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Ivy-West live! sex cams for YOU!


Butt spanks [Multi Goal]

Date: October 5, 2022

47 thoughts on “Ivy-West live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. He posted this in amItheasshole first than deleted it because most with any common sense called him the asshole.

    Is what it is

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  4. Sounds like you’re clinging to the next person who treats you right. You’re not compatible at all. You’ll cling to the next one. Find an atheist or someone not into God.

  5. bfs not happy but honestly i was at my wits end with the brother he’s so constantly racist and sexist and throwing things around when he loses i understand that i shouldn’t have and i honestly all i really said was if he was gonna go to a high school so he could play i understand i shouldn’t parent and i feel like a bitch but i’m also mad i don’t know how to feel about myself anymore

  6. that's a really kind response, thank you so much. i do think we owe it to each other to meet, it's just difficult with his parents being so controlling. even if i flew over there – which would be extremely expensive considering they wouldn't let me stay with him, we'd have to meet in secret, which is no way to start a long term relationship.

  7. So… your siblings' weddings each cost the equivalent of what would have been their college tuition ?! ?

    Great choice indeed. Holy shit.

  8. I came to move in with my long distance bf(26m) who I've been dating for 11 months now, but, his ex gf (idk how old, f) still has keys to his house

    Wait, wot? Why can't he change all the damn locks?

    Something here sounds sus. as hell. Especially considering what transpires later in your post.

    and for his and my safety, we chose to find somewhere else to stay

    This sounds like a $1,000 solution to a $50 problem.

    Living here is great, F is so sweet and we all have alot of fun, but F's gf, who ill call W (25f), has known my bf since college and, well, they used to be fwb

    Out of all the places you chose to live, your chose to move in with your boyfriend's best friend and his old fuck-buddy who is now dating his friend.

    Were your aware of that fact at the time, before you moved in?

    If the guy has a house of his own, why is he hanging with his friend and his old crush who is seemingly stringing both guys along?

    and she even told me that he asked her out and she rejected him.


    The relationship between W and my partner has always been strange, for example, they always chose romantic duets when they are practicing singing and dancing together, (they do musical theatre), the cuddle up with eachother and once, my bf made a 'joke' and told W that F cheated on her (He didnt) and she believed him and they broke up for a month.

    You need to move back home. Your boyfriend is a liar, a user, and a manipulator.

    Now, it was new years eve and we had our friends over for a party. During the party W comes up to me and drunkly suggests that for new years we'd kiss eachothers bf, she said like Ryan Reynolds and Andrew Garfield did at the oscars. I told her that if she even comes close to kissing my bf, I will not hesitate to punching her, and my bf told me to calm down because it was his idea.

    Pack your things and go back home.

  9. I can't believe people are hating on you. As a man who's been through the ringer of life to some degree, I wish there were more like you because you see things how they really are instead of all those girls who just want the guy who seems like a perfect dude just because he's had an easier path. You rock girl ?

  10. They are located in the condoms section. Where the hell else would they be? This entire post is really making me scared for the future of humanity. I’m sure I don’t know how you are satisfactorily taking care of baby if you can’t locate the condoms that are literally with the condoms. Or you know, don’t have sex if you can’t figure out birth control. There’s no cycle breakers at your house.

  11. You're not a good friend, calling your friend a 'hoe' on social media is low. Also, by the way, it's 'ho' no 'e'.

  12. i used to be in therapy a few years back but it got so expensive and now already barely getting by with bills makes it so very hot. I would love to be able to get back into therapy though. I hate how expensive even just life is

  13. Dude, its over. Do not fucking agree to something that is going to make you feel this way. You have to put yourself first sometimes instead of just thinking of her. She wanted ti have sex with a girl behind your back, thats called cheating. I wouldn’t be with a girl who tried doing that to me. Its all fucked man, just don’t go through with it and keep yourself happy, and that means not being with her anymore.

  14. MAN, I hope this is fake.

    Just in case it isn't: marital rape IS a thing, if you say no and he does it anyways, that is rape.

    You DO NOT owe your husband, or anyone else, sex. No means no, stop means stop. And if you don't want to have sex, you don't have to.

