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Jen the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Date: December 21, 2022

38 thoughts on “Jen the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I’m currently studying and working, this job let me “choose” my shifts and respect my timetables at university and I really enjoy working there. Sean and I don’t see each other very much in this period because we work on different days, so that’s not the problem

  2. u/Born_Degree_6524, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. Your BF is a bigot and so close minded that I wouldn't waste any more time on him. He is so blinded by prejudice that he can't see that there are good and bad people in every socio economic group there is. This is so ignorant that I can't believe it doesn't drive you insane with the stupidity he is spouting. I think that you need to find someone who is more intelligent. There are also intelligent people in every economic group so they aren't naked to find.

  4. Well, he doesn’t make me feel bad about it. He apologizes many times. It's just me, I feel like I'm lacking something, or maybe I'm just insecure and think “I'm not good enough keeping a man”.

  5. I don’t understand her logic in wanting you to pay for her commute to work it’s not your fault that she has to commute

  6. Hello /u/AutisticKrabbyPatty,

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  7. Why? What should matter is how she’s treated him. She may have gotten therapy and grown up. Does she also owe her husband anal if she’s done it in a previous relationship? What if she’s been a doormat in previous relationships? Should she just lie there and let him walk all over her? What if someone has abused her before? Does she owe it to her husband to let him abuse her because that’s happened in previous relationships?

  8. Why are you with this guy? Like why is he so good for you to stay with him? Like this sounds like a 30 year child – I would break up with him for you

  9. Go on the vacation without your fiancé. Re-evaluate your relationship. What’s going to happen if you have kids? Is he not going to show up for the birth because of his brother, miss birthday’s and school events because of his brother? You are obviously not a priority now so how long will you tolerate it.

  10. I often find myself having thoughts about being with other girls sexually. I wonder if this normal even in a “perfect” relationship.

    This has nothing to do with how 'perfect' your reletionship is. This is all on your side.

    Do you think if you met the perfect girl that you would never have a shred of temptation? That all your inward battles would just magically disappear? It's unlikely. This is a habit of yours, nothing more.

    Think about it…

    If you are out there on the dating scene, searching for the 'one'… You have to be capable of being the 'one' yourself. Do you think 'the perfect boyfriend' would have those kind of temptations? You're putting up a wall by not focusing on your GF enough and restricting her from consuming all of your heart.

    This is a you problem, not a reletionship problem.

  11. I often find myself having thoughts about being with other girls sexually. I wonder if this normal even in a “perfect” relationship.

    This has nothing to do with how 'perfect' your reletionship is. This is all on your side.

    Do you think if you met the perfect girl that you would never have a shred of temptation? That all your inward battles would just magically disappear? It's unlikely. This is a habit of yours, nothing more.

    Think about it…

    If you are out there on the dating scene, searching for the 'one'… You have to be capable of being the 'one' yourself. Do you think 'the perfect boyfriend' would have those kind of temptations? You're putting up a wall by not focusing on your GF enough and restricting her from consuming all of your heart.

    This is a you problem, not a reletionship problem.

  12. Look, I've been in relationships, I've been married, and I just got out of a 5 year LTR not long ago. I'm well-versed on how money is spent in a relationship.

  13. Break up. You're both really adamant on what you each want for yourselves and it doesn't match up. It's sad, because you obviously like each other, but at least one of you will end up unhappy.

    Either he will long for the kids he didn't have and resent you for not wanting them, or you'll end up having kids you don't want and resenting him for convincing you.


    Break up amicably. You have different life goals and that's okay. It's sad, but it's okay.

  14. I am 23, my boyfriend is 22 and if he did or acted like this at ALL, I would dump him. This is appalling behavior! Stop trying to “fix” him, OP. It’s not worth it. If he isn’t a decent man to begin with, why do you need to school him on common decency and empathy? He’s 35 years old. Your average person doesn’t act like this. Find someone else.

  15. Imo both are wrong here. Your dad a bit more than your BF: Your BF chooses to ventilate his view on something that's sensitive to your dad. He could've just skipped the subject, but decided not to. Sure, his view is nuanced, the way you wrote it, but still: it's a sensitive subject.

    Your dad could've also skipped it because BF was referring to music, not a cop shooting.

    So i think both were going in for the confrontation, which is fine, but if you do so, be prepared to deal with the fallout.

    Your dad is the most in the wrong here, because he decides to involve you in this by asking you to evaluate your relationship after this. That's cheap.

  16. This needs putting into perspective. If she hurt your child would he forgive and forget? This is absolutely revolting and twisted. You are your own person you can literally just go no contact with her!

