33. You think cheating or the lack thereof is the only barometer of a decent marriage? I think being married to an asshole who wants to control everything and refuses to speak to his wife and son is plenty reason to rethink. Those would be part of my requirements. I'm not sure anyone but you and your partner need to care what yours are.

    Her husband is the epitome of self centered.

  34. For me, when I fall in love with someone, my preferences change so that they are a 10/10 because they have the exact same looks as the person I want to be with. Things that are imperfections about them become unique features that I love about them. Like, you ever see an old couple look at each other and one says something corny like, “you are more beautiful than the day I met you”? That kind of energy is real and exists between people who experience true love.

    What your boyfriend (hopefully soon to be ex) is exhibiting is a relationship not based on love at all and based entirely on some sort of convenience, most likely access to someone to engage regular sexual intercourse with.

  35. For me, when I fall in love with someone, my preferences change so that they are a 10/10 because they have the exact same looks as the person I want to be with. Things that are imperfections about them become unique features that I love about them. Like, you ever see an old couple look at each other and one says something corny like, “you are more beautiful than the day I met you”? That kind of energy is real and exists between people who experience true love.

    What your boyfriend (hopefully soon to be ex) is exhibiting is a relationship not based on love at all and based entirely on some sort of convenience, most likely access to someone to engage regular sexual intercourse with.

  36. Yeah well why was this the dealbreaker to you? You tolerated the other things such as controlling what you wear? Wtf

  37. no you don't get CP from google or buy a sex slave on amazon. But the dark web exists and people find ways. The internet is dark and full of terrors.

  38. I don’t think it’s reasonable to assume that her sexual needs would decrease. I think that conclusion requires an explicit conversation. Assuming things like that is how you end up divorced in the first year of marriage.

  39. Given that she hasn't even been paying the interest on the debt (which was originally $180k) I'd say “No”.

  40. Maybe he went through something, positive or (more likely) negative and either really does or really doesn't want his children to experience it.

    Maybe he was highly pressured by parents and ended up with some trauma from that and wants to make sure the kids don't go through and that he can ensure that they can learn at their own pace and that “love must be earned by good grades” isn't a lesson taught at home.

    Maybe he wants to send them to CIA training school. Where they'll be trained in Algebra and Undercover Investigations where they'll pose as a fans of a garage band that's really a front for a drug ring run by a cartel of children.

    Maybe he's a secret extremist and wants to indoctrinate the children into a cult.

    Maybe he wants the kids to be performers, so he wants to be able to home school the kids as they go on tour playing improv accordion funk jazz across the country to packed stadiums of screaming fans.

    Maybe he wants to send one to public school and one to private school, or hold one back a year and compare how they turn out for the next 18 years for his community college masters thesis.

    Maybe he wants them to learn is his native language, or Esperanto.

    Maybe he wants too have them as children, ship them off to boarding school as teens until the graduate college because he doesn't want to deal with what he was like was he was a teen and wants to make it someone else's problem.

    Maybe he's an alien sent to infiltrate earth and needs to be able to teach them advanced technology, without the earthlings finding out, so that they'll be able to sabotage earth's defenses leaving us vulnerable to invasion.

    Maybe he sees government schools as a tool of the devil and needs to ensure his kids don't go there and lose their immortal souls.

    Maybe he's writing a book about two siblings and has the backstory about their education worked out, but can't seem to get a satisfying conclusion so he wants to recreate the education laid out in the book with his children. That way he can just watch them to see what happens so he can finish his novel.

    Maybe he's going to refuse to help pay for college because it's a bad investment, especially when he can get 3:1 on Santa's Little Helper in the fourth race next Wednesday; it's a sure thing this time.

    Maybe he wants to do the “year round” school thing, multiple smaller breaks rather than one long Summer break between years. Since taking all of summer off causes a decline in proficiency, and much time is spent getting students back up to speed, thus impeding progression.

    The “something” truly is endless.

  41. Wowsers why are you with this guy? Leave him, can you imagine the hang ups he’d give future kids?!

  42. OP. You have posted this question for almost 8 months. What do you need from people? What can be answered to help you? Please let us know

  43. If she didn't have anything to hide then she wouldn't have deleted everything on her phone & laptop (that's suspicious AF). You can often restore recently deleted data on devices, I would strongly recommend doing that. Your GF is showing a lot of red flags and I think your alarm bells are ringing for good reason.

  44. She doesn't have to pay. It's not standard for her to. Let's be honest, you only want to bc it's awkward at work now.

  45. My ex wife did this

    You will regret it all

    Find a partner who loves you AND likes you for who you are

  46. My ex wife did this

    You will regret it all

    Find a partner who loves you AND likes you for who you are

  47. Be real ma’am. What the hell is an exclusive fwb? That sounds absurd. If he won’t give you the girlfriend or wife status he doesn’t plan on being loyal. He’s telling you what you want to hear and probably planning on smashing another chick as soon as he touches down overseas. Deal with it or get another guy

  48. True, I’m not looking for a pen pal. I’m just going to ask him and get it over with. Worst case scenario, he tells me he’s not even remotely looking for anything serious in the foreseeable future and I bail on him.

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