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Jasmine55 live! webcams for YOU!


jasmine55 Public Chat Channel

Date: January 16, 2023

4 thoughts on “Jasmine55 live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Hugging and cuddling are not the same thing. I will gladly hug all my friends and even some strangers, I will not cuddle with them though.

  2. The problem isn’t that he gained weight, the real issue is that he refuses to go to therapy or to address problems fully.

  3. “Might be flirting” also might not be, nothing is definitive and I’d leave it to her to sort out her situation before even contemplating the idea of doing anything. It’s not unusual for people in relationships to (not saying this is factually the case) get themselves into a level of comfort with someone else whilst things are unhappy at home but still have no real intention of doing anything besides enjoying the temporary relief and attention…only to want to stay in that relationship whilst the muse (you in this case) gets invested and hopeful only to be told “maybe if things were different”

    “What can I do?”

    I’d do nothing…if she has genuine interest there are obvious things she needs to resolve first, I wouldn’t entertain a damn thing here…too precarious

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