    Is your boyfriend gonna be someone you could eventually marry with this completely gross and dysfunctional relationship???

  17. To refuse to acknowledge the child. Obviously he cannot force her to abort.

    If he is in USA I suppose he is kinda screwed. I was thinking other nations.

  18. There are so many grayed areas with porn.

    Watching a video to get yourself off? Cool, you do you.

    Watching it with your partner and you both get excited? Even better.

    Watching it every single day, no matter what? Allowing it to ruin relationships, watching it at work, and your choice of videos getting progressively worse? There’s a problem.

    There is a difference between watching it for fun, and someone who makes it their full time job.

    I know porn is a boundary for a lot of women, and that’s completely understandable. For me personally, I don’t have a problem with it. But from my downvotes, I I pissed off a few with that view point.

    However, I think there is a huge difference between going to pornhub, and watching a few videos to have fun to paying for an OF accounts, especially if they know the person on the OF’s.

    If you have to pay to watch, and then, you HIDE that paper trail from your partner—knowing it would upset them—I would consider that cheating.

    Anyways, that’s my worthless two cents.

  19. Bro don't wait for her to slip up you're a grown man dealing with childish behavior. Make an executive decision here and X this chick out of your life. You have the ability to either end the pain now before it gets much much worse for you, or alternatively have your brain twisted into a knot and your confidence shot out for years.

    You're a grown up bud, make the right decision.

  20. OLD has changed the rules a bit. Dating isn't quite as organic as it used to be. It's not like bumping into someone at the grocery store and saying “by the way, how about coffee?”

    Sometimes it can almost feel like a job interview. You're engaging with people you haven't actually met. The questions are all you have until you actually meet up.

    There's also the fact that everyone is just so stupid busy these days. Everything had to be done efficiently, including dating. The goal is to ferret out any deal breakers ASAP so you're not wasting time on a relationship with no potential. Again… Job interview.

    I wouldn't say that question all by itself is a red flag, but as always, stay cautious and protect yourself.

  21. He is exhibiting horrible behavior. This may be an unpopular opinion but there is no reason for a man in a relationship to be following models on Instagram, or liking their pictures. The only reason is to get horny.

    It is so disrespectful, especially right Infront of you! And commenting on women's bodies in movies is also extremely disrespectful!

    And the fact that he does not compliment you makes it much worse.

    Have you brought up these two issues with him? How does he react? You need to tell him what he does hurts you, and if he doesn't change consider ending it.

  22. Does he ? I mean he's not compromising either. It's litteraly “Do as I want but don't hope for me to do my part, even if you would like to do another way.”.

    It's just like you wanted to cook pasta because you don't like to cook meat because it's too difficult for you, he insists you cook meat but he doesn't want to cook it knowing you don't know how to cook.

    Or wants to go to the mountains when you would like to go to the beach, but don't get any hotels, activities, restaurants to go to at the mountains.

    And honestly, my spouse would never call me a jerk. We can argue, we can disagree, we can be angry, but name-calling is at the bare minimum a way for couple therapy. You deserve respect, especially when he's at fault. He needs to get that he's not a teen anymore.

  23. He has a great job in IT. He travels over an hour to get to work and is waiting on his recruitment agency to find somewhere close.. He has been offered many great jobs but over the past weeks but has declined as they are all similar distance to his current

  24. Think about a formal cohabitation agreement. When breaking up after living together, it feels similar to a divorce. Having the naked stuff nailed down, discussed and negotiated, prior to moving in helps a lot.

  25. Your going to cheat on your partner, probably with this ex your going for a “friendly” lunch on Monday. Either work on your relationship and go for counselling with her, or call it quits before you do irreparable damage to your partner by cheating on her.

  26. I definitely understand the intention. I once was feeling over confident because I had got a new knife and a male friend demonstrated multiple times that he could disarm me and kill me before I had a chance to use it. It was rough and I took it terribly but I needed to know. Maybe have a conversation with her about your intent.

  27. Unless you were specifically talking about how many sexual partners you each had then she was just telling you about her past relationships. You can talk about it and how you wish she had told you first before random other people but let it go.

  28. Sorry U went thru that . I’m going to look thru the sub and see what others have said to similar situations thanks for showing me it

  29. I agree she's going about it the wrong way, but I'm also willing to bet she doesn't have a whole lot of relationship experience to draw on to know how to go about it the right way.

    My opinion is they both probably have growing to do, it's just a matter of if they choose to do it together or not.

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