    He is raping you, I'm so sorry.

  15. This is exactly why you live with someone for a bit before you marry them. Y'all didn't pass this stage. Only option is to move on

  16. Not me but a coworker. But yeah this kind of shit happens and that woman is either really fucking crazy or is fucking someone else on the sly.

  17. Make a budget of what you'll need. Than agree to a percentage split. Meaning that you will both contribute x% to the budget. So if it's 10%, you give 2.4k and he gives 10k

  18. he hasn’t kissed me…I’m running out of possible explanations…

    Does your father, by any chance, own a shotgun?

    For religious reasons i am waiting till marriage but he doesn’t even know that yet

    It's possible that he's perfectly aware of this, and that this is the reason he's taking everything so slowly – because he expects you to react very sharply if he tries anything too early.

    Or, you know, he could just be shy and inexperienced.

  19. Bro you did this to yourself, you know that shit is never gonna leave your mind everytime you intimate with her you seeing your best friends dick in her or on her lips. Like why?! Why even stay for year and it’s still bothering you. Bro leave before you go insane cause it’s so obvious you will not get over it.✌?Your best friend was dick for not telling you he just nutted on her and let you date her for year, by the way.

  20. If wager that your husband is taking this loss incredibly very hot and the thought of upscaling the trip only because your not pregnant didn't feel right to him. Maybe talk to him about choosing a different style of trip, where you can both relax and reconnect with each other.

  21. Maybe you should talk with working moms too! You are being very judgemental on your stance that it’s what’s best for the kids.

    Having an unhappy mom at home isn’t necessarily the best option also! Also, you have been quick to dismiss happy SAHD, which I have known a few. I’m not a feminist, I’m just not for forced mindset due to genitalia. If that makes me third wave feminist, then I will take the title if I know I respect peoples choices.

  22. Don’t over think this. You’ll ruin a good thing by ruminating on something that’s nothing. Your best bet is to ask her. “Hey, whats your texting style, are you a quick texter, slow texter, get to it when you get to it? I enjoy texting with tou, of course but want to make sure we’re on the same page.“ and see what she says.Do this casually when in person.

  23. You had so many chances to prove that you are ready to change and make it work yet you didn't but now that he broke up with you suddenly you are serious.

    Leave that guy be and work on yourself before pursuing another relationship because you are not ready for one. Love is only portion of healthy working relationship.

  24. that i don’t trust her.

    That gave me a good chuckle. I wonder whyever not?

    You did the right thing, the only problem is you did it a bit too late. Of course she wouldn't make any concessions for you in the relationship because she demonstrated very clearly, from very early on that she is a hypocrite that has zero respect for you.

    Just don't get sucked back in because nothing is going to change. Move on, find someone more suitable.

  25. but she loves me that im sure of and i do love her as well, if she never wanted to reveal thois to me she would never have but she wanted to

  26. Tell him if he's obsessed with appearances to date a 20 year old. People age, the sooner he understands that the better.

  27. Are you his primary partner? (Since you're having twins it sounds like you are).

    If that's a yes, you're MORE THAN WITHIN YOUR RIGHT to always set any boundaries. If he's not happy with that then he can GTFO.

    (This is coming from an extremely experienced and long time poly 34 year old male btw)

  28. Yes! I help them clean up, take care of the pets, wash dishes etc etc. I try to be active around the house so as to not get kicked out by them :”)

  29. Lmao this isn't ADHD. He's blaming all his problems on it. He's fully capable of doing things on his own. But he never will because you do it all for him. Stop putting up with this. If his ADHD was so debilitating, he would've gotten help

  30. Please don’t support this nonsense.

    You are entitled to be your own champion. You may ask you boyfriend what type of man extorts emotional pain from a woman in exchange for their love? Ask him what is the value of a culture that requires him to abuse the one person he should be caring for and protecting?

    I think deep in his heart he is better than this. At least, I would like to think that of any stranger. He may just need the right message from you to help clarify his priorities.

    If not, I promise you there are people out there that will value you

  31. Confront him in private and dump him. Your mother shouldn't know, just like you said, her well-being is important.

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