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JeniWanna online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: November 3, 2022

3 thoughts on “JeniWanna online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I think it's obvious that OPs BF is the kind of person that needs to be held to certain expectations, clear and concise so he can't try and weezle his own logic or “interpretation” of the implied rules you might make yourself. Plus it's her house basically, she has the right to have some boundaries.

  2. Yeah, I wonder if he'd see through it…

    He might let me take him to the vet though. I'm more confident that he would let me do that. Could I really claim him just by doing that? Taking him to the vet and microchipping him? And how would I get his documents?

    I know, he's never shown physical aggression. But I've become paranoid still, wondering what it would take to make him snap. And I can't move, he'll always know where I am. I'm in the process of building my own house right now

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