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Janemasqueradepornlive sex stripping with hd cam


34 thoughts on “Janemasqueradepornlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. it’s gotten to the point where i’ll finish a sexual act with him and he will call me broski/broseph after and once during it.

    I'm sorry, I know this is serious but this is hilarious to me.

    At this point he needs to prove to you he actually knows your name.

  2. I don't think anyone other than you is qualified to tell if something is, or is not, a deal breaker for you.

    If his reaction is something that you never want to see in a partner, then stay broken up. Especially if it really scared you. You can't continue this relationship if you're going to be around him and always wonder if your next fight is going to end up with him hurting you.

    Now, that said. And while agreeing with you that people are responsible for their own actions and that hurting someone is never, under any circumstances, okay.

    Sometimes (often) pranks aren't funny or harmless at all. Maybe you really scared him. He was really stressed, and suddenly he felt that he was falling backwards, and all the negative emotions that he felt in that moment were there just because you didn't have anything better to do.

    So, stay broken up with the guy. His reaction is still excessive. But take a step back, look at yourself and recognize that you were in the wrong too. Stop saying he reacted badly to something harmless. He reacted badly to something extremely irritating.

  3. If she threatens you by saying she’ll cheat on you then that instantly means you need to break up with this person. You’ll be less stressed when it’s over. I hope it works out for you!

  4. Maybe not cuddling with the opposite sex (gay or whatever) why is it everyone is in LOVE, yet don't have a clue what common respect is when it comes to a partner. I guess if everyone treats the other in the way they like to be treated we would not have a need for Reddit

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  6. Your bf called you plump at 124 lbs???? Oh hell naw. Please continue taking your meds. Depending on what you are on, stopping them abruptly can be dangerous. A man that criticizes your weight when you gain 12 lbs is not someone you want to be with. Weight fluctuates over time. It can be mentally exhausting if you have to worry about your partner saying something about your weight with every slight fluctuation. It is far better to find someone who loves you for you and not just what your human meat suit looks like.

    You can talk to your bf about how he made you feel and that his comments are not healthy or helpful, but calling you plump when you are a very healthy and reasonable weight is not a great sign.

  7. Good for you for putting up a boundary to protect yourself. By “NC” do you mean ghosted this person without having a conversation about it? The tricky thing is, you don’t have proper closure so it’s all kind of an open wound. 7 years is a long time. If he reaches out again, consider being honest. You don’t even need to go into details but telling them that something like “I felt the help I gave you wasn’t appreciated or acknowledged. I need my friendships to be a two-way street that adds value to my life instead of making me feel bad. I feel it’s better if we part ways.” I’m not the smooth operator that many redditors are, but I’d say it’s worth the difficult conversation to have clear boundaries and closure. Good luck!

  8. I fully agree! And from an outside perspective he’s clearly prioritizing it how he should be. She would prioritize it differently but it’s not her money (she doesn’t seem to understand that though). I don’t really think it’s about the money because really, she’s an adult. It’s definitely not his fault she couldn’t figure out how to take the bus (or a taxi? Uber? Friend?).

  9. There's a million reasons someone could attach such high praise to sex, could have been an incredibly up and down relationship so the “ups” feel meteoric, the normal sex could have been meh so it stands out, could be just rose tinted glasses, where you kind of convince yourself the sex was better than it was.

    You can't compete with a ghost or a memory, don't let it beat you down, just use it as inspiration to become her best memories.

  10. Thank you. We have talked and he's shown regret for hurting me, since I don't really consider this cheating I decided to give him another chance, I told him I'm ok with fetishes as long as I'm aware of what's going on. Here's to hoping he respects that, if not, I'm the one to blame.

  11. Study abroad. Yeah you’re in a relationship but right now you need to put your education first. It’s not like you’re gone for 15 weeks or more.

