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JadeDollyX on-line webcams for YOU!


Welcome to my world! Your doll #SUB #Brat , ❤

Date: October 11, 2022

2 thoughts on “JadeDollyX on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. It’s not about control but it would have been respectful to get your girlfriends opinion on the matter before agreeing I mean you know her better than we do

  2. Please look into the cycles of abuse. Look at the patterns they take. Read Why Does He Do That? By Lundy Bancroft. Abusers follow a weirdly similar pattern.

    He'll get you to quit your job and now you're dependent on him financially.

    Then it's we only need 1 car but I need it all the time.

    Babe you're home ALL the time (no car , no job remember- convenienly your little business won't count) you should do ALL the housework.

    Then it's you need to ask me for money – but we never have money for things you want.

    Suspicious of all your friends, angry at your family, so you 'no choice' but to cut them off. How dare you look sideways at someone who may have a penis?! How dare you entertain the notion he may not be a good guy? He's a NICE GUY!

    We neeeeeeed to move somewhere new. A new start would be great! Everyone hates you both here, they don't understand how much he 'loves' you…. You have to move!

    Then pregnant before you want to be and he'll be zero help. Maybe he'll get mad when you're tired, or too tired för sex, or that you 'let yourself go'.

    He only yells at you sometimes… But it's only when you make him angry or when the baby cries.

    Sometimes he throws things near you… Never at you. He doesn't mean it.

    He only hit you once. He had a bad day though. BUT he bought you flowers for the first time since you've been married.

    Bam abuse city and you cant leave because you have no job, no support system, no access to money to leave and a kid or 3 to support.

    Would you bet your LIFE that he's changed? That's exactly what's on the line here.

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