  12. Have you spoken with your mutual friends about what happened? Honestly, it might be for the best to invite them over, tell them the truth and why you recorded this last final conversation, and play the recording you did. He admits to everything in it doesn't he? Then they will know that he is the one who is acting insane. Tell them about how he has contacted your family and how he doesn't even know your brother and emphasize how unsafe you feel. If they're not on your side….then idk someone is wrong with them because this is insane behavior. Speak to the police to have it on record and a lawyer if you must. I doubt he has anything recorded that could be “damaging” though and is just trying to make you afraid.

  13. I literally went the very next day after unprotected sex and tested positive for chlamydia. I obviously did like you said though as far as the timing for testing for hiv though.

  14. I would consider cheating if my partner was sleeping in the same bed with the opposite sex even if nothing happens. That’s just disrespectful to a relationship

  15. You're so welcome. It's not an easy task, there's no simple solution, but you seem so grounded and have a strong sense of self, which is the foundation! Don't wavy from that.

    I saw a post earlier today about a psychiatric nurse saying you should never debate people's delusions. Don't give them that dopamine hit/ defensive position. Radical empathy is an opportunity to let them vent, but you must protect yourself from the emotional assault from some kind of detachment, as though the person is sick (which she very well may be).

    Don't be afraid of walking away/ setting boundaries. You can always come back and move on, but don't tolerate all out abuse.

    This will be difficult, it sounds like she won't change. You just have to judge how much is worth it and if you would be better cutting contact or not.

  16. ‘He knows I’m not stupid…’

    From his point of view—you’ve been putting up with his bullshit for a while now—so, in his mind you are stupid.

  17. You've got to use paragraphs – really very hot to read all that in my current state.

    I wouldn't worry to much about this. It could be an 'old fashion' belief people shouldn't move in prior to marriage. My mom wasn't too happy with me when my partner 'moved in' – why I kept it quiet for as long as I could.

    End of the day, if the Mom didn't like you, you would have noticed well before now. If this is the only catalyst, then it's the act of moving out alone, not you.

    Again, her rationale could be a lot of things: old fashion thinking to abusive control of her son. I really don't know enough to hazard a guess.

    Now it is a possibility she might show resentment towards you – but that's just an easier thing to do than to turn it on her own son. It's of no fault of your own, nor is her anger actually directed at you.

  18. I don’t enjoy disagreements. I enjoy healthy debate because no one (including me) learns or changes viewpoints in an echo chamber

  19. I know the text is suspicious but honestly it was written in a very strange way and it seems very fishy to me. I didn’t call the number he did and apparently he’s going to meet the guy now. The problem is I know how suspicious it sounds but I can’t think of a single way to prove it wasn’t meant for me

  20. As a young widow, I can tell you are not over your late wife, and you should not be dating anyone. It is not fair to your new GF

    It is not normal to ask someone to stop doing a normal activity like baking cookies because it makes you sad. Also, grief is not a competition. This is all very toxic behavior.

    Furthermore, it's not ok to decide that everyone you meet in the future will be second best to your former partner.

    I love my late husband and my current husband. The love is different but no less genuine. Most importantly, I do not love my new husband less because I lost my first husband.

  21. I used to work in healthcare and was bound by HiPAA. Conversations on my phone were legally bound to be private. I have conversations with friends and loved ones that contain sensitive, private details about their lives, and those are not for others to read.

    I would not have anything to do (not even friendship) with someone who felt they were entitled to access my phone. It's a very hot boundary, especially since anyone who pushes at it are typically folks who are going to latch on to anything they can to start a fight. I don't need that in my life.

  22. Sounds like he needs to apologize and tell you the honest truth without getting defensive.

    On the other hand, it's uncommon but not unhealthy to be in a relationship and find someone attractive. My girlfriend and I sometimes both get flustered over someone particularly good looking. But the difference is we have clear boundaries on what we're both comfortable with. If one crosses it, an apology is owed and guilt is admitted. Then we decide if we can move on and how.

    You shouldn't feel bad about yourself. He is being weird. If you can't get over it, then don't. Having boundaries and expecting them to be respected is one of if not the most powerful and fair reasons to do anything.

  23. I have a few questions first do you have kids with him? Second has he told you how long this fetish has been ongoing

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